
Showing posts from March 11, 2019

Include guides for staples within binding offset

0 I’m dealing with this setup: documentclass[twoside]{exam} usepackage[ letterpaper, twoside, bindingoffset=0.5in, inner=0.75in, outer=0.75in, top=0.75in, bottom=1in, footskip=.5in, ]{geometry} begin{document} Text text tex. end{document} On the first page, I would like to include two dashes within the binding offset, to serve as guides to where to staple the packet. I’ve looked at several other posts and none of helped. I imagine it will involve TikZ , but I’ve also seen the background package come up. How can I achieve this goal? exam double-sided draw binding share | improve this question asked Mar 4 at 7:...

AWS | Syntax error in module': invalid syntax

-3 I have created python script which is uploaded as a zip file in AWS Lambda function with stompy libraries bundled in them. Logs for python 2.7:- Response: null Request ID: "c334839f-ee46-11e8-8970-612f1dc92e41" Function Logs: START RequestId: c334839f-ee46-11e8-8970-612f1dc92e41 Version: $LATEST CONNECTION Started CONNECTION established CONNECTION Subscribed [WARNING] 2018-11-22T11:07:12.798Z c334839f-ee46-11e8-8970-612f1dc92e41 Unknown response frame type: '' (frame length was 3) END RequestId: c334839f-ee46-11e8-8970-612f1dc92e41 REPORT RequestId: c334839f-ee46-11e8-8970-612f1dc92e41 Duration: 10027.75 ms Billed Duration: 10100 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 30 MB My Code:- import time import boto3 import stomp kinesis_client = boto3.client(...