
Showing posts from December 23, 2018

Range .find fails for a single instance

up vote 0 down vote favorite Using Range find method to set a range that works in all cases except for the number "1". Instead of the correct row (which exists), it returns "-1" When I changed that particular cell to a random number it worked???!!! BTW, the process finds a master row in another sheet, restores info (this part fails) and then deletes target record. I do this in reverse so I don't need to adjust search for deleted records. Code below, any ideas? For inx1 = lastrow To 2 Step -1 If WSPY.Cells(inx1, 1) >= HldBillNo _ And WSPY.Cells(inx1, 1) <= (WSI.Range("AZ9") - 1) Then 'meets the billNo range Set hldcell = WSO.Range("A1:A" & lastrow2).Find(WSPY.Cells(inx1, 3), SearchDirection:=xlNext) ...

How to have two separate right curly bracket in align or equation environment?

up vote 4 down vote favorite I essentially want to get my equation to look like this, but can't quite get it. I've used drcases but then the alignment is difficult. I've also tried empheq, but still having issues. Any ideas? cases share | improve this question asked Nov 26 at 18:13 C.Hegg 21 1 add a comment  |  up vote 4 down vote favorite ...