Why does a THREE.js gilt clone in another renderer slow down frame rate?
I have a gltf-scene added to my main render: loader.load( 'models/model.gltf', function ( gltf ) { ... scenes['game'].add( gltf.scene ); } This works fine and I'm able to make clones without any issues: loader.load( 'models/model.gltf', function ( gltf ) { ... scenes['game'].add( gltf.scene ); var myClone = gltf.scene.clone(); scenes['game'].add( myClone ); } But when I try to add the clone to a second renderer things start to get tricky: loader.load( 'models/model.gltf', function ( gltf ) { ... scenes['game'].add( gltf.scene ); var myClone = gltf.scene.clone(); scenes['inventory'].add( myClone ); } The frame rate drops dramatically when both gilt scenes are within camera view on both ...