
Showing posts from December 17, 2018

Wrap caption under subfigure with subfigures of different heights

up vote 0 down vote favorite I have two subfigures side by side in one figure, and one subfigure is less than half the height of the other. I would like to align the subfigures at their titles and have the caption fill the empty space under the smaller subfigure, then overflow beneath both figures. Is this possible? Below is the code and picture of how it is now. Thank you in advance! begin{figure}[H] centering subfloat{{includegraphics[width=5cm]{Fig10a.png} }}% qquad subfloat{{includegraphics[width=5cm]{Fig10b.png} }}% caption{Caption text goes here.} label{fig:fig10} end{figure} subfloats share | improve this question asked Jan 30 at 19:05 ...

AWT FileDialog filename copy/paste keystrokes?

up vote 0 down vote favorite I don't normally write java GUI apps, but I needed a simple utility and I managed to write it using Swing and AWT. The utility needs to open and save files, and it's mainly used on Macos. Apple recommends using AWT's FileDialog instead of the Swing file chooser because FileDialog acts more like the native Macos file dialog. So that's what I did. The finished utility works fine, except for one thing that I haven't been able to resolve. The dialog for saving a file includes a text box to type in a filename. Right-clicking on the text box reveals a menu with copy and paste options. But the associated keystrokes (Cmd-C, Cmd-V) don't do anything. The following program demonstrates the problem: import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.FileDialog; import java.awt.Frame; i...