
Showing posts from February 21, 2019

Why it mustn't be a sigma algebra?

2 1 $begingroup$ We have $(Omega, mathcal F, P)$ , some probability space. Let $mathcal F_1$ - some sub-algebra of $mathcal F$ and $forall n$ define $mathcal F_{n+1}$ as class of sets, which received by countable intersecting or countable union from $mathcal F_n$ . How to prove, that $cup_{n in mathbb N} mathcal F_n$ mustn't be even $sigma$ -algebra? Does it exists some counterexample? probability-theory measure-theory share | cite | improve this question asked Dec 3 '18 at 15:11 anykk anykk 66 5 $endgroup$ ...

Licensing an idea to public?

2 With my research, it looks like a patent doesn't really make much profit from it due to the high maintenance fee. So I'm thinking is it possible to license my idea to public (for free or way less money) so that anyone can integrate into their product while they can't register as their patent. Something like Creative Common for innovations. Is there such a method? united-states patents creative-commons public-domain share | improve this question edited Feb 15 at 2:38 Community ♦ 1 asked Feb 14 at 19:03 ...