
Showing posts from March 30, 2019

pgf-pie - Show absolute values instead of percentage

1 I want to make a pie chart with pgf-pie that shows not the percentage inside the pie but the absolute values. For example 15 males and 3 females in my example below. Is this possible with pgf-pie ? documentclass[12pt]{standalone} usepackage{pgf-pie} usepackage{xcolor} begin{document} begin{tikzpicture} pie[rotate = 180, color = {orange!40!white, orange!80!white}] {27.78/females, 72.22/males} end{tikzpicture} end{document} tikz-pgf pgf-pie share | improve this question edited Mar 20 at 14:34 Phelype Oleinik 24.6k 5 46 88 ...

Getting an ArrayList from Firestore and the document name

3 I'm new on Google Firebase and I'm trying to learn something about it. I'm doing an Android app where you can create a group of person and set the title of the group..then, in the "group page", you can see all your group in a listview. The structure of my firestore db is something like this: users --> email(document) ---> Group(collection) --> GroupName(Document) and the group name document contains the partecipants arrayList (partecipant 0 : Name1, partecipant1: name2 etc). I would like to retrieve the document id(which is the group title) and the arrayList of partecipants, but I don't know of to use the for each in the code... This is my code: public void load_list_view(){ String email = getEmail(); final DocumentReference docRef = db.collection("...