
Showing posts from February 17, 2019

The real treasure was the numbers we made along the way

22 2 $begingroup$ Your task is to write a program, function or snippet (yes, snippets are allowed) that simply outputs an integer. However , you must be able to separate your submission into prefixes that also produce distinct integers. You cannot use any bytes that have appeared in previous prefixes. For example, we can have the prefixes: 1 # 1 (Now we can't use 1) 1-6 # -5 (Now we can't use - or 6) 1-6/3 # -1 (Now we can't use / or 3) 1-6/3+0xA # 9 Final submission Rules Your goal is to create to try and create the most unique integers, while keeping them close to zero. The scoring system is ((number of unique integers)**3)/(sum of absolute values) , where the higher your score, the better. The above example scores $(4^3)/(1+lvert-5rvert+lvert-1rvert+9) = 64/...