How to reboot Ubuntu from Android using SSH?
I use SSH to access Ubuntu 18.10 from my Android phone. (I don't think it is important but I do that through a plugin in AIO Launcher.) The SSH connection works, I am able to turn off/on the volume by amixer -q -D pulse sset Master toggle . But I need to be able to reboot/shut down the computer using my phone and this does not work. I tested that typing systemctl reboot to the command line of my Ubuntu PC reboots the computer (no need to type "sudo"). But typing the same to my phone does nothing. I believe that this is the expected behaviour as I am expected to have superadmin privilegs to restart the computer by SSH. But unfortunately, typing sudo systemctl reboot does also nothing (I expected to be asked for my password but it is not the case). The journal says this about it: Accepted ...