
Showing posts from March 4, 2019

A fantasy book with seven white haired women on the cover

24 2 I know it’s vague and I don't expect anyone to know this, but I had a friend who owned a fantasy book with seven white haired women on the cover. I think each woman had their own brief story chapter, as it was a very thick book. Unfortunately I don’t know who wrote it, the title or remember what it's about. I'm bothered that I can’t find this book by Googling it either, possibly because it's an older (maybe mid to end of 90's to early 2000's) book. The few things I do remember is one of the women was a knight of sorts, one was a ghost. I think one also might have been a sorceress. I know I'd know it by its cover. story-identification books share | improve this question ...

PLC to Server to Web

1 First, thank you for reading this second, I'm a new to all this as i'm fresh out colleges and I'm tasked with developing this project that allows, a plc to read the input (analogue data) at the factory and send its data to the server(A PC) by wireless, at the factory. The Server will then upload the data onto a webpage; where it can be view anywhere, mobile or computer. Now questions: how do I let server read plc data how do I upload data into the webpage? I'm using MITSUBISHI PLC FX3G-14MR/ES-A and The website I'm doing is a Django framework/python Are there tips, any recommendations? or website where I can start? django database connection plc share | improve this ques...