
Showing posts from December 9, 2018

Is there a way to compile VB6 in 2018?

up vote 0 down vote favorite The reason I need this is I'm porting a VB6 app and I'm getting a very small difference in the arithmetic between VB6 and C#. I just need to test a couple calculations. The one I'm most interested in is how this comes out: Round(2.24984, 1) If that comes out to 2.3 in VB6 I'm done, it's figured out. But if not there are a couple steps leading up to that which could also be the problem. An online VB6 fiddle would be ideal but I can install a virtual machine if I have to. compilation vb6 vb6-migration legacy-code share | improve this question asked Nov 14 at 18:59 user875234 ...