
Showing posts from December 13, 2018

Identity Server 4 with appAuth - How do i set additionalParameters for appAuthResponse in IDS4

up vote 1 down vote favorite We are using the React Native appAuth library( with Identity Server 4. and attempting to make use of the additionalParameters on the response. The reason for this is we have a language selector on the IDS4 login page and we wish to send the selected language back to the Native app and have the appAuth library receive this, so the app can adjust accordingly. How do i modify Identity Server to do this return authorize(Auth.getConfig()) .then(authDetails => { const { lang } = authDetails.additionalParameters; if (!lang) return authDetails; return Auth.setUserLang(lang, authDetails.accessToken).then(() => authDetails); }) .then(authDetails => { store.dispatch(addAuth(authDetails)); return authDetails; }...

What's wrong with this Latex equation? Missing $? and undefinded control sequence

up vote 3 down vote favorite documentclass[10pt]{article} usepackage[usenames]{color} % Farbunterstützung usepackage{amssymb} % Mathe usepackage{amsmath} % Mathe usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Direkte Eingabe von Umlauten und anderen Diakritika usepackage{braket} (-1)^p=(-1)^{$P^{prime}$+$P^{primeprime}$} math-mode equations share | improve this question edited Dec 6 at 18:56 Peter Mortensen 533 3 6 asked Dec 6 at 17:15 tqink 16 1 ...