
Showing posts from December 24, 2018

Biblatex problem with full stop/question mark/ellipsis at the end of title influencing later bib macros

up vote 2 down vote favorite I have a problem with biblatex-dw when there are titles ending with a full stop, ellipsis symbol or question mark. They are interpreted as end of a sentence and influence later bib macros. In the MWE the textelp{} (which is required here) of the entry ABC has the effect that the Trans. by is written with an uppercase 'T' instead of the desired behaviour of entry ABC2 with output , trans. b So I'm looking for a way to somehow hide the full stop/question mark/ellipses from the bib macro. MWE: documentclass{article} usepackage[backend=biber,style=footnote-dw]{biblatex} usepackage{csquotes} begin{filecontents*}{MWE.bib} @BOOK{ABC, author = {Cornelisse, J. W. and Schoeyer, H. Ferry R. and Wakker, Karel F.}, translator = {Smith, John}, title = {Rock...