
Showing posts from March 27, 2019

How to connect/disconnect OpenVPN from CLI in Ubuntu 18

0 Some guides suggest connecting from client with this command: sudo openvpn --config client1.ovpn But they only tell you how to disconnect with GUIs and I'm in the CLI. 1) Is this the best CLI way to connect from client machine? 2) What's the best way to close the connection (and possibly bring the interface down)? sudo kill <pid> seems wrong but perhaps that's what you're supposed to do... openvpn share | improve this question asked Feb 2 at 10:28 JSStuball JSStuball 123 4 ...

Calculate the double integral. [closed]

-1 $begingroup$ First of all I would like to ask you if you know a very good material that could help me with range of integration. $$int_{-1}^ {1} int_{0}^{x+2}y,dy,dx$$ How do I solve this question? integration share | cite | improve this question edited Dec 11 '18 at 3:47 Key Flex 8,582 6 12 33 asked Dec 11 '18 at 0:32 user2860452 user2860452 58 8 $endgroup$ ...