How can I copy specific rows from several worksheets to another with Excel VBA?
Every month end I have to copy data (say rows 4 to the last row of some worksheets (say worksheets 2 - 7, but in fact there are numerous worksheets and rows) to worksheet 1, start the pasting from row 4 of worksheet 1. I do try my very best to look out the answer from stack overflow and other website. Given I am a layman of VBA Excel, I can't really customize those code to my case. I would be very grateful if anyone could give me a hand. Thank you. Below is a fail example I do by myself Sub test1() Workbooks.Open Filename:="file location" Worksheets(2).Activate a = Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row For a1 = 3 To a Worksheets(2).Row(a1).Copy Worksheets(1).Activate Worksheets(1).Rows(a).PasteSpecial Next End Sub Thank...