How to draw a torus


Is there an easy way to draw a contour image of torus below with tikz? Or for that matter with any other graphics package.

enter image description here

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    Is there an easy way to draw a contour image of torus below with tikz? Or for that matter with any other graphics package.

    enter image description here

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      Is there an easy way to draw a contour image of torus below with tikz? Or for that matter with any other graphics package.

      enter image description here

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      Is there an easy way to draw a contour image of torus below with tikz? Or for that matter with any other graphics package.

      enter image description here

      tikz-pgf diagrams

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      edited May 21 '12 at 13:08

      kiss my armpit



      asked Jul 27 '10 at 11:12




          9 Answers





          One fairly easy, but a bit rough-and-ready, would be to load that picture as the background in Inkscape, then draw over the top an SVG version of it, and finally export it to TikZ using the export-tikz plugin.

          Actually, for a simple picture like this one you could do it "by hand" in TikZ: use TikZ to draw on top of the picture, adjust the parameters until it looks right, then remove the background.

          Other than that, work out the equation of what you're seeing and code that into TikZ. I thought about doing this when I was trying to draw a torus (see my other answer) and decided that I couldn't be bothered to work out the details so would draw a torus "as it was meant to be" (namely, a product of circles).

          Edit: Here's the result, a little tweaked afterwards:

          draw (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
          draw[xscale=-1] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
          draw[rotate=180] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
          draw[yscale=-1] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);

          draw (-2,.2) .. controls (-1.5,-0.3) and (-1,-0.5) .. (0,-.5) .. controls (1,-0.5) and (1.5,-0.3) .. (2,0.2);

          draw (-1.75,0) .. controls (-1.5,0.3) and (-1,0.5) .. (0,.5) .. controls (1,0.5) and (1.5,0.3) .. (1.75,0);


          Produced the following:

          torus via tikz

          share|improve this answer

          • I feared that this would be the answer. Thank you for your work!
            – Caramdir
            Jul 28 '10 at 14:08

          • @Caramdir: In reaction to the word "feared", I'd point out that the alternative is to work out the exact equations giving the points on the torus tangent to the angle of incidence (solving a tedious set of equations). Given that it's only as good as the medium it'll be displayed on, I think that the simplicity outweighs the inaccuracy. Looking at it now, I'd pull out the edges a little.
            – Loop Space
            Jul 28 '10 at 14:18

          • I hoped someone has already calculated that and put it in a nice tikz extension. But you are right, pictures like this are always intended for illustration anyway, so they do not need to be completely accurate.
            – Caramdir
            Jul 28 '10 at 14:24

          • @Caramdir: For some unknown reason, this one's been bugging me recently. I've found a reasonable set of beziers that draw the outside of the torus when seen from a reasonable range of angles, but the inside has so far eluded me. Any ideas on how to define the inner curve (conceptually, I mean: what properties should it satisfy)?
            – Loop Space
            Jun 13 '11 at 21:19

          • @Andrew: It should be where the direction of projection is tangent to the torus. I finally sat down and did the math: If the torus is parametrized by (φ,ψ) (i.e. given by (R.cos φ + r.cos(φ)*cos(ψ), R.sin(φ) + r.sin(φ).cos(ψ), r.sin(ψ))), and the projection is along the vector (a,b,c), then the lines are the (visible parts of the) solutions to c.sin ψ + (a.cos φ + b.sin φ).cos ψ = 0. Solving for one variable and plotting gives a neat way to draw the torus, except that it also draws the hidden parts of the inner line.
            – Caramdir
            Jun 13 '11 at 23:35


          without a grid


          psset{viewpoint=30 0 15 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,lightsrc=viewpoint}
          psSolid[object=tore,r1=5,r0=1,ngrid=36 72,fillcolor=blue!30,grid=false]%


          enter image description here

          with a grid and colors


          psset{Decran=30,viewpoint=20 40 30 rtp2xyz,lightsrc=viewpoint}
          psSolid[object=tore,r1=2.5,r0=1.5,ngrid=18 36,fillcolor=green!30]%

          psset{Decran=30,viewpoint=20 40 30 rtp2xyz,lightsrc=viewpoint}
          psSolid[object=tore,r1=2.5,r0=1.5,ngrid=18 36,
          tablez=0 0.3 1.5 { } for, zcolor=1 0 0 0 1 1]%


          enter image description here

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          • I just cut and pasted your code but I get error compiling
            – user126154
            Dec 14 '17 at 13:24

          • ERROR: Undefined control sequence. --- TeX said --- <recently read> c@lor@to@ps l.8 end {pspicture}
            – user126154
            Dec 14 '17 at 13:25

          • 1

            use xelatex and not pdflatex and, of course, you have not an up-to-date TeX system
            – Herbert
            Dec 14 '17 at 13:37


          You could parametrize the surface as (for example)

          x(t,s) = (2+cos(t))*cos(s+pi/2) 
          y(t,s) = (2+cos(t))*sin(s+pi/2)
          z(t,s) = sin(t)

          where both t and s take values on [0,2pi] and then use the pgfplots package.

          Admittedly, I'm not sure if this package was available at the time when the question was written :)




          domain=0:2*pi,y domain=0:2*pi,
          z buffer=sort]


          Or else with PSTricks


          psset{viewpoint=20 40 40 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,lightsrc=20 10 10}
          base=-10 10 0 6.28,fillcolor=black!70,incolor=orange,
          function=torus,ngrid=60 0.4,



          share|improve this answer

          • Can I insert autmatically ticks by at -pi 0 pi etc.?
            – lazyboy
            Sep 5 '12 at 22:59

          • @lazyboy yep, have a look at axis-with-trigonometric-labels-in-pgfplots
            – cmhughes
            Sep 6 '12 at 0:15

          • The OP asked for a silhouette, and not a plot of the torus.
            – Dror
            Sep 6 '12 at 7:03

          • @Herbert thanks for the feedback. Could you clarify- who can I use Pi without pst-math? I also don't understand how I've defined viewpoint twice
            – cmhughes
            Sep 6 '12 at 16:11

          • Very nice diagram! I added it to the PGFplots example gallery. If you would like to show further plots made by you, let me know - this would be great! I noticed that you are experienced in plotting. Also, if you sometimes might think about a guest blog post oh, to share some pgfplots tricks, I would be glad.
            – Stefan Kottwitz
            Mar 17 '14 at 11:19


          Anthony Phan wrote a 3d extension of Metapost, m3D, which is well suited to such things. As an example, he wrote some code to draw a graph on a Torus (last example):

          torus with graph

          The downside is that this fork doesn't support nice things like the mptosvg SVG converter, &c, nor the nice Metapost 2 extensions. I seem to recall some discussion of adding 3d support to the mainstream (i.e. Taco Hoekwater stream) Metapost, but I guess that didn't come to anything. But there is some fairly well established 3d drawing support for the regular Metapost language by Dennis Riegel.

          share|improve this answer

          • 2

            Looks good, but not quite what I was looking for. It is however always good to know useful tools, so thank you for the links!
            – Caramdir
            Jul 28 '10 at 14:15


          Here's a solution using an Asymptote module I am writing (which is still in its very early stages).

          The images:

          A vector image of the contour:

          enter image description here

          or, "just for fun," in a gif animation (my first ever):

          Note that, by design, this animation pauses momentarily when it is the same image (up to resolution) as the one above.

          The code:

          First, save the following code in a file called surfacepaths.asy:

          import graph3;
          import contour;

          // A bunch of auxiliary functions.

          real fuzz = .001;

          real umin(surface s) { return 0; }
          real vmin(surface s) { return 0; }
          pair uvmin(surface s) { return (umin(s), vmin(s)); }
          real umax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) {
          if (s.ucyclic()) return s.index.length;
          else return s.index.length - fuzz;
          real vmax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) {
          if (s.vcyclic()) return s.index[0].length;
          return s.index[0].length - fuzz;
          pair uvmax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) { return (umax(s,fuzz), vmax(s,fuzz)); }

          typedef real function(real, real);

          function normalDot(surface s, triple eyedir(triple)) {
          real toreturn(real u, real v) {
          return dot(s.normal(u, v), eyedir(s.point(u,v)));
          return toreturn;

          struct patchWithCoords {
          patch p;
          real u;
          real v;
          void operator init(patch p, real u, real v) {
          this.p = p;
          this.u = u;
          this.v = v;
          void operator init(surface s, real u, real v) {
          int U=floor(u);
          int V=floor(v);
          int index = (s.index.length == 0 ? U+V : s.index[U][V]);

          this.p = s.s[index];
          this.u = u-U;
          this.v = v-V;
          triple partialu() {
          return p.partialu(u,v);
          triple partialv() {
          return p.partialv(u,v);

          typedef triple paramsurface(pair);

          paramsurface tangentplane(surface s, pair pt) {
          patchWithCoords thepatch = patchWithCoords(s, pt.x, pt.y);
          triple partialu = thepatch.partialu();
          triple partialv = thepatch.partialv();
          return new triple(pair tangentvector) {
          return s.point(pt.x, pt.y) + (tangentvector.x * partialu) + (tangentvector.y * partialv);

          guide normalpathuv(surface s, projection P = currentprojection, int n = ngraph) {
          triple eyedir(triple a);
          if (P.infinity) eyedir = new triple(triple) { return; };
          else eyedir = new triple(triple pt) { return - pt; };
          return contour(normalDot(s, eyedir), uvmin(s), uvmax(s), new real {0}, nx=n)[0];

          path3 onSurface(surface s, path p) {
          triple f(int t) {
          pair point = point(p,t);
          return s.point(point.x, point.y);

          guide3 toreturn = f(0);
          paramsurface thetangentplane = tangentplane(s, point(p,0));
          triple oldcontrol, newcontrol;
          int size = length(p);
          for (int i = 1; i <= size; ++i) {
          oldcontrol = thetangentplane(postcontrol(p,i-1) - point(p,i-1));
          thetangentplane = tangentplane(s, point(p,i));
          newcontrol = thetangentplane(precontrol(p, i) - point(p,i));
          toreturn = toreturn .. controls oldcontrol and newcontrol .. f(i);

          if (cyclic(p)) toreturn = toreturn & cycle;

          return toreturn;


          * This method returns an array of paths that trace out all the
          * points on s at which s is parallel to eyedir.

          path paramSilhouetteNoEdges(surface s, projection P = currentprojection, int n = ngraph) {
          guide uvpaths = normalpathuv(s, P, n);
          //Reduce the number of segments to conserve memory
          for (int i = 0; i < uvpaths.length; ++i) {
          real len = length(uvpaths[i]);
          uvpaths[i] = graph(new pair(real t) {return point(uvpaths[i],t);}, 0, len, n=n);
          return uvpaths;

          private typedef real function2(real, real);
          private typedef real function3(triple);

          triple normalVectors(triple dir, triple surfacen) {
          dir = unit(dir);
          surfacen = unit(surfacen);
          triple v1, v2;
          int i = 0;
          do {
          v1 = unit(cross(dir, (unitrand(), unitrand(), unitrand())));
          v2 = unit(cross(dir, (unitrand(), unitrand(), unitrand())));
          } while ((abs(dot(v1,v2)) > Cos(10) || abs(dot(v1,surfacen)) > Cos(5) || abs(dot(v2,surfacen)) > Cos(5)) && i < 1000);
          if (i >= 1000) {
          write("problem: Unable to comply.");
          write(" dir = " + (string)dir);
          write(" surface normal = " + (string)surfacen);
          return new triple {v1, v2};

          function3 planeEqn(triple pt, triple normal) {
          return new real(triple r) {
          return dot(normal, r - pt);

          function2 pullback(function3 eqn, surface s) {
          return new real(real u, real v) {
          return eqn(s.point(u,v));

          * returns the distinct points in which the surface intersects
          * the line through the point pt in the direction dir

          triple intersectionPoints(surface s, pair parampt, triple dir) {
          triple pt = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
          triple lineNormals = normalVectors(dir, s.normal(parampt.x, parampt.y));
          path curves;
          for (triple n : lineNormals) {
          function3 planeEn = planeEqn(pt, n);
          function2 pullback = pullback(planeEn, s);
          guide contour = contour(pullback, uvmin(s), uvmax(s), new real{0})[0];

          pair intersectionPoints;
          for (path c1 : curves[0])
          for (path c2 : curves[1])
          intersectionPoints.append(intersectionpoints(c1, c2));
          triple toreturn;
          for (pair P : intersectionPoints)
          toreturn.push(s.point(P.x, P.y));
          return toreturn;

          * Returns those intersection points for which the vector from pt forms an
          * acute angle with dir.
          int numPointsInDirection(surface s, pair parampt, triple dir, real fuzz=.05) {
          triple pt = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
          dir = unit(dir);
          triple intersections = intersectionPoints(s, parampt, dir);
          int num = 0;
          for (triple isection: intersections)
          if (dot(isection - pt, dir) > fuzz) ++num;
          return num;

          bool3 increasing(real t0, real t1) {
          if (t0 < t1) return true;
          if (t0 > t1) return false;
          return default;

          int extremes(real f, bool cyclic = f.cyclic) {
          bool3 lastIncreasing;
          bool3 nextIncreasing;
          int max;
          if (cyclic) {
          lastIncreasing = increasing(f[-1], f[0]);
          max = f.length - 1;
          } else {
          max = f.length - 2;
          if (increasing(f[0], f[1])) lastIncreasing = false;
          else lastIncreasing = true;
          int toreturn;
          for (int i = 0; i <= max; ++i) {
          nextIncreasing = increasing(f[i], f[i+1]);
          if (lastIncreasing != nextIncreasing) {
          lastIncreasing = nextIncreasing;
          if (!cyclic) toreturn.push(f.length - 1);
          toreturn.cyclic = cyclic;
          return toreturn;

          int extremes(path path, real f(pair) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
          real fvalues = new real[size(path)];
          for (int i = 0; i < fvalues.length; ++i) {
          fvalues[i] = f(point(path, i));
          fvalues.cyclic = cyclic(path);
          int toreturn = extremes(fvalues);
          return toreturn;

          path splitAtExtremes(path path, real f(pair) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
          int splittingTimes = extremes(path, f);
          path toreturn;
          if (cyclic(path)) toreturn.push(subpath(path, splittingTimes[-1], splittingTimes[0]));
          for (int i = 0; i+1 < splittingTimes.length; ++i) {
          toreturn.push(subpath(path, splittingTimes[i], splittingTimes[i+1]));
          return toreturn;

          path splitAtExtremes(path paths, real f(pair P) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
          path toreturn;
          for (path path : paths) {
          toreturn.append(splitAtExtremes(path, f));
          return toreturn;

          path3 toCamera(triple p, projection P=currentprojection, real fuzz = .01, real upperLimit = 100) {
          if (!P.infinity) {
          triple directionToCamera = unit( - p);
          triple startingPoint = p + fuzz*directionToCamera;
          return startingPoint --;
          else {
          triple directionToCamera = unit(;
          triple startingPoint = p + fuzz*directionToCamera;

          return startingPoint -- (p + upperLimit*directionToCamera);

          int numSheetsHiding(surface s, pair parampt, projection P = currentprojection) {
          triple p = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
          path3 tocamera = toCamera(p, P);
          triple pt = beginpoint(tocamera);
          triple dir = endpoint(tocamera) - pt;
          return numPointsInDirection(s, parampt, dir);

          struct coloredPath {
          path path;
          pen pen;
          void operator init(path path, pen p=currentpen) {
          this.path = path;
          this.pen = p;
          /* draws the path with the pen having the specified weight (using colors)*/
          void draw(real weight) {
          draw(path, p=weight*pen + (1-weight)*white);
          coloredPath layeredPaths;
          // onTop indicates whether the path should be added at the top or bottom of the specified layer
          void addPath(path path, pen p=currentpen, int layer, bool onTop=true) {
          coloredPath toAdd = coloredPath(path, p);
          if (layer >= layeredPaths.length) {
          layeredPaths[layer] = new coloredPath {toAdd};
          } else if (onTop) {
          } else layeredPaths[layer].insert(0, toAdd);

          void drawLayeredPaths() {
          for (int layer = layeredPaths.length - 1; layer >= 0; --layer) {
          real layerfactor = (1/3)^layer;
          for (coloredPath toDraw : layeredPaths[layer]) {

          real cutTimes(path tocut, path knives) {
          real intersectionTimes = new real {0, length(tocut)};
          for (path knife : knives) {
          real complexIntersections = intersections(tocut, knife);
          for (real times : complexIntersections) {
          return sort(intersectionTimes);

          path cut(path tocut, path knives) {
          real cutTimes = cutTimes(tocut, knives);
          path toreturn;
          for (int i = 0; i + 1 < cutTimes.length; ++i) {
          toreturn.push(subpath(tocut,cutTimes[i], cutTimes[i+1]));
          return toreturn;

          real condense(real values, real fuzz=.001) {
          values = sort(values);
          real previous = -infinity;
          real lastMin;
          real toReturn;
          for (real t : values) {
          if (t - fuzz > previous) {
          if (previous > -infinity) toReturn.push((lastMin + previous) / 2);
          lastMin = t;
          previous = t;
          return toReturn;

          * A smooth surface parametrized by the domain [0,1] x [0,1]
          struct SmoothSurface {
          surface s;
          private real sumax;
          private real svmax;
          path paramSilhouette;
          path projectedSilhouette;
          projection theProjection;

          path3 onSurface(path paramPath) {
          return onSurface(s, scale(sumax,svmax)*paramPath);

          triple point(real u, real v) { return s.point(sumax*u, svmax*v); }
          triple point(pair uv) { return point(uv.x, uv.y); }
          triple normal(real u, real v) { return s.normal(sumax*u, svmax*v); }
          triple normal(pair uv) { return normal(uv.x, uv.y); }

          void operator init(surface s, projection P=currentprojection) {
          this.s = s;
          this.sumax = umax(s);
          this.svmax = vmax(s);
          this.theProjection = P;
          this.paramSilhouette = scale(1/sumax, 1/svmax) * paramSilhouetteNoEdges(s,P);
          this.projectedSilhouette = sequence(new path(int i) {
          path3 truePath = onSurface(paramSilhouette[i]);
          path projectedPath = project(truePath, theProjection, ninterpolate=1);
          return projectedPath;
          }, paramSilhouette.length);

          int numSheetsHiding(pair parampt) {
          return numSheetsHiding(s, scale(sumax,svmax)*parampt);

          void drawSilhouette(pen p=currentpen, bool includePathsBehind=false, bool onTop = true) {
          int extremes;
          for (path path : projectedSilhouette) {

          path splitSilhouette;
          path paramSplitSilhouette;

          * First, split at extremes to ensure that there are no
          * self-intersections of any one subpath in the projected silhouette.

          for (int j = 0; j < paramSilhouette.length; ++j) {
          path current = projectedSilhouette[j];

          path currentParam = paramSilhouette[j];

          int dividers = extremes[j];
          for (int i = 0; i + 1 < dividers.length; ++i) {
          int start = dividers[i];
          int end = dividers[i+1];
          paramSplitSilhouette.push(subpath(currentParam, start, end));

          * Now, split at intersections of distinct subpaths.

          for (int j = 0; j < splitSilhouette.length; ++j) {
          path current = splitSilhouette[j];
          path currentParam = paramSplitSilhouette[j];

          real splittingTimes = new real {0,length(current)};
          for (int k = 0; k < splitSilhouette.length; ++k) {
          if (j == k) continue;
          real times = intersections(current, splitSilhouette[k]);
          for (real time : times) {
          real relevantTime = time[0];
          if (.01 < relevantTime && relevantTime < length(current) - .01) splittingTimes.push(relevantTime);
          splittingTimes = sort(splittingTimes);
          for (int i = 0; i + 1 < splittingTimes.length; ++i) {
          real start = splittingTimes[i];
          real end = splittingTimes[i+1];
          real mid = start + ((end-start) / (2+0.1*unitrand()));
          pair theparampoint = point(currentParam, mid);
          int sheets = numSheetsHiding(theparampoint);

          if (sheets == 0 || includePathsBehind) {
          path currentSubpath = subpath(current, start, end);
          addPath(currentSubpath, p=p, onTop=onTop, layer=sheets);


          Splits a parametrized path along the parametrized silhouette,
          taking [0,1] x [0,1] as the
          fundamental domain. Could be implemented more efficiently.
          private real splitTimes(path thepath) {
          pair min = min(thepath);
          pair max = max(thepath);
          path baseknives = paramSilhouette;
          path knives;
          for (int u = floor(min.x); u < max.x + .001; ++u) {
          for (int v = floor(min.y); v < max.y + .001; ++v) {
          return cutTimes(thepath, knives);

          Returns the times at which the projection of the given path3 intersects
          the projection of the surface silhouette. This may miss unstable
          intersections that can be detected by the previous method.
          private real silhouetteCrossingTimes(path3 thepath, real fuzz = .01) {
          path projectedpath = project(thepath, theProjection, ninterpolate=1);
          real crossingTimes = cutTimes(projectedpath, projectedSilhouette);
          if (crossingTimes.length == 0) return crossingTimes;
          real current = 0;
          real toReturn = new real {0};
          for (real prospective : crossingTimes) {
          if (prospective > current + fuzz
          && prospective < length(thepath) - fuzz) {
          current = prospective;
          return toReturn;

          void drawSurfacePath(path parampath, pen p=currentpen, bool onTop=true) {
          path toDraw;
          real crossingTimes = splitTimes(parampath);
          crossingTimes = condense(crossingTimes);
          for (int i = 0; i+1 < crossingTimes.length; ++i) {
          toDraw.push(subpath(parampath, crossingTimes[i], crossingTimes[i+1]));
          for (path thepath : toDraw) {
          pair midpoint = point(thepath, length(thepath) / (2+.1*unitrand()));
          int sheets = numSheetsHiding(midpoint);
          path path3d = project(onSurface(thepath), theProjection, ninterpolate = 1);
          addPath(path3d, p=p, onTop=onTop, layer=sheets);

          SmoothSurface operator *(transform3 t, SmoothSurface s) {
          return SmoothSurface(t*s.s);

          To get the clean image, compile the following tex file as described in the comments. (The tex file should be in the same directory as surfacepaths.asy.)

          %usage (if file is named foo.tex):
          %> pdflatex foo.tex
          %> asy foo-*.asy
          %> pdflatex foo.tex
          import surfacepaths;
          int niceangle = 70;
          currentprojection = orthographic(camera=10Z + .1Y, up=Y);
          surface torus = surface(Circle(c=2Y,normal=X,r=0.5,n=32), c=O, axis=Z, n=32);
          SmoothSurface Torus = SmoothSurface(rotate(angle=-niceangle, v=X) * torus);

          To get the animated version (as a gif file), run the following Asymptote code. (For instance, save it in the file foo.asy, and then enter asy foo at the command line.)

          import surfacepaths;
          import animation;

          size(50cm,0); // Increased size and line width for better resolution

          int niceangle = 70;

          currentprojection = orthographic(camera=10Z + .1Y, up=Y);
          surface torus = surface(Circle(c=2Y,normal=X,r=0.5,n=100), c=O, axis=Z, n=32);
          SmoothSurface Torus = SmoothSurface(rotate(angle=-niceangle, v=X) * torus);

          animation A;

          for (int angle = 0; angle <= 180; angle += 5) {
          (rotate(angle=-angle, v=X) * Torus).drawSilhouette(linewidth(2pt)); // Increase size and line width for better resolution
          write("computed angle " + (string)angle); //output some progress indicator


          share|improve this answer

          • @Stiff Jokes: I was able to eliminate most of the flicker by increasing the number of Bezier patches making up the surfaces. Because of the way the algorithms are implemented here, this actually does not hugely affect the compilation time.
            – Charles Staats
            Jan 5 '14 at 20:10

          • Extremely excellent. Thanks.
            – kiss my armpit
            Jan 5 '14 at 20:11

          • Is there a way to modify this to obtain an outline of a double torus?
            – Jacob Bond
            Mar 9 '18 at 16:44


          I traced the original image to get the critical points. By setting showgrid to top and commenting out %rput(0,0){useboxIBox}, you can edit the critical points to get a better result that suits your preferences.




          temppsscalebox{-1 1}{temp}

          The following is the output:

          enter image description here

          And the original one:

          enter image description here

          share|improve this answer

          • Is my answer the most similar to the sample in question?
            – kiss my armpit
            Sep 8 '12 at 13:37


          Along the line of @AndrewStacey, I tried something slightly simpler. Using one ellipse and an two elliptical arcs, translated, I get the (almost) right visual effect, which is not at all accurate:

          enter image description here

          The code is rather simple and easy to tweak in case one wants to get a better/different visual effect:

          draw[domain=0:2*PI] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r)});
          draw[domain=PI/4:3*PI/4] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r) -1});
          draw[domain=-0.1+5*PI/4:0.1+7*PI/4] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r) +1.1});

          share|improve this answer

          • How can it be made fatter?
            – Marion
            Feb 21 '18 at 22:31


          This is a pretty old question, but I thought I might as well add my solution, which I think looks pretty good and doesn't require any complicated calculations:

          useasboundingbox (-3,-1.5) rectangle (3,1.5);
          draw (0,0) ellipse (3 and 1.5);
          clip (0,-1.8) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
          draw (0,2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
          clip (0,2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
          draw (0,-2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);

          torus image

          share|improve this answer


            Here's a quick and dirty way to draw a thin ring (I used this for a ring of wire in a physics problem).

            % outer ellipse filled with gray:
            draw [black, fill=gray!50](0,0) circle (2.05cm and 0.55cm);
            % inner ellipse, filled with white, a bit higher and smaller:
            draw [black, fill=white](0,.04) circle (1.95cm and 0.45cm);

            enter image description here

            share|improve this answer

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              9 Answers




              9 Answers











              One fairly easy, but a bit rough-and-ready, would be to load that picture as the background in Inkscape, then draw over the top an SVG version of it, and finally export it to TikZ using the export-tikz plugin.

              Actually, for a simple picture like this one you could do it "by hand" in TikZ: use TikZ to draw on top of the picture, adjust the parameters until it looks right, then remove the background.

              Other than that, work out the equation of what you're seeing and code that into TikZ. I thought about doing this when I was trying to draw a torus (see my other answer) and decided that I couldn't be bothered to work out the details so would draw a torus "as it was meant to be" (namely, a product of circles).

              Edit: Here's the result, a little tweaked afterwards:

              draw (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
              draw[xscale=-1] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
              draw[rotate=180] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
              draw[yscale=-1] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);

              draw (-2,.2) .. controls (-1.5,-0.3) and (-1,-0.5) .. (0,-.5) .. controls (1,-0.5) and (1.5,-0.3) .. (2,0.2);

              draw (-1.75,0) .. controls (-1.5,0.3) and (-1,0.5) .. (0,.5) .. controls (1,0.5) and (1.5,0.3) .. (1.75,0);


              Produced the following:

              torus via tikz

              share|improve this answer

              • I feared that this would be the answer. Thank you for your work!
                – Caramdir
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:08

              • @Caramdir: In reaction to the word "feared", I'd point out that the alternative is to work out the exact equations giving the points on the torus tangent to the angle of incidence (solving a tedious set of equations). Given that it's only as good as the medium it'll be displayed on, I think that the simplicity outweighs the inaccuracy. Looking at it now, I'd pull out the edges a little.
                – Loop Space
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:18

              • I hoped someone has already calculated that and put it in a nice tikz extension. But you are right, pictures like this are always intended for illustration anyway, so they do not need to be completely accurate.
                – Caramdir
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:24

              • @Caramdir: For some unknown reason, this one's been bugging me recently. I've found a reasonable set of beziers that draw the outside of the torus when seen from a reasonable range of angles, but the inside has so far eluded me. Any ideas on how to define the inner curve (conceptually, I mean: what properties should it satisfy)?
                – Loop Space
                Jun 13 '11 at 21:19

              • @Andrew: It should be where the direction of projection is tangent to the torus. I finally sat down and did the math: If the torus is parametrized by (φ,ψ) (i.e. given by (R.cos φ + r.cos(φ)*cos(ψ), R.sin(φ) + r.sin(φ).cos(ψ), r.sin(ψ))), and the projection is along the vector (a,b,c), then the lines are the (visible parts of the) solutions to c.sin ψ + (a.cos φ + b.sin φ).cos ψ = 0. Solving for one variable and plotting gives a neat way to draw the torus, except that it also draws the hidden parts of the inner line.
                – Caramdir
                Jun 13 '11 at 23:35


              One fairly easy, but a bit rough-and-ready, would be to load that picture as the background in Inkscape, then draw over the top an SVG version of it, and finally export it to TikZ using the export-tikz plugin.

              Actually, for a simple picture like this one you could do it "by hand" in TikZ: use TikZ to draw on top of the picture, adjust the parameters until it looks right, then remove the background.

              Other than that, work out the equation of what you're seeing and code that into TikZ. I thought about doing this when I was trying to draw a torus (see my other answer) and decided that I couldn't be bothered to work out the details so would draw a torus "as it was meant to be" (namely, a product of circles).

              Edit: Here's the result, a little tweaked afterwards:

              draw (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
              draw[xscale=-1] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
              draw[rotate=180] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
              draw[yscale=-1] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);

              draw (-2,.2) .. controls (-1.5,-0.3) and (-1,-0.5) .. (0,-.5) .. controls (1,-0.5) and (1.5,-0.3) .. (2,0.2);

              draw (-1.75,0) .. controls (-1.5,0.3) and (-1,0.5) .. (0,.5) .. controls (1,0.5) and (1.5,0.3) .. (1.75,0);


              Produced the following:

              torus via tikz

              share|improve this answer

              • I feared that this would be the answer. Thank you for your work!
                – Caramdir
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:08

              • @Caramdir: In reaction to the word "feared", I'd point out that the alternative is to work out the exact equations giving the points on the torus tangent to the angle of incidence (solving a tedious set of equations). Given that it's only as good as the medium it'll be displayed on, I think that the simplicity outweighs the inaccuracy. Looking at it now, I'd pull out the edges a little.
                – Loop Space
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:18

              • I hoped someone has already calculated that and put it in a nice tikz extension. But you are right, pictures like this are always intended for illustration anyway, so they do not need to be completely accurate.
                – Caramdir
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:24

              • @Caramdir: For some unknown reason, this one's been bugging me recently. I've found a reasonable set of beziers that draw the outside of the torus when seen from a reasonable range of angles, but the inside has so far eluded me. Any ideas on how to define the inner curve (conceptually, I mean: what properties should it satisfy)?
                – Loop Space
                Jun 13 '11 at 21:19

              • @Andrew: It should be where the direction of projection is tangent to the torus. I finally sat down and did the math: If the torus is parametrized by (φ,ψ) (i.e. given by (R.cos φ + r.cos(φ)*cos(ψ), R.sin(φ) + r.sin(φ).cos(ψ), r.sin(ψ))), and the projection is along the vector (a,b,c), then the lines are the (visible parts of the) solutions to c.sin ψ + (a.cos φ + b.sin φ).cos ψ = 0. Solving for one variable and plotting gives a neat way to draw the torus, except that it also draws the hidden parts of the inner line.
                – Caramdir
                Jun 13 '11 at 23:35




              One fairly easy, but a bit rough-and-ready, would be to load that picture as the background in Inkscape, then draw over the top an SVG version of it, and finally export it to TikZ using the export-tikz plugin.

              Actually, for a simple picture like this one you could do it "by hand" in TikZ: use TikZ to draw on top of the picture, adjust the parameters until it looks right, then remove the background.

              Other than that, work out the equation of what you're seeing and code that into TikZ. I thought about doing this when I was trying to draw a torus (see my other answer) and decided that I couldn't be bothered to work out the details so would draw a torus "as it was meant to be" (namely, a product of circles).

              Edit: Here's the result, a little tweaked afterwards:

              draw (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
              draw[xscale=-1] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
              draw[rotate=180] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
              draw[yscale=-1] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);

              draw (-2,.2) .. controls (-1.5,-0.3) and (-1,-0.5) .. (0,-.5) .. controls (1,-0.5) and (1.5,-0.3) .. (2,0.2);

              draw (-1.75,0) .. controls (-1.5,0.3) and (-1,0.5) .. (0,.5) .. controls (1,0.5) and (1.5,0.3) .. (1.75,0);


              Produced the following:

              torus via tikz

              share|improve this answer

              One fairly easy, but a bit rough-and-ready, would be to load that picture as the background in Inkscape, then draw over the top an SVG version of it, and finally export it to TikZ using the export-tikz plugin.

              Actually, for a simple picture like this one you could do it "by hand" in TikZ: use TikZ to draw on top of the picture, adjust the parameters until it looks right, then remove the background.

              Other than that, work out the equation of what you're seeing and code that into TikZ. I thought about doing this when I was trying to draw a torus (see my other answer) and decided that I couldn't be bothered to work out the details so would draw a torus "as it was meant to be" (namely, a product of circles).

              Edit: Here's the result, a little tweaked afterwards:

              draw (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
              draw[xscale=-1] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
              draw[rotate=180] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);
              draw[yscale=-1] (-3.5,0) .. controls (-3.5,2) and (-1.5,2.5) .. (0,2.5);

              draw (-2,.2) .. controls (-1.5,-0.3) and (-1,-0.5) .. (0,-.5) .. controls (1,-0.5) and (1.5,-0.3) .. (2,0.2);

              draw (-1.75,0) .. controls (-1.5,0.3) and (-1,0.5) .. (0,.5) .. controls (1,0.5) and (1.5,0.3) .. (1.75,0);


              Produced the following:

              torus via tikz

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Mar 7 '12 at 14:28




              answered Jul 27 '10 at 13:42

              Loop Space



              • I feared that this would be the answer. Thank you for your work!
                – Caramdir
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:08

              • @Caramdir: In reaction to the word "feared", I'd point out that the alternative is to work out the exact equations giving the points on the torus tangent to the angle of incidence (solving a tedious set of equations). Given that it's only as good as the medium it'll be displayed on, I think that the simplicity outweighs the inaccuracy. Looking at it now, I'd pull out the edges a little.
                – Loop Space
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:18

              • I hoped someone has already calculated that and put it in a nice tikz extension. But you are right, pictures like this are always intended for illustration anyway, so they do not need to be completely accurate.
                – Caramdir
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:24

              • @Caramdir: For some unknown reason, this one's been bugging me recently. I've found a reasonable set of beziers that draw the outside of the torus when seen from a reasonable range of angles, but the inside has so far eluded me. Any ideas on how to define the inner curve (conceptually, I mean: what properties should it satisfy)?
                – Loop Space
                Jun 13 '11 at 21:19

              • @Andrew: It should be where the direction of projection is tangent to the torus. I finally sat down and did the math: If the torus is parametrized by (φ,ψ) (i.e. given by (R.cos φ + r.cos(φ)*cos(ψ), R.sin(φ) + r.sin(φ).cos(ψ), r.sin(ψ))), and the projection is along the vector (a,b,c), then the lines are the (visible parts of the) solutions to c.sin ψ + (a.cos φ + b.sin φ).cos ψ = 0. Solving for one variable and plotting gives a neat way to draw the torus, except that it also draws the hidden parts of the inner line.
                – Caramdir
                Jun 13 '11 at 23:35

              • I feared that this would be the answer. Thank you for your work!
                – Caramdir
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:08

              • @Caramdir: In reaction to the word "feared", I'd point out that the alternative is to work out the exact equations giving the points on the torus tangent to the angle of incidence (solving a tedious set of equations). Given that it's only as good as the medium it'll be displayed on, I think that the simplicity outweighs the inaccuracy. Looking at it now, I'd pull out the edges a little.
                – Loop Space
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:18

              • I hoped someone has already calculated that and put it in a nice tikz extension. But you are right, pictures like this are always intended for illustration anyway, so they do not need to be completely accurate.
                – Caramdir
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:24

              • @Caramdir: For some unknown reason, this one's been bugging me recently. I've found a reasonable set of beziers that draw the outside of the torus when seen from a reasonable range of angles, but the inside has so far eluded me. Any ideas on how to define the inner curve (conceptually, I mean: what properties should it satisfy)?
                – Loop Space
                Jun 13 '11 at 21:19

              • @Andrew: It should be where the direction of projection is tangent to the torus. I finally sat down and did the math: If the torus is parametrized by (φ,ψ) (i.e. given by (R.cos φ + r.cos(φ)*cos(ψ), R.sin(φ) + r.sin(φ).cos(ψ), r.sin(ψ))), and the projection is along the vector (a,b,c), then the lines are the (visible parts of the) solutions to c.sin ψ + (a.cos φ + b.sin φ).cos ψ = 0. Solving for one variable and plotting gives a neat way to draw the torus, except that it also draws the hidden parts of the inner line.
                – Caramdir
                Jun 13 '11 at 23:35

              I feared that this would be the answer. Thank you for your work!
              – Caramdir
              Jul 28 '10 at 14:08

              I feared that this would be the answer. Thank you for your work!
              – Caramdir
              Jul 28 '10 at 14:08

              @Caramdir: In reaction to the word "feared", I'd point out that the alternative is to work out the exact equations giving the points on the torus tangent to the angle of incidence (solving a tedious set of equations). Given that it's only as good as the medium it'll be displayed on, I think that the simplicity outweighs the inaccuracy. Looking at it now, I'd pull out the edges a little.
              – Loop Space
              Jul 28 '10 at 14:18

              @Caramdir: In reaction to the word "feared", I'd point out that the alternative is to work out the exact equations giving the points on the torus tangent to the angle of incidence (solving a tedious set of equations). Given that it's only as good as the medium it'll be displayed on, I think that the simplicity outweighs the inaccuracy. Looking at it now, I'd pull out the edges a little.
              – Loop Space
              Jul 28 '10 at 14:18

              I hoped someone has already calculated that and put it in a nice tikz extension. But you are right, pictures like this are always intended for illustration anyway, so they do not need to be completely accurate.
              – Caramdir
              Jul 28 '10 at 14:24

              I hoped someone has already calculated that and put it in a nice tikz extension. But you are right, pictures like this are always intended for illustration anyway, so they do not need to be completely accurate.
              – Caramdir
              Jul 28 '10 at 14:24

              @Caramdir: For some unknown reason, this one's been bugging me recently. I've found a reasonable set of beziers that draw the outside of the torus when seen from a reasonable range of angles, but the inside has so far eluded me. Any ideas on how to define the inner curve (conceptually, I mean: what properties should it satisfy)?
              – Loop Space
              Jun 13 '11 at 21:19

              @Caramdir: For some unknown reason, this one's been bugging me recently. I've found a reasonable set of beziers that draw the outside of the torus when seen from a reasonable range of angles, but the inside has so far eluded me. Any ideas on how to define the inner curve (conceptually, I mean: what properties should it satisfy)?
              – Loop Space
              Jun 13 '11 at 21:19

              @Andrew: It should be where the direction of projection is tangent to the torus. I finally sat down and did the math: If the torus is parametrized by (φ,ψ) (i.e. given by (R.cos φ + r.cos(φ)*cos(ψ), R.sin(φ) + r.sin(φ).cos(ψ), r.sin(ψ))), and the projection is along the vector (a,b,c), then the lines are the (visible parts of the) solutions to c.sin ψ + (a.cos φ + b.sin φ).cos ψ = 0. Solving for one variable and plotting gives a neat way to draw the torus, except that it also draws the hidden parts of the inner line.
              – Caramdir
              Jun 13 '11 at 23:35

              @Andrew: It should be where the direction of projection is tangent to the torus. I finally sat down and did the math: If the torus is parametrized by (φ,ψ) (i.e. given by (R.cos φ + r.cos(φ)*cos(ψ), R.sin(φ) + r.sin(φ).cos(ψ), r.sin(ψ))), and the projection is along the vector (a,b,c), then the lines are the (visible parts of the) solutions to c.sin ψ + (a.cos φ + b.sin φ).cos ψ = 0. Solving for one variable and plotting gives a neat way to draw the torus, except that it also draws the hidden parts of the inner line.
              – Caramdir
              Jun 13 '11 at 23:35


              without a grid


              psset{viewpoint=30 0 15 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,lightsrc=viewpoint}
              psSolid[object=tore,r1=5,r0=1,ngrid=36 72,fillcolor=blue!30,grid=false]%


              enter image description here

              with a grid and colors


              psset{Decran=30,viewpoint=20 40 30 rtp2xyz,lightsrc=viewpoint}
              psSolid[object=tore,r1=2.5,r0=1.5,ngrid=18 36,fillcolor=green!30]%

              psset{Decran=30,viewpoint=20 40 30 rtp2xyz,lightsrc=viewpoint}
              psSolid[object=tore,r1=2.5,r0=1.5,ngrid=18 36,
              tablez=0 0.3 1.5 { } for, zcolor=1 0 0 0 1 1]%


              enter image description here

              enter image description here

              share|improve this answer

              • I just cut and pasted your code but I get error compiling
                – user126154
                Dec 14 '17 at 13:24

              • ERROR: Undefined control sequence. --- TeX said --- <recently read> c@lor@to@ps l.8 end {pspicture}
                – user126154
                Dec 14 '17 at 13:25

              • 1

                use xelatex and not pdflatex and, of course, you have not an up-to-date TeX system
                – Herbert
                Dec 14 '17 at 13:37


              without a grid


              psset{viewpoint=30 0 15 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,lightsrc=viewpoint}
              psSolid[object=tore,r1=5,r0=1,ngrid=36 72,fillcolor=blue!30,grid=false]%


              enter image description here

              with a grid and colors


              psset{Decran=30,viewpoint=20 40 30 rtp2xyz,lightsrc=viewpoint}
              psSolid[object=tore,r1=2.5,r0=1.5,ngrid=18 36,fillcolor=green!30]%

              psset{Decran=30,viewpoint=20 40 30 rtp2xyz,lightsrc=viewpoint}
              psSolid[object=tore,r1=2.5,r0=1.5,ngrid=18 36,
              tablez=0 0.3 1.5 { } for, zcolor=1 0 0 0 1 1]%


              enter image description here

              enter image description here

              share|improve this answer

              • I just cut and pasted your code but I get error compiling
                – user126154
                Dec 14 '17 at 13:24

              • ERROR: Undefined control sequence. --- TeX said --- <recently read> c@lor@to@ps l.8 end {pspicture}
                – user126154
                Dec 14 '17 at 13:25

              • 1

                use xelatex and not pdflatex and, of course, you have not an up-to-date TeX system
                – Herbert
                Dec 14 '17 at 13:37




              without a grid


              psset{viewpoint=30 0 15 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,lightsrc=viewpoint}
              psSolid[object=tore,r1=5,r0=1,ngrid=36 72,fillcolor=blue!30,grid=false]%


              enter image description here

              with a grid and colors


              psset{Decran=30,viewpoint=20 40 30 rtp2xyz,lightsrc=viewpoint}
              psSolid[object=tore,r1=2.5,r0=1.5,ngrid=18 36,fillcolor=green!30]%

              psset{Decran=30,viewpoint=20 40 30 rtp2xyz,lightsrc=viewpoint}
              psSolid[object=tore,r1=2.5,r0=1.5,ngrid=18 36,
              tablez=0 0.3 1.5 { } for, zcolor=1 0 0 0 1 1]%


              enter image description here

              enter image description here

              share|improve this answer

              without a grid


              psset{viewpoint=30 0 15 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,lightsrc=viewpoint}
              psSolid[object=tore,r1=5,r0=1,ngrid=36 72,fillcolor=blue!30,grid=false]%


              enter image description here

              with a grid and colors


              psset{Decran=30,viewpoint=20 40 30 rtp2xyz,lightsrc=viewpoint}
              psSolid[object=tore,r1=2.5,r0=1.5,ngrid=18 36,fillcolor=green!30]%

              psset{Decran=30,viewpoint=20 40 30 rtp2xyz,lightsrc=viewpoint}
              psSolid[object=tore,r1=2.5,r0=1.5,ngrid=18 36,
              tablez=0 0.3 1.5 { } for, zcolor=1 0 0 0 1 1]%


              enter image description here

              enter image description here

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Dec 14 '18 at 5:35

              answered Sep 6 '12 at 6:05




              • I just cut and pasted your code but I get error compiling
                – user126154
                Dec 14 '17 at 13:24

              • ERROR: Undefined control sequence. --- TeX said --- <recently read> c@lor@to@ps l.8 end {pspicture}
                – user126154
                Dec 14 '17 at 13:25

              • 1

                use xelatex and not pdflatex and, of course, you have not an up-to-date TeX system
                – Herbert
                Dec 14 '17 at 13:37

              • I just cut and pasted your code but I get error compiling
                – user126154
                Dec 14 '17 at 13:24

              • ERROR: Undefined control sequence. --- TeX said --- <recently read> c@lor@to@ps l.8 end {pspicture}
                – user126154
                Dec 14 '17 at 13:25

              • 1

                use xelatex and not pdflatex and, of course, you have not an up-to-date TeX system
                – Herbert
                Dec 14 '17 at 13:37

              I just cut and pasted your code but I get error compiling
              – user126154
              Dec 14 '17 at 13:24

              I just cut and pasted your code but I get error compiling
              – user126154
              Dec 14 '17 at 13:24

              ERROR: Undefined control sequence. --- TeX said --- <recently read> c@lor@to@ps l.8 end {pspicture}
              – user126154
              Dec 14 '17 at 13:25

              ERROR: Undefined control sequence. --- TeX said --- <recently read> c@lor@to@ps l.8 end {pspicture}
              – user126154
              Dec 14 '17 at 13:25



              use xelatex and not pdflatex and, of course, you have not an up-to-date TeX system
              – Herbert
              Dec 14 '17 at 13:37

              use xelatex and not pdflatex and, of course, you have not an up-to-date TeX system
              – Herbert
              Dec 14 '17 at 13:37


              You could parametrize the surface as (for example)

              x(t,s) = (2+cos(t))*cos(s+pi/2) 
              y(t,s) = (2+cos(t))*sin(s+pi/2)
              z(t,s) = sin(t)

              where both t and s take values on [0,2pi] and then use the pgfplots package.

              Admittedly, I'm not sure if this package was available at the time when the question was written :)




              domain=0:2*pi,y domain=0:2*pi,
              z buffer=sort]


              Or else with PSTricks


              psset{viewpoint=20 40 40 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,lightsrc=20 10 10}
              base=-10 10 0 6.28,fillcolor=black!70,incolor=orange,
              function=torus,ngrid=60 0.4,



              share|improve this answer

              • Can I insert autmatically ticks by at -pi 0 pi etc.?
                – lazyboy
                Sep 5 '12 at 22:59

              • @lazyboy yep, have a look at axis-with-trigonometric-labels-in-pgfplots
                – cmhughes
                Sep 6 '12 at 0:15

              • The OP asked for a silhouette, and not a plot of the torus.
                – Dror
                Sep 6 '12 at 7:03

              • @Herbert thanks for the feedback. Could you clarify- who can I use Pi without pst-math? I also don't understand how I've defined viewpoint twice
                – cmhughes
                Sep 6 '12 at 16:11

              • Very nice diagram! I added it to the PGFplots example gallery. If you would like to show further plots made by you, let me know - this would be great! I noticed that you are experienced in plotting. Also, if you sometimes might think about a guest blog post oh, to share some pgfplots tricks, I would be glad.
                – Stefan Kottwitz
                Mar 17 '14 at 11:19


              You could parametrize the surface as (for example)

              x(t,s) = (2+cos(t))*cos(s+pi/2) 
              y(t,s) = (2+cos(t))*sin(s+pi/2)
              z(t,s) = sin(t)

              where both t and s take values on [0,2pi] and then use the pgfplots package.

              Admittedly, I'm not sure if this package was available at the time when the question was written :)




              domain=0:2*pi,y domain=0:2*pi,
              z buffer=sort]


              Or else with PSTricks


              psset{viewpoint=20 40 40 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,lightsrc=20 10 10}
              base=-10 10 0 6.28,fillcolor=black!70,incolor=orange,
              function=torus,ngrid=60 0.4,



              share|improve this answer

              • Can I insert autmatically ticks by at -pi 0 pi etc.?
                – lazyboy
                Sep 5 '12 at 22:59

              • @lazyboy yep, have a look at axis-with-trigonometric-labels-in-pgfplots
                – cmhughes
                Sep 6 '12 at 0:15

              • The OP asked for a silhouette, and not a plot of the torus.
                – Dror
                Sep 6 '12 at 7:03

              • @Herbert thanks for the feedback. Could you clarify- who can I use Pi without pst-math? I also don't understand how I've defined viewpoint twice
                – cmhughes
                Sep 6 '12 at 16:11

              • Very nice diagram! I added it to the PGFplots example gallery. If you would like to show further plots made by you, let me know - this would be great! I noticed that you are experienced in plotting. Also, if you sometimes might think about a guest blog post oh, to share some pgfplots tricks, I would be glad.
                – Stefan Kottwitz
                Mar 17 '14 at 11:19




              You could parametrize the surface as (for example)

              x(t,s) = (2+cos(t))*cos(s+pi/2) 
              y(t,s) = (2+cos(t))*sin(s+pi/2)
              z(t,s) = sin(t)

              where both t and s take values on [0,2pi] and then use the pgfplots package.

              Admittedly, I'm not sure if this package was available at the time when the question was written :)




              domain=0:2*pi,y domain=0:2*pi,
              z buffer=sort]


              Or else with PSTricks


              psset{viewpoint=20 40 40 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,lightsrc=20 10 10}
              base=-10 10 0 6.28,fillcolor=black!70,incolor=orange,
              function=torus,ngrid=60 0.4,



              share|improve this answer

              You could parametrize the surface as (for example)

              x(t,s) = (2+cos(t))*cos(s+pi/2) 
              y(t,s) = (2+cos(t))*sin(s+pi/2)
              z(t,s) = sin(t)

              where both t and s take values on [0,2pi] and then use the pgfplots package.

              Admittedly, I'm not sure if this package was available at the time when the question was written :)




              domain=0:2*pi,y domain=0:2*pi,
              z buffer=sort]


              Or else with PSTricks


              psset{viewpoint=20 40 40 rtp2xyz,Decran=30,lightsrc=20 10 10}
              base=-10 10 0 6.28,fillcolor=black!70,incolor=orange,
              function=torus,ngrid=60 0.4,



              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Sep 6 '12 at 16:20

              answered Sep 5 '12 at 21:23




              • Can I insert autmatically ticks by at -pi 0 pi etc.?
                – lazyboy
                Sep 5 '12 at 22:59

              • @lazyboy yep, have a look at axis-with-trigonometric-labels-in-pgfplots
                – cmhughes
                Sep 6 '12 at 0:15

              • The OP asked for a silhouette, and not a plot of the torus.
                – Dror
                Sep 6 '12 at 7:03

              • @Herbert thanks for the feedback. Could you clarify- who can I use Pi without pst-math? I also don't understand how I've defined viewpoint twice
                – cmhughes
                Sep 6 '12 at 16:11

              • Very nice diagram! I added it to the PGFplots example gallery. If you would like to show further plots made by you, let me know - this would be great! I noticed that you are experienced in plotting. Also, if you sometimes might think about a guest blog post oh, to share some pgfplots tricks, I would be glad.
                – Stefan Kottwitz
                Mar 17 '14 at 11:19

              • Can I insert autmatically ticks by at -pi 0 pi etc.?
                – lazyboy
                Sep 5 '12 at 22:59

              • @lazyboy yep, have a look at axis-with-trigonometric-labels-in-pgfplots
                – cmhughes
                Sep 6 '12 at 0:15

              • The OP asked for a silhouette, and not a plot of the torus.
                – Dror
                Sep 6 '12 at 7:03

              • @Herbert thanks for the feedback. Could you clarify- who can I use Pi without pst-math? I also don't understand how I've defined viewpoint twice
                – cmhughes
                Sep 6 '12 at 16:11

              • Very nice diagram! I added it to the PGFplots example gallery. If you would like to show further plots made by you, let me know - this would be great! I noticed that you are experienced in plotting. Also, if you sometimes might think about a guest blog post oh, to share some pgfplots tricks, I would be glad.
                – Stefan Kottwitz
                Mar 17 '14 at 11:19

              Can I insert autmatically ticks by at -pi 0 pi etc.?
              – lazyboy
              Sep 5 '12 at 22:59

              Can I insert autmatically ticks by at -pi 0 pi etc.?
              – lazyboy
              Sep 5 '12 at 22:59

              @lazyboy yep, have a look at axis-with-trigonometric-labels-in-pgfplots
              – cmhughes
              Sep 6 '12 at 0:15

              @lazyboy yep, have a look at axis-with-trigonometric-labels-in-pgfplots
              – cmhughes
              Sep 6 '12 at 0:15

              The OP asked for a silhouette, and not a plot of the torus.
              – Dror
              Sep 6 '12 at 7:03

              The OP asked for a silhouette, and not a plot of the torus.
              – Dror
              Sep 6 '12 at 7:03

              @Herbert thanks for the feedback. Could you clarify- who can I use Pi without pst-math? I also don't understand how I've defined viewpoint twice
              – cmhughes
              Sep 6 '12 at 16:11

              @Herbert thanks for the feedback. Could you clarify- who can I use Pi without pst-math? I also don't understand how I've defined viewpoint twice
              – cmhughes
              Sep 6 '12 at 16:11

              Very nice diagram! I added it to the PGFplots example gallery. If you would like to show further plots made by you, let me know - this would be great! I noticed that you are experienced in plotting. Also, if you sometimes might think about a guest blog post oh, to share some pgfplots tricks, I would be glad.
              – Stefan Kottwitz
              Mar 17 '14 at 11:19

              Very nice diagram! I added it to the PGFplots example gallery. If you would like to show further plots made by you, let me know - this would be great! I noticed that you are experienced in plotting. Also, if you sometimes might think about a guest blog post oh, to share some pgfplots tricks, I would be glad.
              – Stefan Kottwitz
              Mar 17 '14 at 11:19


              Anthony Phan wrote a 3d extension of Metapost, m3D, which is well suited to such things. As an example, he wrote some code to draw a graph on a Torus (last example):

              torus with graph

              The downside is that this fork doesn't support nice things like the mptosvg SVG converter, &c, nor the nice Metapost 2 extensions. I seem to recall some discussion of adding 3d support to the mainstream (i.e. Taco Hoekwater stream) Metapost, but I guess that didn't come to anything. But there is some fairly well established 3d drawing support for the regular Metapost language by Dennis Riegel.

              share|improve this answer

              • 2

                Looks good, but not quite what I was looking for. It is however always good to know useful tools, so thank you for the links!
                – Caramdir
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:15


              Anthony Phan wrote a 3d extension of Metapost, m3D, which is well suited to such things. As an example, he wrote some code to draw a graph on a Torus (last example):

              torus with graph

              The downside is that this fork doesn't support nice things like the mptosvg SVG converter, &c, nor the nice Metapost 2 extensions. I seem to recall some discussion of adding 3d support to the mainstream (i.e. Taco Hoekwater stream) Metapost, but I guess that didn't come to anything. But there is some fairly well established 3d drawing support for the regular Metapost language by Dennis Riegel.

              share|improve this answer

              • 2

                Looks good, but not quite what I was looking for. It is however always good to know useful tools, so thank you for the links!
                – Caramdir
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:15




              Anthony Phan wrote a 3d extension of Metapost, m3D, which is well suited to such things. As an example, he wrote some code to draw a graph on a Torus (last example):

              torus with graph

              The downside is that this fork doesn't support nice things like the mptosvg SVG converter, &c, nor the nice Metapost 2 extensions. I seem to recall some discussion of adding 3d support to the mainstream (i.e. Taco Hoekwater stream) Metapost, but I guess that didn't come to anything. But there is some fairly well established 3d drawing support for the regular Metapost language by Dennis Riegel.

              share|improve this answer

              Anthony Phan wrote a 3d extension of Metapost, m3D, which is well suited to such things. As an example, he wrote some code to draw a graph on a Torus (last example):

              torus with graph

              The downside is that this fork doesn't support nice things like the mptosvg SVG converter, &c, nor the nice Metapost 2 extensions. I seem to recall some discussion of adding 3d support to the mainstream (i.e. Taco Hoekwater stream) Metapost, but I guess that didn't come to anything. But there is some fairly well established 3d drawing support for the regular Metapost language by Dennis Riegel.

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Jan 5 '14 at 20:11

              Charles Staats



              answered Jul 28 '10 at 10:50

              Charles Stewart



              • 2

                Looks good, but not quite what I was looking for. It is however always good to know useful tools, so thank you for the links!
                – Caramdir
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:15

              • 2

                Looks good, but not quite what I was looking for. It is however always good to know useful tools, so thank you for the links!
                – Caramdir
                Jul 28 '10 at 14:15



              Looks good, but not quite what I was looking for. It is however always good to know useful tools, so thank you for the links!
              – Caramdir
              Jul 28 '10 at 14:15

              Looks good, but not quite what I was looking for. It is however always good to know useful tools, so thank you for the links!
              – Caramdir
              Jul 28 '10 at 14:15


              Here's a solution using an Asymptote module I am writing (which is still in its very early stages).

              The images:

              A vector image of the contour:

              enter image description here

              or, "just for fun," in a gif animation (my first ever):

              Note that, by design, this animation pauses momentarily when it is the same image (up to resolution) as the one above.

              The code:

              First, save the following code in a file called surfacepaths.asy:

              import graph3;
              import contour;

              // A bunch of auxiliary functions.

              real fuzz = .001;

              real umin(surface s) { return 0; }
              real vmin(surface s) { return 0; }
              pair uvmin(surface s) { return (umin(s), vmin(s)); }
              real umax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) {
              if (s.ucyclic()) return s.index.length;
              else return s.index.length - fuzz;
              real vmax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) {
              if (s.vcyclic()) return s.index[0].length;
              return s.index[0].length - fuzz;
              pair uvmax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) { return (umax(s,fuzz), vmax(s,fuzz)); }

              typedef real function(real, real);

              function normalDot(surface s, triple eyedir(triple)) {
              real toreturn(real u, real v) {
              return dot(s.normal(u, v), eyedir(s.point(u,v)));
              return toreturn;

              struct patchWithCoords {
              patch p;
              real u;
              real v;
              void operator init(patch p, real u, real v) {
              this.p = p;
              this.u = u;
              this.v = v;
              void operator init(surface s, real u, real v) {
              int U=floor(u);
              int V=floor(v);
              int index = (s.index.length == 0 ? U+V : s.index[U][V]);

              this.p = s.s[index];
              this.u = u-U;
              this.v = v-V;
              triple partialu() {
              return p.partialu(u,v);
              triple partialv() {
              return p.partialv(u,v);

              typedef triple paramsurface(pair);

              paramsurface tangentplane(surface s, pair pt) {
              patchWithCoords thepatch = patchWithCoords(s, pt.x, pt.y);
              triple partialu = thepatch.partialu();
              triple partialv = thepatch.partialv();
              return new triple(pair tangentvector) {
              return s.point(pt.x, pt.y) + (tangentvector.x * partialu) + (tangentvector.y * partialv);

              guide normalpathuv(surface s, projection P = currentprojection, int n = ngraph) {
              triple eyedir(triple a);
              if (P.infinity) eyedir = new triple(triple) { return; };
              else eyedir = new triple(triple pt) { return - pt; };
              return contour(normalDot(s, eyedir), uvmin(s), uvmax(s), new real {0}, nx=n)[0];

              path3 onSurface(surface s, path p) {
              triple f(int t) {
              pair point = point(p,t);
              return s.point(point.x, point.y);

              guide3 toreturn = f(0);
              paramsurface thetangentplane = tangentplane(s, point(p,0));
              triple oldcontrol, newcontrol;
              int size = length(p);
              for (int i = 1; i <= size; ++i) {
              oldcontrol = thetangentplane(postcontrol(p,i-1) - point(p,i-1));
              thetangentplane = tangentplane(s, point(p,i));
              newcontrol = thetangentplane(precontrol(p, i) - point(p,i));
              toreturn = toreturn .. controls oldcontrol and newcontrol .. f(i);

              if (cyclic(p)) toreturn = toreturn & cycle;

              return toreturn;


              * This method returns an array of paths that trace out all the
              * points on s at which s is parallel to eyedir.

              path paramSilhouetteNoEdges(surface s, projection P = currentprojection, int n = ngraph) {
              guide uvpaths = normalpathuv(s, P, n);
              //Reduce the number of segments to conserve memory
              for (int i = 0; i < uvpaths.length; ++i) {
              real len = length(uvpaths[i]);
              uvpaths[i] = graph(new pair(real t) {return point(uvpaths[i],t);}, 0, len, n=n);
              return uvpaths;

              private typedef real function2(real, real);
              private typedef real function3(triple);

              triple normalVectors(triple dir, triple surfacen) {
              dir = unit(dir);
              surfacen = unit(surfacen);
              triple v1, v2;
              int i = 0;
              do {
              v1 = unit(cross(dir, (unitrand(), unitrand(), unitrand())));
              v2 = unit(cross(dir, (unitrand(), unitrand(), unitrand())));
              } while ((abs(dot(v1,v2)) > Cos(10) || abs(dot(v1,surfacen)) > Cos(5) || abs(dot(v2,surfacen)) > Cos(5)) && i < 1000);
              if (i >= 1000) {
              write("problem: Unable to comply.");
              write(" dir = " + (string)dir);
              write(" surface normal = " + (string)surfacen);
              return new triple {v1, v2};

              function3 planeEqn(triple pt, triple normal) {
              return new real(triple r) {
              return dot(normal, r - pt);

              function2 pullback(function3 eqn, surface s) {
              return new real(real u, real v) {
              return eqn(s.point(u,v));

              * returns the distinct points in which the surface intersects
              * the line through the point pt in the direction dir

              triple intersectionPoints(surface s, pair parampt, triple dir) {
              triple pt = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
              triple lineNormals = normalVectors(dir, s.normal(parampt.x, parampt.y));
              path curves;
              for (triple n : lineNormals) {
              function3 planeEn = planeEqn(pt, n);
              function2 pullback = pullback(planeEn, s);
              guide contour = contour(pullback, uvmin(s), uvmax(s), new real{0})[0];

              pair intersectionPoints;
              for (path c1 : curves[0])
              for (path c2 : curves[1])
              intersectionPoints.append(intersectionpoints(c1, c2));
              triple toreturn;
              for (pair P : intersectionPoints)
              toreturn.push(s.point(P.x, P.y));
              return toreturn;

              * Returns those intersection points for which the vector from pt forms an
              * acute angle with dir.
              int numPointsInDirection(surface s, pair parampt, triple dir, real fuzz=.05) {
              triple pt = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
              dir = unit(dir);
              triple intersections = intersectionPoints(s, parampt, dir);
              int num = 0;
              for (triple isection: intersections)
              if (dot(isection - pt, dir) > fuzz) ++num;
              return num;

              bool3 increasing(real t0, real t1) {
              if (t0 < t1) return true;
              if (t0 > t1) return false;
              return default;

              int extremes(real f, bool cyclic = f.cyclic) {
              bool3 lastIncreasing;
              bool3 nextIncreasing;
              int max;
              if (cyclic) {
              lastIncreasing = increasing(f[-1], f[0]);
              max = f.length - 1;
              } else {
              max = f.length - 2;
              if (increasing(f[0], f[1])) lastIncreasing = false;
              else lastIncreasing = true;
              int toreturn;
              for (int i = 0; i <= max; ++i) {
              nextIncreasing = increasing(f[i], f[i+1]);
              if (lastIncreasing != nextIncreasing) {
              lastIncreasing = nextIncreasing;
              if (!cyclic) toreturn.push(f.length - 1);
              toreturn.cyclic = cyclic;
              return toreturn;

              int extremes(path path, real f(pair) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
              real fvalues = new real[size(path)];
              for (int i = 0; i < fvalues.length; ++i) {
              fvalues[i] = f(point(path, i));
              fvalues.cyclic = cyclic(path);
              int toreturn = extremes(fvalues);
              return toreturn;

              path splitAtExtremes(path path, real f(pair) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
              int splittingTimes = extremes(path, f);
              path toreturn;
              if (cyclic(path)) toreturn.push(subpath(path, splittingTimes[-1], splittingTimes[0]));
              for (int i = 0; i+1 < splittingTimes.length; ++i) {
              toreturn.push(subpath(path, splittingTimes[i], splittingTimes[i+1]));
              return toreturn;

              path splitAtExtremes(path paths, real f(pair P) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
              path toreturn;
              for (path path : paths) {
              toreturn.append(splitAtExtremes(path, f));
              return toreturn;

              path3 toCamera(triple p, projection P=currentprojection, real fuzz = .01, real upperLimit = 100) {
              if (!P.infinity) {
              triple directionToCamera = unit( - p);
              triple startingPoint = p + fuzz*directionToCamera;
              return startingPoint --;
              else {
              triple directionToCamera = unit(;
              triple startingPoint = p + fuzz*directionToCamera;

              return startingPoint -- (p + upperLimit*directionToCamera);

              int numSheetsHiding(surface s, pair parampt, projection P = currentprojection) {
              triple p = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
              path3 tocamera = toCamera(p, P);
              triple pt = beginpoint(tocamera);
              triple dir = endpoint(tocamera) - pt;
              return numPointsInDirection(s, parampt, dir);

              struct coloredPath {
              path path;
              pen pen;
              void operator init(path path, pen p=currentpen) {
              this.path = path;
              this.pen = p;
              /* draws the path with the pen having the specified weight (using colors)*/
              void draw(real weight) {
              draw(path, p=weight*pen + (1-weight)*white);
              coloredPath layeredPaths;
              // onTop indicates whether the path should be added at the top or bottom of the specified layer
              void addPath(path path, pen p=currentpen, int layer, bool onTop=true) {
              coloredPath toAdd = coloredPath(path, p);
              if (layer >= layeredPaths.length) {
              layeredPaths[layer] = new coloredPath {toAdd};
              } else if (onTop) {
              } else layeredPaths[layer].insert(0, toAdd);

              void drawLayeredPaths() {
              for (int layer = layeredPaths.length - 1; layer >= 0; --layer) {
              real layerfactor = (1/3)^layer;
              for (coloredPath toDraw : layeredPaths[layer]) {

              real cutTimes(path tocut, path knives) {
              real intersectionTimes = new real {0, length(tocut)};
              for (path knife : knives) {
              real complexIntersections = intersections(tocut, knife);
              for (real times : complexIntersections) {
              return sort(intersectionTimes);

              path cut(path tocut, path knives) {
              real cutTimes = cutTimes(tocut, knives);
              path toreturn;
              for (int i = 0; i + 1 < cutTimes.length; ++i) {
              toreturn.push(subpath(tocut,cutTimes[i], cutTimes[i+1]));
              return toreturn;

              real condense(real values, real fuzz=.001) {
              values = sort(values);
              real previous = -infinity;
              real lastMin;
              real toReturn;
              for (real t : values) {
              if (t - fuzz > previous) {
              if (previous > -infinity) toReturn.push((lastMin + previous) / 2);
              lastMin = t;
              previous = t;
              return toReturn;

              * A smooth surface parametrized by the domain [0,1] x [0,1]
              struct SmoothSurface {
              surface s;
              private real sumax;
              private real svmax;
              path paramSilhouette;
              path projectedSilhouette;
              projection theProjection;

              path3 onSurface(path paramPath) {
              return onSurface(s, scale(sumax,svmax)*paramPath);

              triple point(real u, real v) { return s.point(sumax*u, svmax*v); }
              triple point(pair uv) { return point(uv.x, uv.y); }
              triple normal(real u, real v) { return s.normal(sumax*u, svmax*v); }
              triple normal(pair uv) { return normal(uv.x, uv.y); }

              void operator init(surface s, projection P=currentprojection) {
              this.s = s;
              this.sumax = umax(s);
              this.svmax = vmax(s);
              this.theProjection = P;
              this.paramSilhouette = scale(1/sumax, 1/svmax) * paramSilhouetteNoEdges(s,P);
              this.projectedSilhouette = sequence(new path(int i) {
              path3 truePath = onSurface(paramSilhouette[i]);
              path projectedPath = project(truePath, theProjection, ninterpolate=1);
              return projectedPath;
              }, paramSilhouette.length);

              int numSheetsHiding(pair parampt) {
              return numSheetsHiding(s, scale(sumax,svmax)*parampt);

              void drawSilhouette(pen p=currentpen, bool includePathsBehind=false, bool onTop = true) {
              int extremes;
              for (path path : projectedSilhouette) {

              path splitSilhouette;
              path paramSplitSilhouette;

              * First, split at extremes to ensure that there are no
              * self-intersections of any one subpath in the projected silhouette.

              for (int j = 0; j < paramSilhouette.length; ++j) {
              path current = projectedSilhouette[j];

              path currentParam = paramSilhouette[j];

              int dividers = extremes[j];
              for (int i = 0; i + 1 < dividers.length; ++i) {
              int start = dividers[i];
              int end = dividers[i+1];
              paramSplitSilhouette.push(subpath(currentParam, start, end));

              * Now, split at intersections of distinct subpaths.

              for (int j = 0; j < splitSilhouette.length; ++j) {
              path current = splitSilhouette[j];
              path currentParam = paramSplitSilhouette[j];

              real splittingTimes = new real {0,length(current)};
              for (int k = 0; k < splitSilhouette.length; ++k) {
              if (j == k) continue;
              real times = intersections(current, splitSilhouette[k]);
              for (real time : times) {
              real relevantTime = time[0];
              if (.01 < relevantTime && relevantTime < length(current) - .01) splittingTimes.push(relevantTime);
              splittingTimes = sort(splittingTimes);
              for (int i = 0; i + 1 < splittingTimes.length; ++i) {
              real start = splittingTimes[i];
              real end = splittingTimes[i+1];
              real mid = start + ((end-start) / (2+0.1*unitrand()));
              pair theparampoint = point(currentParam, mid);
              int sheets = numSheetsHiding(theparampoint);

              if (sheets == 0 || includePathsBehind) {
              path currentSubpath = subpath(current, start, end);
              addPath(currentSubpath, p=p, onTop=onTop, layer=sheets);


              Splits a parametrized path along the parametrized silhouette,
              taking [0,1] x [0,1] as the
              fundamental domain. Could be implemented more efficiently.
              private real splitTimes(path thepath) {
              pair min = min(thepath);
              pair max = max(thepath);
              path baseknives = paramSilhouette;
              path knives;
              for (int u = floor(min.x); u < max.x + .001; ++u) {
              for (int v = floor(min.y); v < max.y + .001; ++v) {
              return cutTimes(thepath, knives);

              Returns the times at which the projection of the given path3 intersects
              the projection of the surface silhouette. This may miss unstable
              intersections that can be detected by the previous method.
              private real silhouetteCrossingTimes(path3 thepath, real fuzz = .01) {
              path projectedpath = project(thepath, theProjection, ninterpolate=1);
              real crossingTimes = cutTimes(projectedpath, projectedSilhouette);
              if (crossingTimes.length == 0) return crossingTimes;
              real current = 0;
              real toReturn = new real {0};
              for (real prospective : crossingTimes) {
              if (prospective > current + fuzz
              && prospective < length(thepath) - fuzz) {
              current = prospective;
              return toReturn;

              void drawSurfacePath(path parampath, pen p=currentpen, bool onTop=true) {
              path toDraw;
              real crossingTimes = splitTimes(parampath);
              crossingTimes = condense(crossingTimes);
              for (int i = 0; i+1 < crossingTimes.length; ++i) {
              toDraw.push(subpath(parampath, crossingTimes[i], crossingTimes[i+1]));
              for (path thepath : toDraw) {
              pair midpoint = point(thepath, length(thepath) / (2+.1*unitrand()));
              int sheets = numSheetsHiding(midpoint);
              path path3d = project(onSurface(thepath), theProjection, ninterpolate = 1);
              addPath(path3d, p=p, onTop=onTop, layer=sheets);

              SmoothSurface operator *(transform3 t, SmoothSurface s) {
              return SmoothSurface(t*s.s);

              To get the clean image, compile the following tex file as described in the comments. (The tex file should be in the same directory as surfacepaths.asy.)

              %usage (if file is named foo.tex):
              %> pdflatex foo.tex
              %> asy foo-*.asy
              %> pdflatex foo.tex
              import surfacepaths;
              int niceangle = 70;
              currentprojection = orthographic(camera=10Z + .1Y, up=Y);
              surface torus = surface(Circle(c=2Y,normal=X,r=0.5,n=32), c=O, axis=Z, n=32);
              SmoothSurface Torus = SmoothSurface(rotate(angle=-niceangle, v=X) * torus);

              To get the animated version (as a gif file), run the following Asymptote code. (For instance, save it in the file foo.asy, and then enter asy foo at the command line.)

              import surfacepaths;
              import animation;

              size(50cm,0); // Increased size and line width for better resolution

              int niceangle = 70;

              currentprojection = orthographic(camera=10Z + .1Y, up=Y);
              surface torus = surface(Circle(c=2Y,normal=X,r=0.5,n=100), c=O, axis=Z, n=32);
              SmoothSurface Torus = SmoothSurface(rotate(angle=-niceangle, v=X) * torus);

              animation A;

              for (int angle = 0; angle <= 180; angle += 5) {
              (rotate(angle=-angle, v=X) * Torus).drawSilhouette(linewidth(2pt)); // Increase size and line width for better resolution
              write("computed angle " + (string)angle); //output some progress indicator


              share|improve this answer

              • @Stiff Jokes: I was able to eliminate most of the flicker by increasing the number of Bezier patches making up the surfaces. Because of the way the algorithms are implemented here, this actually does not hugely affect the compilation time.
                – Charles Staats
                Jan 5 '14 at 20:10

              • Extremely excellent. Thanks.
                – kiss my armpit
                Jan 5 '14 at 20:11

              • Is there a way to modify this to obtain an outline of a double torus?
                – Jacob Bond
                Mar 9 '18 at 16:44


              Here's a solution using an Asymptote module I am writing (which is still in its very early stages).

              The images:

              A vector image of the contour:

              enter image description here

              or, "just for fun," in a gif animation (my first ever):

              Note that, by design, this animation pauses momentarily when it is the same image (up to resolution) as the one above.

              The code:

              First, save the following code in a file called surfacepaths.asy:

              import graph3;
              import contour;

              // A bunch of auxiliary functions.

              real fuzz = .001;

              real umin(surface s) { return 0; }
              real vmin(surface s) { return 0; }
              pair uvmin(surface s) { return (umin(s), vmin(s)); }
              real umax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) {
              if (s.ucyclic()) return s.index.length;
              else return s.index.length - fuzz;
              real vmax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) {
              if (s.vcyclic()) return s.index[0].length;
              return s.index[0].length - fuzz;
              pair uvmax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) { return (umax(s,fuzz), vmax(s,fuzz)); }

              typedef real function(real, real);

              function normalDot(surface s, triple eyedir(triple)) {
              real toreturn(real u, real v) {
              return dot(s.normal(u, v), eyedir(s.point(u,v)));
              return toreturn;

              struct patchWithCoords {
              patch p;
              real u;
              real v;
              void operator init(patch p, real u, real v) {
              this.p = p;
              this.u = u;
              this.v = v;
              void operator init(surface s, real u, real v) {
              int U=floor(u);
              int V=floor(v);
              int index = (s.index.length == 0 ? U+V : s.index[U][V]);

              this.p = s.s[index];
              this.u = u-U;
              this.v = v-V;
              triple partialu() {
              return p.partialu(u,v);
              triple partialv() {
              return p.partialv(u,v);

              typedef triple paramsurface(pair);

              paramsurface tangentplane(surface s, pair pt) {
              patchWithCoords thepatch = patchWithCoords(s, pt.x, pt.y);
              triple partialu = thepatch.partialu();
              triple partialv = thepatch.partialv();
              return new triple(pair tangentvector) {
              return s.point(pt.x, pt.y) + (tangentvector.x * partialu) + (tangentvector.y * partialv);

              guide normalpathuv(surface s, projection P = currentprojection, int n = ngraph) {
              triple eyedir(triple a);
              if (P.infinity) eyedir = new triple(triple) { return; };
              else eyedir = new triple(triple pt) { return - pt; };
              return contour(normalDot(s, eyedir), uvmin(s), uvmax(s), new real {0}, nx=n)[0];

              path3 onSurface(surface s, path p) {
              triple f(int t) {
              pair point = point(p,t);
              return s.point(point.x, point.y);

              guide3 toreturn = f(0);
              paramsurface thetangentplane = tangentplane(s, point(p,0));
              triple oldcontrol, newcontrol;
              int size = length(p);
              for (int i = 1; i <= size; ++i) {
              oldcontrol = thetangentplane(postcontrol(p,i-1) - point(p,i-1));
              thetangentplane = tangentplane(s, point(p,i));
              newcontrol = thetangentplane(precontrol(p, i) - point(p,i));
              toreturn = toreturn .. controls oldcontrol and newcontrol .. f(i);

              if (cyclic(p)) toreturn = toreturn & cycle;

              return toreturn;


              * This method returns an array of paths that trace out all the
              * points on s at which s is parallel to eyedir.

              path paramSilhouetteNoEdges(surface s, projection P = currentprojection, int n = ngraph) {
              guide uvpaths = normalpathuv(s, P, n);
              //Reduce the number of segments to conserve memory
              for (int i = 0; i < uvpaths.length; ++i) {
              real len = length(uvpaths[i]);
              uvpaths[i] = graph(new pair(real t) {return point(uvpaths[i],t);}, 0, len, n=n);
              return uvpaths;

              private typedef real function2(real, real);
              private typedef real function3(triple);

              triple normalVectors(triple dir, triple surfacen) {
              dir = unit(dir);
              surfacen = unit(surfacen);
              triple v1, v2;
              int i = 0;
              do {
              v1 = unit(cross(dir, (unitrand(), unitrand(), unitrand())));
              v2 = unit(cross(dir, (unitrand(), unitrand(), unitrand())));
              } while ((abs(dot(v1,v2)) > Cos(10) || abs(dot(v1,surfacen)) > Cos(5) || abs(dot(v2,surfacen)) > Cos(5)) && i < 1000);
              if (i >= 1000) {
              write("problem: Unable to comply.");
              write(" dir = " + (string)dir);
              write(" surface normal = " + (string)surfacen);
              return new triple {v1, v2};

              function3 planeEqn(triple pt, triple normal) {
              return new real(triple r) {
              return dot(normal, r - pt);

              function2 pullback(function3 eqn, surface s) {
              return new real(real u, real v) {
              return eqn(s.point(u,v));

              * returns the distinct points in which the surface intersects
              * the line through the point pt in the direction dir

              triple intersectionPoints(surface s, pair parampt, triple dir) {
              triple pt = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
              triple lineNormals = normalVectors(dir, s.normal(parampt.x, parampt.y));
              path curves;
              for (triple n : lineNormals) {
              function3 planeEn = planeEqn(pt, n);
              function2 pullback = pullback(planeEn, s);
              guide contour = contour(pullback, uvmin(s), uvmax(s), new real{0})[0];

              pair intersectionPoints;
              for (path c1 : curves[0])
              for (path c2 : curves[1])
              intersectionPoints.append(intersectionpoints(c1, c2));
              triple toreturn;
              for (pair P : intersectionPoints)
              toreturn.push(s.point(P.x, P.y));
              return toreturn;

              * Returns those intersection points for which the vector from pt forms an
              * acute angle with dir.
              int numPointsInDirection(surface s, pair parampt, triple dir, real fuzz=.05) {
              triple pt = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
              dir = unit(dir);
              triple intersections = intersectionPoints(s, parampt, dir);
              int num = 0;
              for (triple isection: intersections)
              if (dot(isection - pt, dir) > fuzz) ++num;
              return num;

              bool3 increasing(real t0, real t1) {
              if (t0 < t1) return true;
              if (t0 > t1) return false;
              return default;

              int extremes(real f, bool cyclic = f.cyclic) {
              bool3 lastIncreasing;
              bool3 nextIncreasing;
              int max;
              if (cyclic) {
              lastIncreasing = increasing(f[-1], f[0]);
              max = f.length - 1;
              } else {
              max = f.length - 2;
              if (increasing(f[0], f[1])) lastIncreasing = false;
              else lastIncreasing = true;
              int toreturn;
              for (int i = 0; i <= max; ++i) {
              nextIncreasing = increasing(f[i], f[i+1]);
              if (lastIncreasing != nextIncreasing) {
              lastIncreasing = nextIncreasing;
              if (!cyclic) toreturn.push(f.length - 1);
              toreturn.cyclic = cyclic;
              return toreturn;

              int extremes(path path, real f(pair) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
              real fvalues = new real[size(path)];
              for (int i = 0; i < fvalues.length; ++i) {
              fvalues[i] = f(point(path, i));
              fvalues.cyclic = cyclic(path);
              int toreturn = extremes(fvalues);
              return toreturn;

              path splitAtExtremes(path path, real f(pair) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
              int splittingTimes = extremes(path, f);
              path toreturn;
              if (cyclic(path)) toreturn.push(subpath(path, splittingTimes[-1], splittingTimes[0]));
              for (int i = 0; i+1 < splittingTimes.length; ++i) {
              toreturn.push(subpath(path, splittingTimes[i], splittingTimes[i+1]));
              return toreturn;

              path splitAtExtremes(path paths, real f(pair P) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
              path toreturn;
              for (path path : paths) {
              toreturn.append(splitAtExtremes(path, f));
              return toreturn;

              path3 toCamera(triple p, projection P=currentprojection, real fuzz = .01, real upperLimit = 100) {
              if (!P.infinity) {
              triple directionToCamera = unit( - p);
              triple startingPoint = p + fuzz*directionToCamera;
              return startingPoint --;
              else {
              triple directionToCamera = unit(;
              triple startingPoint = p + fuzz*directionToCamera;

              return startingPoint -- (p + upperLimit*directionToCamera);

              int numSheetsHiding(surface s, pair parampt, projection P = currentprojection) {
              triple p = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
              path3 tocamera = toCamera(p, P);
              triple pt = beginpoint(tocamera);
              triple dir = endpoint(tocamera) - pt;
              return numPointsInDirection(s, parampt, dir);

              struct coloredPath {
              path path;
              pen pen;
              void operator init(path path, pen p=currentpen) {
              this.path = path;
              this.pen = p;
              /* draws the path with the pen having the specified weight (using colors)*/
              void draw(real weight) {
              draw(path, p=weight*pen + (1-weight)*white);
              coloredPath layeredPaths;
              // onTop indicates whether the path should be added at the top or bottom of the specified layer
              void addPath(path path, pen p=currentpen, int layer, bool onTop=true) {
              coloredPath toAdd = coloredPath(path, p);
              if (layer >= layeredPaths.length) {
              layeredPaths[layer] = new coloredPath {toAdd};
              } else if (onTop) {
              } else layeredPaths[layer].insert(0, toAdd);

              void drawLayeredPaths() {
              for (int layer = layeredPaths.length - 1; layer >= 0; --layer) {
              real layerfactor = (1/3)^layer;
              for (coloredPath toDraw : layeredPaths[layer]) {

              real cutTimes(path tocut, path knives) {
              real intersectionTimes = new real {0, length(tocut)};
              for (path knife : knives) {
              real complexIntersections = intersections(tocut, knife);
              for (real times : complexIntersections) {
              return sort(intersectionTimes);

              path cut(path tocut, path knives) {
              real cutTimes = cutTimes(tocut, knives);
              path toreturn;
              for (int i = 0; i + 1 < cutTimes.length; ++i) {
              toreturn.push(subpath(tocut,cutTimes[i], cutTimes[i+1]));
              return toreturn;

              real condense(real values, real fuzz=.001) {
              values = sort(values);
              real previous = -infinity;
              real lastMin;
              real toReturn;
              for (real t : values) {
              if (t - fuzz > previous) {
              if (previous > -infinity) toReturn.push((lastMin + previous) / 2);
              lastMin = t;
              previous = t;
              return toReturn;

              * A smooth surface parametrized by the domain [0,1] x [0,1]
              struct SmoothSurface {
              surface s;
              private real sumax;
              private real svmax;
              path paramSilhouette;
              path projectedSilhouette;
              projection theProjection;

              path3 onSurface(path paramPath) {
              return onSurface(s, scale(sumax,svmax)*paramPath);

              triple point(real u, real v) { return s.point(sumax*u, svmax*v); }
              triple point(pair uv) { return point(uv.x, uv.y); }
              triple normal(real u, real v) { return s.normal(sumax*u, svmax*v); }
              triple normal(pair uv) { return normal(uv.x, uv.y); }

              void operator init(surface s, projection P=currentprojection) {
              this.s = s;
              this.sumax = umax(s);
              this.svmax = vmax(s);
              this.theProjection = P;
              this.paramSilhouette = scale(1/sumax, 1/svmax) * paramSilhouetteNoEdges(s,P);
              this.projectedSilhouette = sequence(new path(int i) {
              path3 truePath = onSurface(paramSilhouette[i]);
              path projectedPath = project(truePath, theProjection, ninterpolate=1);
              return projectedPath;
              }, paramSilhouette.length);

              int numSheetsHiding(pair parampt) {
              return numSheetsHiding(s, scale(sumax,svmax)*parampt);

              void drawSilhouette(pen p=currentpen, bool includePathsBehind=false, bool onTop = true) {
              int extremes;
              for (path path : projectedSilhouette) {

              path splitSilhouette;
              path paramSplitSilhouette;

              * First, split at extremes to ensure that there are no
              * self-intersections of any one subpath in the projected silhouette.

              for (int j = 0; j < paramSilhouette.length; ++j) {
              path current = projectedSilhouette[j];

              path currentParam = paramSilhouette[j];

              int dividers = extremes[j];
              for (int i = 0; i + 1 < dividers.length; ++i) {
              int start = dividers[i];
              int end = dividers[i+1];
              paramSplitSilhouette.push(subpath(currentParam, start, end));

              * Now, split at intersections of distinct subpaths.

              for (int j = 0; j < splitSilhouette.length; ++j) {
              path current = splitSilhouette[j];
              path currentParam = paramSplitSilhouette[j];

              real splittingTimes = new real {0,length(current)};
              for (int k = 0; k < splitSilhouette.length; ++k) {
              if (j == k) continue;
              real times = intersections(current, splitSilhouette[k]);
              for (real time : times) {
              real relevantTime = time[0];
              if (.01 < relevantTime && relevantTime < length(current) - .01) splittingTimes.push(relevantTime);
              splittingTimes = sort(splittingTimes);
              for (int i = 0; i + 1 < splittingTimes.length; ++i) {
              real start = splittingTimes[i];
              real end = splittingTimes[i+1];
              real mid = start + ((end-start) / (2+0.1*unitrand()));
              pair theparampoint = point(currentParam, mid);
              int sheets = numSheetsHiding(theparampoint);

              if (sheets == 0 || includePathsBehind) {
              path currentSubpath = subpath(current, start, end);
              addPath(currentSubpath, p=p, onTop=onTop, layer=sheets);


              Splits a parametrized path along the parametrized silhouette,
              taking [0,1] x [0,1] as the
              fundamental domain. Could be implemented more efficiently.
              private real splitTimes(path thepath) {
              pair min = min(thepath);
              pair max = max(thepath);
              path baseknives = paramSilhouette;
              path knives;
              for (int u = floor(min.x); u < max.x + .001; ++u) {
              for (int v = floor(min.y); v < max.y + .001; ++v) {
              return cutTimes(thepath, knives);

              Returns the times at which the projection of the given path3 intersects
              the projection of the surface silhouette. This may miss unstable
              intersections that can be detected by the previous method.
              private real silhouetteCrossingTimes(path3 thepath, real fuzz = .01) {
              path projectedpath = project(thepath, theProjection, ninterpolate=1);
              real crossingTimes = cutTimes(projectedpath, projectedSilhouette);
              if (crossingTimes.length == 0) return crossingTimes;
              real current = 0;
              real toReturn = new real {0};
              for (real prospective : crossingTimes) {
              if (prospective > current + fuzz
              && prospective < length(thepath) - fuzz) {
              current = prospective;
              return toReturn;

              void drawSurfacePath(path parampath, pen p=currentpen, bool onTop=true) {
              path toDraw;
              real crossingTimes = splitTimes(parampath);
              crossingTimes = condense(crossingTimes);
              for (int i = 0; i+1 < crossingTimes.length; ++i) {
              toDraw.push(subpath(parampath, crossingTimes[i], crossingTimes[i+1]));
              for (path thepath : toDraw) {
              pair midpoint = point(thepath, length(thepath) / (2+.1*unitrand()));
              int sheets = numSheetsHiding(midpoint);
              path path3d = project(onSurface(thepath), theProjection, ninterpolate = 1);
              addPath(path3d, p=p, onTop=onTop, layer=sheets);

              SmoothSurface operator *(transform3 t, SmoothSurface s) {
              return SmoothSurface(t*s.s);

              To get the clean image, compile the following tex file as described in the comments. (The tex file should be in the same directory as surfacepaths.asy.)

              %usage (if file is named foo.tex):
              %> pdflatex foo.tex
              %> asy foo-*.asy
              %> pdflatex foo.tex
              import surfacepaths;
              int niceangle = 70;
              currentprojection = orthographic(camera=10Z + .1Y, up=Y);
              surface torus = surface(Circle(c=2Y,normal=X,r=0.5,n=32), c=O, axis=Z, n=32);
              SmoothSurface Torus = SmoothSurface(rotate(angle=-niceangle, v=X) * torus);

              To get the animated version (as a gif file), run the following Asymptote code. (For instance, save it in the file foo.asy, and then enter asy foo at the command line.)

              import surfacepaths;
              import animation;

              size(50cm,0); // Increased size and line width for better resolution

              int niceangle = 70;

              currentprojection = orthographic(camera=10Z + .1Y, up=Y);
              surface torus = surface(Circle(c=2Y,normal=X,r=0.5,n=100), c=O, axis=Z, n=32);
              SmoothSurface Torus = SmoothSurface(rotate(angle=-niceangle, v=X) * torus);

              animation A;

              for (int angle = 0; angle <= 180; angle += 5) {
              (rotate(angle=-angle, v=X) * Torus).drawSilhouette(linewidth(2pt)); // Increase size and line width for better resolution
              write("computed angle " + (string)angle); //output some progress indicator


              share|improve this answer

              • @Stiff Jokes: I was able to eliminate most of the flicker by increasing the number of Bezier patches making up the surfaces. Because of the way the algorithms are implemented here, this actually does not hugely affect the compilation time.
                – Charles Staats
                Jan 5 '14 at 20:10

              • Extremely excellent. Thanks.
                – kiss my armpit
                Jan 5 '14 at 20:11

              • Is there a way to modify this to obtain an outline of a double torus?
                – Jacob Bond
                Mar 9 '18 at 16:44




              Here's a solution using an Asymptote module I am writing (which is still in its very early stages).

              The images:

              A vector image of the contour:

              enter image description here

              or, "just for fun," in a gif animation (my first ever):

              Note that, by design, this animation pauses momentarily when it is the same image (up to resolution) as the one above.

              The code:

              First, save the following code in a file called surfacepaths.asy:

              import graph3;
              import contour;

              // A bunch of auxiliary functions.

              real fuzz = .001;

              real umin(surface s) { return 0; }
              real vmin(surface s) { return 0; }
              pair uvmin(surface s) { return (umin(s), vmin(s)); }
              real umax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) {
              if (s.ucyclic()) return s.index.length;
              else return s.index.length - fuzz;
              real vmax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) {
              if (s.vcyclic()) return s.index[0].length;
              return s.index[0].length - fuzz;
              pair uvmax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) { return (umax(s,fuzz), vmax(s,fuzz)); }

              typedef real function(real, real);

              function normalDot(surface s, triple eyedir(triple)) {
              real toreturn(real u, real v) {
              return dot(s.normal(u, v), eyedir(s.point(u,v)));
              return toreturn;

              struct patchWithCoords {
              patch p;
              real u;
              real v;
              void operator init(patch p, real u, real v) {
              this.p = p;
              this.u = u;
              this.v = v;
              void operator init(surface s, real u, real v) {
              int U=floor(u);
              int V=floor(v);
              int index = (s.index.length == 0 ? U+V : s.index[U][V]);

              this.p = s.s[index];
              this.u = u-U;
              this.v = v-V;
              triple partialu() {
              return p.partialu(u,v);
              triple partialv() {
              return p.partialv(u,v);

              typedef triple paramsurface(pair);

              paramsurface tangentplane(surface s, pair pt) {
              patchWithCoords thepatch = patchWithCoords(s, pt.x, pt.y);
              triple partialu = thepatch.partialu();
              triple partialv = thepatch.partialv();
              return new triple(pair tangentvector) {
              return s.point(pt.x, pt.y) + (tangentvector.x * partialu) + (tangentvector.y * partialv);

              guide normalpathuv(surface s, projection P = currentprojection, int n = ngraph) {
              triple eyedir(triple a);
              if (P.infinity) eyedir = new triple(triple) { return; };
              else eyedir = new triple(triple pt) { return - pt; };
              return contour(normalDot(s, eyedir), uvmin(s), uvmax(s), new real {0}, nx=n)[0];

              path3 onSurface(surface s, path p) {
              triple f(int t) {
              pair point = point(p,t);
              return s.point(point.x, point.y);

              guide3 toreturn = f(0);
              paramsurface thetangentplane = tangentplane(s, point(p,0));
              triple oldcontrol, newcontrol;
              int size = length(p);
              for (int i = 1; i <= size; ++i) {
              oldcontrol = thetangentplane(postcontrol(p,i-1) - point(p,i-1));
              thetangentplane = tangentplane(s, point(p,i));
              newcontrol = thetangentplane(precontrol(p, i) - point(p,i));
              toreturn = toreturn .. controls oldcontrol and newcontrol .. f(i);

              if (cyclic(p)) toreturn = toreturn & cycle;

              return toreturn;


              * This method returns an array of paths that trace out all the
              * points on s at which s is parallel to eyedir.

              path paramSilhouetteNoEdges(surface s, projection P = currentprojection, int n = ngraph) {
              guide uvpaths = normalpathuv(s, P, n);
              //Reduce the number of segments to conserve memory
              for (int i = 0; i < uvpaths.length; ++i) {
              real len = length(uvpaths[i]);
              uvpaths[i] = graph(new pair(real t) {return point(uvpaths[i],t);}, 0, len, n=n);
              return uvpaths;

              private typedef real function2(real, real);
              private typedef real function3(triple);

              triple normalVectors(triple dir, triple surfacen) {
              dir = unit(dir);
              surfacen = unit(surfacen);
              triple v1, v2;
              int i = 0;
              do {
              v1 = unit(cross(dir, (unitrand(), unitrand(), unitrand())));
              v2 = unit(cross(dir, (unitrand(), unitrand(), unitrand())));
              } while ((abs(dot(v1,v2)) > Cos(10) || abs(dot(v1,surfacen)) > Cos(5) || abs(dot(v2,surfacen)) > Cos(5)) && i < 1000);
              if (i >= 1000) {
              write("problem: Unable to comply.");
              write(" dir = " + (string)dir);
              write(" surface normal = " + (string)surfacen);
              return new triple {v1, v2};

              function3 planeEqn(triple pt, triple normal) {
              return new real(triple r) {
              return dot(normal, r - pt);

              function2 pullback(function3 eqn, surface s) {
              return new real(real u, real v) {
              return eqn(s.point(u,v));

              * returns the distinct points in which the surface intersects
              * the line through the point pt in the direction dir

              triple intersectionPoints(surface s, pair parampt, triple dir) {
              triple pt = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
              triple lineNormals = normalVectors(dir, s.normal(parampt.x, parampt.y));
              path curves;
              for (triple n : lineNormals) {
              function3 planeEn = planeEqn(pt, n);
              function2 pullback = pullback(planeEn, s);
              guide contour = contour(pullback, uvmin(s), uvmax(s), new real{0})[0];

              pair intersectionPoints;
              for (path c1 : curves[0])
              for (path c2 : curves[1])
              intersectionPoints.append(intersectionpoints(c1, c2));
              triple toreturn;
              for (pair P : intersectionPoints)
              toreturn.push(s.point(P.x, P.y));
              return toreturn;

              * Returns those intersection points for which the vector from pt forms an
              * acute angle with dir.
              int numPointsInDirection(surface s, pair parampt, triple dir, real fuzz=.05) {
              triple pt = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
              dir = unit(dir);
              triple intersections = intersectionPoints(s, parampt, dir);
              int num = 0;
              for (triple isection: intersections)
              if (dot(isection - pt, dir) > fuzz) ++num;
              return num;

              bool3 increasing(real t0, real t1) {
              if (t0 < t1) return true;
              if (t0 > t1) return false;
              return default;

              int extremes(real f, bool cyclic = f.cyclic) {
              bool3 lastIncreasing;
              bool3 nextIncreasing;
              int max;
              if (cyclic) {
              lastIncreasing = increasing(f[-1], f[0]);
              max = f.length - 1;
              } else {
              max = f.length - 2;
              if (increasing(f[0], f[1])) lastIncreasing = false;
              else lastIncreasing = true;
              int toreturn;
              for (int i = 0; i <= max; ++i) {
              nextIncreasing = increasing(f[i], f[i+1]);
              if (lastIncreasing != nextIncreasing) {
              lastIncreasing = nextIncreasing;
              if (!cyclic) toreturn.push(f.length - 1);
              toreturn.cyclic = cyclic;
              return toreturn;

              int extremes(path path, real f(pair) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
              real fvalues = new real[size(path)];
              for (int i = 0; i < fvalues.length; ++i) {
              fvalues[i] = f(point(path, i));
              fvalues.cyclic = cyclic(path);
              int toreturn = extremes(fvalues);
              return toreturn;

              path splitAtExtremes(path path, real f(pair) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
              int splittingTimes = extremes(path, f);
              path toreturn;
              if (cyclic(path)) toreturn.push(subpath(path, splittingTimes[-1], splittingTimes[0]));
              for (int i = 0; i+1 < splittingTimes.length; ++i) {
              toreturn.push(subpath(path, splittingTimes[i], splittingTimes[i+1]));
              return toreturn;

              path splitAtExtremes(path paths, real f(pair P) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
              path toreturn;
              for (path path : paths) {
              toreturn.append(splitAtExtremes(path, f));
              return toreturn;

              path3 toCamera(triple p, projection P=currentprojection, real fuzz = .01, real upperLimit = 100) {
              if (!P.infinity) {
              triple directionToCamera = unit( - p);
              triple startingPoint = p + fuzz*directionToCamera;
              return startingPoint --;
              else {
              triple directionToCamera = unit(;
              triple startingPoint = p + fuzz*directionToCamera;

              return startingPoint -- (p + upperLimit*directionToCamera);

              int numSheetsHiding(surface s, pair parampt, projection P = currentprojection) {
              triple p = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
              path3 tocamera = toCamera(p, P);
              triple pt = beginpoint(tocamera);
              triple dir = endpoint(tocamera) - pt;
              return numPointsInDirection(s, parampt, dir);

              struct coloredPath {
              path path;
              pen pen;
              void operator init(path path, pen p=currentpen) {
              this.path = path;
              this.pen = p;
              /* draws the path with the pen having the specified weight (using colors)*/
              void draw(real weight) {
              draw(path, p=weight*pen + (1-weight)*white);
              coloredPath layeredPaths;
              // onTop indicates whether the path should be added at the top or bottom of the specified layer
              void addPath(path path, pen p=currentpen, int layer, bool onTop=true) {
              coloredPath toAdd = coloredPath(path, p);
              if (layer >= layeredPaths.length) {
              layeredPaths[layer] = new coloredPath {toAdd};
              } else if (onTop) {
              } else layeredPaths[layer].insert(0, toAdd);

              void drawLayeredPaths() {
              for (int layer = layeredPaths.length - 1; layer >= 0; --layer) {
              real layerfactor = (1/3)^layer;
              for (coloredPath toDraw : layeredPaths[layer]) {

              real cutTimes(path tocut, path knives) {
              real intersectionTimes = new real {0, length(tocut)};
              for (path knife : knives) {
              real complexIntersections = intersections(tocut, knife);
              for (real times : complexIntersections) {
              return sort(intersectionTimes);

              path cut(path tocut, path knives) {
              real cutTimes = cutTimes(tocut, knives);
              path toreturn;
              for (int i = 0; i + 1 < cutTimes.length; ++i) {
              toreturn.push(subpath(tocut,cutTimes[i], cutTimes[i+1]));
              return toreturn;

              real condense(real values, real fuzz=.001) {
              values = sort(values);
              real previous = -infinity;
              real lastMin;
              real toReturn;
              for (real t : values) {
              if (t - fuzz > previous) {
              if (previous > -infinity) toReturn.push((lastMin + previous) / 2);
              lastMin = t;
              previous = t;
              return toReturn;

              * A smooth surface parametrized by the domain [0,1] x [0,1]
              struct SmoothSurface {
              surface s;
              private real sumax;
              private real svmax;
              path paramSilhouette;
              path projectedSilhouette;
              projection theProjection;

              path3 onSurface(path paramPath) {
              return onSurface(s, scale(sumax,svmax)*paramPath);

              triple point(real u, real v) { return s.point(sumax*u, svmax*v); }
              triple point(pair uv) { return point(uv.x, uv.y); }
              triple normal(real u, real v) { return s.normal(sumax*u, svmax*v); }
              triple normal(pair uv) { return normal(uv.x, uv.y); }

              void operator init(surface s, projection P=currentprojection) {
              this.s = s;
              this.sumax = umax(s);
              this.svmax = vmax(s);
              this.theProjection = P;
              this.paramSilhouette = scale(1/sumax, 1/svmax) * paramSilhouetteNoEdges(s,P);
              this.projectedSilhouette = sequence(new path(int i) {
              path3 truePath = onSurface(paramSilhouette[i]);
              path projectedPath = project(truePath, theProjection, ninterpolate=1);
              return projectedPath;
              }, paramSilhouette.length);

              int numSheetsHiding(pair parampt) {
              return numSheetsHiding(s, scale(sumax,svmax)*parampt);

              void drawSilhouette(pen p=currentpen, bool includePathsBehind=false, bool onTop = true) {
              int extremes;
              for (path path : projectedSilhouette) {

              path splitSilhouette;
              path paramSplitSilhouette;

              * First, split at extremes to ensure that there are no
              * self-intersections of any one subpath in the projected silhouette.

              for (int j = 0; j < paramSilhouette.length; ++j) {
              path current = projectedSilhouette[j];

              path currentParam = paramSilhouette[j];

              int dividers = extremes[j];
              for (int i = 0; i + 1 < dividers.length; ++i) {
              int start = dividers[i];
              int end = dividers[i+1];
              paramSplitSilhouette.push(subpath(currentParam, start, end));

              * Now, split at intersections of distinct subpaths.

              for (int j = 0; j < splitSilhouette.length; ++j) {
              path current = splitSilhouette[j];
              path currentParam = paramSplitSilhouette[j];

              real splittingTimes = new real {0,length(current)};
              for (int k = 0; k < splitSilhouette.length; ++k) {
              if (j == k) continue;
              real times = intersections(current, splitSilhouette[k]);
              for (real time : times) {
              real relevantTime = time[0];
              if (.01 < relevantTime && relevantTime < length(current) - .01) splittingTimes.push(relevantTime);
              splittingTimes = sort(splittingTimes);
              for (int i = 0; i + 1 < splittingTimes.length; ++i) {
              real start = splittingTimes[i];
              real end = splittingTimes[i+1];
              real mid = start + ((end-start) / (2+0.1*unitrand()));
              pair theparampoint = point(currentParam, mid);
              int sheets = numSheetsHiding(theparampoint);

              if (sheets == 0 || includePathsBehind) {
              path currentSubpath = subpath(current, start, end);
              addPath(currentSubpath, p=p, onTop=onTop, layer=sheets);


              Splits a parametrized path along the parametrized silhouette,
              taking [0,1] x [0,1] as the
              fundamental domain. Could be implemented more efficiently.
              private real splitTimes(path thepath) {
              pair min = min(thepath);
              pair max = max(thepath);
              path baseknives = paramSilhouette;
              path knives;
              for (int u = floor(min.x); u < max.x + .001; ++u) {
              for (int v = floor(min.y); v < max.y + .001; ++v) {
              return cutTimes(thepath, knives);

              Returns the times at which the projection of the given path3 intersects
              the projection of the surface silhouette. This may miss unstable
              intersections that can be detected by the previous method.
              private real silhouetteCrossingTimes(path3 thepath, real fuzz = .01) {
              path projectedpath = project(thepath, theProjection, ninterpolate=1);
              real crossingTimes = cutTimes(projectedpath, projectedSilhouette);
              if (crossingTimes.length == 0) return crossingTimes;
              real current = 0;
              real toReturn = new real {0};
              for (real prospective : crossingTimes) {
              if (prospective > current + fuzz
              && prospective < length(thepath) - fuzz) {
              current = prospective;
              return toReturn;

              void drawSurfacePath(path parampath, pen p=currentpen, bool onTop=true) {
              path toDraw;
              real crossingTimes = splitTimes(parampath);
              crossingTimes = condense(crossingTimes);
              for (int i = 0; i+1 < crossingTimes.length; ++i) {
              toDraw.push(subpath(parampath, crossingTimes[i], crossingTimes[i+1]));
              for (path thepath : toDraw) {
              pair midpoint = point(thepath, length(thepath) / (2+.1*unitrand()));
              int sheets = numSheetsHiding(midpoint);
              path path3d = project(onSurface(thepath), theProjection, ninterpolate = 1);
              addPath(path3d, p=p, onTop=onTop, layer=sheets);

              SmoothSurface operator *(transform3 t, SmoothSurface s) {
              return SmoothSurface(t*s.s);

              To get the clean image, compile the following tex file as described in the comments. (The tex file should be in the same directory as surfacepaths.asy.)

              %usage (if file is named foo.tex):
              %> pdflatex foo.tex
              %> asy foo-*.asy
              %> pdflatex foo.tex
              import surfacepaths;
              int niceangle = 70;
              currentprojection = orthographic(camera=10Z + .1Y, up=Y);
              surface torus = surface(Circle(c=2Y,normal=X,r=0.5,n=32), c=O, axis=Z, n=32);
              SmoothSurface Torus = SmoothSurface(rotate(angle=-niceangle, v=X) * torus);

              To get the animated version (as a gif file), run the following Asymptote code. (For instance, save it in the file foo.asy, and then enter asy foo at the command line.)

              import surfacepaths;
              import animation;

              size(50cm,0); // Increased size and line width for better resolution

              int niceangle = 70;

              currentprojection = orthographic(camera=10Z + .1Y, up=Y);
              surface torus = surface(Circle(c=2Y,normal=X,r=0.5,n=100), c=O, axis=Z, n=32);
              SmoothSurface Torus = SmoothSurface(rotate(angle=-niceangle, v=X) * torus);

              animation A;

              for (int angle = 0; angle <= 180; angle += 5) {
              (rotate(angle=-angle, v=X) * Torus).drawSilhouette(linewidth(2pt)); // Increase size and line width for better resolution
              write("computed angle " + (string)angle); //output some progress indicator


              share|improve this answer

              Here's a solution using an Asymptote module I am writing (which is still in its very early stages).

              The images:

              A vector image of the contour:

              enter image description here

              or, "just for fun," in a gif animation (my first ever):

              Note that, by design, this animation pauses momentarily when it is the same image (up to resolution) as the one above.

              The code:

              First, save the following code in a file called surfacepaths.asy:

              import graph3;
              import contour;

              // A bunch of auxiliary functions.

              real fuzz = .001;

              real umin(surface s) { return 0; }
              real vmin(surface s) { return 0; }
              pair uvmin(surface s) { return (umin(s), vmin(s)); }
              real umax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) {
              if (s.ucyclic()) return s.index.length;
              else return s.index.length - fuzz;
              real vmax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) {
              if (s.vcyclic()) return s.index[0].length;
              return s.index[0].length - fuzz;
              pair uvmax(surface s, real fuzz=fuzz) { return (umax(s,fuzz), vmax(s,fuzz)); }

              typedef real function(real, real);

              function normalDot(surface s, triple eyedir(triple)) {
              real toreturn(real u, real v) {
              return dot(s.normal(u, v), eyedir(s.point(u,v)));
              return toreturn;

              struct patchWithCoords {
              patch p;
              real u;
              real v;
              void operator init(patch p, real u, real v) {
              this.p = p;
              this.u = u;
              this.v = v;
              void operator init(surface s, real u, real v) {
              int U=floor(u);
              int V=floor(v);
              int index = (s.index.length == 0 ? U+V : s.index[U][V]);

              this.p = s.s[index];
              this.u = u-U;
              this.v = v-V;
              triple partialu() {
              return p.partialu(u,v);
              triple partialv() {
              return p.partialv(u,v);

              typedef triple paramsurface(pair);

              paramsurface tangentplane(surface s, pair pt) {
              patchWithCoords thepatch = patchWithCoords(s, pt.x, pt.y);
              triple partialu = thepatch.partialu();
              triple partialv = thepatch.partialv();
              return new triple(pair tangentvector) {
              return s.point(pt.x, pt.y) + (tangentvector.x * partialu) + (tangentvector.y * partialv);

              guide normalpathuv(surface s, projection P = currentprojection, int n = ngraph) {
              triple eyedir(triple a);
              if (P.infinity) eyedir = new triple(triple) { return; };
              else eyedir = new triple(triple pt) { return - pt; };
              return contour(normalDot(s, eyedir), uvmin(s), uvmax(s), new real {0}, nx=n)[0];

              path3 onSurface(surface s, path p) {
              triple f(int t) {
              pair point = point(p,t);
              return s.point(point.x, point.y);

              guide3 toreturn = f(0);
              paramsurface thetangentplane = tangentplane(s, point(p,0));
              triple oldcontrol, newcontrol;
              int size = length(p);
              for (int i = 1; i <= size; ++i) {
              oldcontrol = thetangentplane(postcontrol(p,i-1) - point(p,i-1));
              thetangentplane = tangentplane(s, point(p,i));
              newcontrol = thetangentplane(precontrol(p, i) - point(p,i));
              toreturn = toreturn .. controls oldcontrol and newcontrol .. f(i);

              if (cyclic(p)) toreturn = toreturn & cycle;

              return toreturn;


              * This method returns an array of paths that trace out all the
              * points on s at which s is parallel to eyedir.

              path paramSilhouetteNoEdges(surface s, projection P = currentprojection, int n = ngraph) {
              guide uvpaths = normalpathuv(s, P, n);
              //Reduce the number of segments to conserve memory
              for (int i = 0; i < uvpaths.length; ++i) {
              real len = length(uvpaths[i]);
              uvpaths[i] = graph(new pair(real t) {return point(uvpaths[i],t);}, 0, len, n=n);
              return uvpaths;

              private typedef real function2(real, real);
              private typedef real function3(triple);

              triple normalVectors(triple dir, triple surfacen) {
              dir = unit(dir);
              surfacen = unit(surfacen);
              triple v1, v2;
              int i = 0;
              do {
              v1 = unit(cross(dir, (unitrand(), unitrand(), unitrand())));
              v2 = unit(cross(dir, (unitrand(), unitrand(), unitrand())));
              } while ((abs(dot(v1,v2)) > Cos(10) || abs(dot(v1,surfacen)) > Cos(5) || abs(dot(v2,surfacen)) > Cos(5)) && i < 1000);
              if (i >= 1000) {
              write("problem: Unable to comply.");
              write(" dir = " + (string)dir);
              write(" surface normal = " + (string)surfacen);
              return new triple {v1, v2};

              function3 planeEqn(triple pt, triple normal) {
              return new real(triple r) {
              return dot(normal, r - pt);

              function2 pullback(function3 eqn, surface s) {
              return new real(real u, real v) {
              return eqn(s.point(u,v));

              * returns the distinct points in which the surface intersects
              * the line through the point pt in the direction dir

              triple intersectionPoints(surface s, pair parampt, triple dir) {
              triple pt = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
              triple lineNormals = normalVectors(dir, s.normal(parampt.x, parampt.y));
              path curves;
              for (triple n : lineNormals) {
              function3 planeEn = planeEqn(pt, n);
              function2 pullback = pullback(planeEn, s);
              guide contour = contour(pullback, uvmin(s), uvmax(s), new real{0})[0];

              pair intersectionPoints;
              for (path c1 : curves[0])
              for (path c2 : curves[1])
              intersectionPoints.append(intersectionpoints(c1, c2));
              triple toreturn;
              for (pair P : intersectionPoints)
              toreturn.push(s.point(P.x, P.y));
              return toreturn;

              * Returns those intersection points for which the vector from pt forms an
              * acute angle with dir.
              int numPointsInDirection(surface s, pair parampt, triple dir, real fuzz=.05) {
              triple pt = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
              dir = unit(dir);
              triple intersections = intersectionPoints(s, parampt, dir);
              int num = 0;
              for (triple isection: intersections)
              if (dot(isection - pt, dir) > fuzz) ++num;
              return num;

              bool3 increasing(real t0, real t1) {
              if (t0 < t1) return true;
              if (t0 > t1) return false;
              return default;

              int extremes(real f, bool cyclic = f.cyclic) {
              bool3 lastIncreasing;
              bool3 nextIncreasing;
              int max;
              if (cyclic) {
              lastIncreasing = increasing(f[-1], f[0]);
              max = f.length - 1;
              } else {
              max = f.length - 2;
              if (increasing(f[0], f[1])) lastIncreasing = false;
              else lastIncreasing = true;
              int toreturn;
              for (int i = 0; i <= max; ++i) {
              nextIncreasing = increasing(f[i], f[i+1]);
              if (lastIncreasing != nextIncreasing) {
              lastIncreasing = nextIncreasing;
              if (!cyclic) toreturn.push(f.length - 1);
              toreturn.cyclic = cyclic;
              return toreturn;

              int extremes(path path, real f(pair) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
              real fvalues = new real[size(path)];
              for (int i = 0; i < fvalues.length; ++i) {
              fvalues[i] = f(point(path, i));
              fvalues.cyclic = cyclic(path);
              int toreturn = extremes(fvalues);
              return toreturn;

              path splitAtExtremes(path path, real f(pair) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
              int splittingTimes = extremes(path, f);
              path toreturn;
              if (cyclic(path)) toreturn.push(subpath(path, splittingTimes[-1], splittingTimes[0]));
              for (int i = 0; i+1 < splittingTimes.length; ++i) {
              toreturn.push(subpath(path, splittingTimes[i], splittingTimes[i+1]));
              return toreturn;

              path splitAtExtremes(path paths, real f(pair P) = new real(pair P) {return P.x;})
              path toreturn;
              for (path path : paths) {
              toreturn.append(splitAtExtremes(path, f));
              return toreturn;

              path3 toCamera(triple p, projection P=currentprojection, real fuzz = .01, real upperLimit = 100) {
              if (!P.infinity) {
              triple directionToCamera = unit( - p);
              triple startingPoint = p + fuzz*directionToCamera;
              return startingPoint --;
              else {
              triple directionToCamera = unit(;
              triple startingPoint = p + fuzz*directionToCamera;

              return startingPoint -- (p + upperLimit*directionToCamera);

              int numSheetsHiding(surface s, pair parampt, projection P = currentprojection) {
              triple p = s.point(parampt.x, parampt.y);
              path3 tocamera = toCamera(p, P);
              triple pt = beginpoint(tocamera);
              triple dir = endpoint(tocamera) - pt;
              return numPointsInDirection(s, parampt, dir);

              struct coloredPath {
              path path;
              pen pen;
              void operator init(path path, pen p=currentpen) {
              this.path = path;
              this.pen = p;
              /* draws the path with the pen having the specified weight (using colors)*/
              void draw(real weight) {
              draw(path, p=weight*pen + (1-weight)*white);
              coloredPath layeredPaths;
              // onTop indicates whether the path should be added at the top or bottom of the specified layer
              void addPath(path path, pen p=currentpen, int layer, bool onTop=true) {
              coloredPath toAdd = coloredPath(path, p);
              if (layer >= layeredPaths.length) {
              layeredPaths[layer] = new coloredPath {toAdd};
              } else if (onTop) {
              } else layeredPaths[layer].insert(0, toAdd);

              void drawLayeredPaths() {
              for (int layer = layeredPaths.length - 1; layer >= 0; --layer) {
              real layerfactor = (1/3)^layer;
              for (coloredPath toDraw : layeredPaths[layer]) {

              real cutTimes(path tocut, path knives) {
              real intersectionTimes = new real {0, length(tocut)};
              for (path knife : knives) {
              real complexIntersections = intersections(tocut, knife);
              for (real times : complexIntersections) {
              return sort(intersectionTimes);

              path cut(path tocut, path knives) {
              real cutTimes = cutTimes(tocut, knives);
              path toreturn;
              for (int i = 0; i + 1 < cutTimes.length; ++i) {
              toreturn.push(subpath(tocut,cutTimes[i], cutTimes[i+1]));
              return toreturn;

              real condense(real values, real fuzz=.001) {
              values = sort(values);
              real previous = -infinity;
              real lastMin;
              real toReturn;
              for (real t : values) {
              if (t - fuzz > previous) {
              if (previous > -infinity) toReturn.push((lastMin + previous) / 2);
              lastMin = t;
              previous = t;
              return toReturn;

              * A smooth surface parametrized by the domain [0,1] x [0,1]
              struct SmoothSurface {
              surface s;
              private real sumax;
              private real svmax;
              path paramSilhouette;
              path projectedSilhouette;
              projection theProjection;

              path3 onSurface(path paramPath) {
              return onSurface(s, scale(sumax,svmax)*paramPath);

              triple point(real u, real v) { return s.point(sumax*u, svmax*v); }
              triple point(pair uv) { return point(uv.x, uv.y); }
              triple normal(real u, real v) { return s.normal(sumax*u, svmax*v); }
              triple normal(pair uv) { return normal(uv.x, uv.y); }

              void operator init(surface s, projection P=currentprojection) {
              this.s = s;
              this.sumax = umax(s);
              this.svmax = vmax(s);
              this.theProjection = P;
              this.paramSilhouette = scale(1/sumax, 1/svmax) * paramSilhouetteNoEdges(s,P);
              this.projectedSilhouette = sequence(new path(int i) {
              path3 truePath = onSurface(paramSilhouette[i]);
              path projectedPath = project(truePath, theProjection, ninterpolate=1);
              return projectedPath;
              }, paramSilhouette.length);

              int numSheetsHiding(pair parampt) {
              return numSheetsHiding(s, scale(sumax,svmax)*parampt);

              void drawSilhouette(pen p=currentpen, bool includePathsBehind=false, bool onTop = true) {
              int extremes;
              for (path path : projectedSilhouette) {

              path splitSilhouette;
              path paramSplitSilhouette;

              * First, split at extremes to ensure that there are no
              * self-intersections of any one subpath in the projected silhouette.

              for (int j = 0; j < paramSilhouette.length; ++j) {
              path current = projectedSilhouette[j];

              path currentParam = paramSilhouette[j];

              int dividers = extremes[j];
              for (int i = 0; i + 1 < dividers.length; ++i) {
              int start = dividers[i];
              int end = dividers[i+1];
              paramSplitSilhouette.push(subpath(currentParam, start, end));

              * Now, split at intersections of distinct subpaths.

              for (int j = 0; j < splitSilhouette.length; ++j) {
              path current = splitSilhouette[j];
              path currentParam = paramSplitSilhouette[j];

              real splittingTimes = new real {0,length(current)};
              for (int k = 0; k < splitSilhouette.length; ++k) {
              if (j == k) continue;
              real times = intersections(current, splitSilhouette[k]);
              for (real time : times) {
              real relevantTime = time[0];
              if (.01 < relevantTime && relevantTime < length(current) - .01) splittingTimes.push(relevantTime);
              splittingTimes = sort(splittingTimes);
              for (int i = 0; i + 1 < splittingTimes.length; ++i) {
              real start = splittingTimes[i];
              real end = splittingTimes[i+1];
              real mid = start + ((end-start) / (2+0.1*unitrand()));
              pair theparampoint = point(currentParam, mid);
              int sheets = numSheetsHiding(theparampoint);

              if (sheets == 0 || includePathsBehind) {
              path currentSubpath = subpath(current, start, end);
              addPath(currentSubpath, p=p, onTop=onTop, layer=sheets);


              Splits a parametrized path along the parametrized silhouette,
              taking [0,1] x [0,1] as the
              fundamental domain. Could be implemented more efficiently.
              private real splitTimes(path thepath) {
              pair min = min(thepath);
              pair max = max(thepath);
              path baseknives = paramSilhouette;
              path knives;
              for (int u = floor(min.x); u < max.x + .001; ++u) {
              for (int v = floor(min.y); v < max.y + .001; ++v) {
              return cutTimes(thepath, knives);

              Returns the times at which the projection of the given path3 intersects
              the projection of the surface silhouette. This may miss unstable
              intersections that can be detected by the previous method.
              private real silhouetteCrossingTimes(path3 thepath, real fuzz = .01) {
              path projectedpath = project(thepath, theProjection, ninterpolate=1);
              real crossingTimes = cutTimes(projectedpath, projectedSilhouette);
              if (crossingTimes.length == 0) return crossingTimes;
              real current = 0;
              real toReturn = new real {0};
              for (real prospective : crossingTimes) {
              if (prospective > current + fuzz
              && prospective < length(thepath) - fuzz) {
              current = prospective;
              return toReturn;

              void drawSurfacePath(path parampath, pen p=currentpen, bool onTop=true) {
              path toDraw;
              real crossingTimes = splitTimes(parampath);
              crossingTimes = condense(crossingTimes);
              for (int i = 0; i+1 < crossingTimes.length; ++i) {
              toDraw.push(subpath(parampath, crossingTimes[i], crossingTimes[i+1]));
              for (path thepath : toDraw) {
              pair midpoint = point(thepath, length(thepath) / (2+.1*unitrand()));
              int sheets = numSheetsHiding(midpoint);
              path path3d = project(onSurface(thepath), theProjection, ninterpolate = 1);
              addPath(path3d, p=p, onTop=onTop, layer=sheets);

              SmoothSurface operator *(transform3 t, SmoothSurface s) {
              return SmoothSurface(t*s.s);

              To get the clean image, compile the following tex file as described in the comments. (The tex file should be in the same directory as surfacepaths.asy.)

              %usage (if file is named foo.tex):
              %> pdflatex foo.tex
              %> asy foo-*.asy
              %> pdflatex foo.tex
              import surfacepaths;
              int niceangle = 70;
              currentprojection = orthographic(camera=10Z + .1Y, up=Y);
              surface torus = surface(Circle(c=2Y,normal=X,r=0.5,n=32), c=O, axis=Z, n=32);
              SmoothSurface Torus = SmoothSurface(rotate(angle=-niceangle, v=X) * torus);

              To get the animated version (as a gif file), run the following Asymptote code. (For instance, save it in the file foo.asy, and then enter asy foo at the command line.)

              import surfacepaths;
              import animation;

              size(50cm,0); // Increased size and line width for better resolution

              int niceangle = 70;

              currentprojection = orthographic(camera=10Z + .1Y, up=Y);
              surface torus = surface(Circle(c=2Y,normal=X,r=0.5,n=100), c=O, axis=Z, n=32);
              SmoothSurface Torus = SmoothSurface(rotate(angle=-niceangle, v=X) * torus);

              animation A;

              for (int angle = 0; angle <= 180; angle += 5) {
              (rotate(angle=-angle, v=X) * Torus).drawSilhouette(linewidth(2pt)); // Increase size and line width for better resolution
              write("computed angle " + (string)angle); //output some progress indicator


              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Jan 5 '14 at 20:08

              answered Dec 24 '13 at 1:47

              Charles Staats



              • @Stiff Jokes: I was able to eliminate most of the flicker by increasing the number of Bezier patches making up the surfaces. Because of the way the algorithms are implemented here, this actually does not hugely affect the compilation time.
                – Charles Staats
                Jan 5 '14 at 20:10

              • Extremely excellent. Thanks.
                – kiss my armpit
                Jan 5 '14 at 20:11

              • Is there a way to modify this to obtain an outline of a double torus?
                – Jacob Bond
                Mar 9 '18 at 16:44

              • @Stiff Jokes: I was able to eliminate most of the flicker by increasing the number of Bezier patches making up the surfaces. Because of the way the algorithms are implemented here, this actually does not hugely affect the compilation time.
                – Charles Staats
                Jan 5 '14 at 20:10

              • Extremely excellent. Thanks.
                – kiss my armpit
                Jan 5 '14 at 20:11

              • Is there a way to modify this to obtain an outline of a double torus?
                – Jacob Bond
                Mar 9 '18 at 16:44

              @Stiff Jokes: I was able to eliminate most of the flicker by increasing the number of Bezier patches making up the surfaces. Because of the way the algorithms are implemented here, this actually does not hugely affect the compilation time.
              – Charles Staats
              Jan 5 '14 at 20:10

              @Stiff Jokes: I was able to eliminate most of the flicker by increasing the number of Bezier patches making up the surfaces. Because of the way the algorithms are implemented here, this actually does not hugely affect the compilation time.
              – Charles Staats
              Jan 5 '14 at 20:10

              Extremely excellent. Thanks.
              – kiss my armpit
              Jan 5 '14 at 20:11

              Extremely excellent. Thanks.
              – kiss my armpit
              Jan 5 '14 at 20:11

              Is there a way to modify this to obtain an outline of a double torus?
              – Jacob Bond
              Mar 9 '18 at 16:44

              Is there a way to modify this to obtain an outline of a double torus?
              – Jacob Bond
              Mar 9 '18 at 16:44


              I traced the original image to get the critical points. By setting showgrid to top and commenting out %rput(0,0){useboxIBox}, you can edit the critical points to get a better result that suits your preferences.




              temppsscalebox{-1 1}{temp}

              The following is the output:

              enter image description here

              And the original one:

              enter image description here

              share|improve this answer

              • Is my answer the most similar to the sample in question?
                – kiss my armpit
                Sep 8 '12 at 13:37


              I traced the original image to get the critical points. By setting showgrid to top and commenting out %rput(0,0){useboxIBox}, you can edit the critical points to get a better result that suits your preferences.




              temppsscalebox{-1 1}{temp}

              The following is the output:

              enter image description here

              And the original one:

              enter image description here

              share|improve this answer

              • Is my answer the most similar to the sample in question?
                – kiss my armpit
                Sep 8 '12 at 13:37




              I traced the original image to get the critical points. By setting showgrid to top and commenting out %rput(0,0){useboxIBox}, you can edit the critical points to get a better result that suits your preferences.




              temppsscalebox{-1 1}{temp}

              The following is the output:

              enter image description here

              And the original one:

              enter image description here

              share|improve this answer

              I traced the original image to get the critical points. By setting showgrid to top and commenting out %rput(0,0){useboxIBox}, you can edit the critical points to get a better result that suits your preferences.




              temppsscalebox{-1 1}{temp}

              The following is the output:

              enter image description here

              And the original one:

              enter image description here

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              edited Aug 4 '13 at 11:52

              answered May 21 '12 at 17:16

              kiss my armpit



              • Is my answer the most similar to the sample in question?
                – kiss my armpit
                Sep 8 '12 at 13:37

              • Is my answer the most similar to the sample in question?
                – kiss my armpit
                Sep 8 '12 at 13:37

              Is my answer the most similar to the sample in question?
              – kiss my armpit
              Sep 8 '12 at 13:37

              Is my answer the most similar to the sample in question?
              – kiss my armpit
              Sep 8 '12 at 13:37


              Along the line of @AndrewStacey, I tried something slightly simpler. Using one ellipse and an two elliptical arcs, translated, I get the (almost) right visual effect, which is not at all accurate:

              enter image description here

              The code is rather simple and easy to tweak in case one wants to get a better/different visual effect:

              draw[domain=0:2*PI] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r)});
              draw[domain=PI/4:3*PI/4] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r) -1});
              draw[domain=-0.1+5*PI/4:0.1+7*PI/4] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r) +1.1});

              share|improve this answer

              • How can it be made fatter?
                – Marion
                Feb 21 '18 at 22:31


              Along the line of @AndrewStacey, I tried something slightly simpler. Using one ellipse and an two elliptical arcs, translated, I get the (almost) right visual effect, which is not at all accurate:

              enter image description here

              The code is rather simple and easy to tweak in case one wants to get a better/different visual effect:

              draw[domain=0:2*PI] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r)});
              draw[domain=PI/4:3*PI/4] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r) -1});
              draw[domain=-0.1+5*PI/4:0.1+7*PI/4] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r) +1.1});

              share|improve this answer

              • How can it be made fatter?
                – Marion
                Feb 21 '18 at 22:31




              Along the line of @AndrewStacey, I tried something slightly simpler. Using one ellipse and an two elliptical arcs, translated, I get the (almost) right visual effect, which is not at all accurate:

              enter image description here

              The code is rather simple and easy to tweak in case one wants to get a better/different visual effect:

              draw[domain=0:2*PI] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r)});
              draw[domain=PI/4:3*PI/4] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r) -1});
              draw[domain=-0.1+5*PI/4:0.1+7*PI/4] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r) +1.1});

              share|improve this answer

              Along the line of @AndrewStacey, I tried something slightly simpler. Using one ellipse and an two elliptical arcs, translated, I get the (almost) right visual effect, which is not at all accurate:

              enter image description here

              The code is rather simple and easy to tweak in case one wants to get a better/different visual effect:

              draw[domain=0:2*PI] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r)});
              draw[domain=PI/4:3*PI/4] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r) -1});
              draw[domain=-0.1+5*PI/4:0.1+7*PI/4] plot ({a*cos(x r)},{b*sin(x r) +1.1});

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              share|improve this answer

              answered Sep 6 '12 at 7:02




              • How can it be made fatter?
                – Marion
                Feb 21 '18 at 22:31

              • How can it be made fatter?
                – Marion
                Feb 21 '18 at 22:31

              How can it be made fatter?
              – Marion
              Feb 21 '18 at 22:31

              How can it be made fatter?
              – Marion
              Feb 21 '18 at 22:31


              This is a pretty old question, but I thought I might as well add my solution, which I think looks pretty good and doesn't require any complicated calculations:

              useasboundingbox (-3,-1.5) rectangle (3,1.5);
              draw (0,0) ellipse (3 and 1.5);
              clip (0,-1.8) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
              draw (0,2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
              clip (0,2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
              draw (0,-2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);

              torus image

              share|improve this answer


                This is a pretty old question, but I thought I might as well add my solution, which I think looks pretty good and doesn't require any complicated calculations:

                useasboundingbox (-3,-1.5) rectangle (3,1.5);
                draw (0,0) ellipse (3 and 1.5);
                clip (0,-1.8) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
                draw (0,2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
                clip (0,2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
                draw (0,-2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);

                torus image

                share|improve this answer




                  This is a pretty old question, but I thought I might as well add my solution, which I think looks pretty good and doesn't require any complicated calculations:

                  useasboundingbox (-3,-1.5) rectangle (3,1.5);
                  draw (0,0) ellipse (3 and 1.5);
                  clip (0,-1.8) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
                  draw (0,2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
                  clip (0,2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
                  draw (0,-2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);

                  torus image

                  share|improve this answer

                  This is a pretty old question, but I thought I might as well add my solution, which I think looks pretty good and doesn't require any complicated calculations:

                  useasboundingbox (-3,-1.5) rectangle (3,1.5);
                  draw (0,0) ellipse (3 and 1.5);
                  clip (0,-1.8) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
                  draw (0,2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
                  clip (0,2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);
                  draw (0,-2.2) ellipse (3 and 2.5);

                  torus image

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  answered Dec 13 '18 at 23:05

                  Mike Shulman




                      Here's a quick and dirty way to draw a thin ring (I used this for a ring of wire in a physics problem).

                      % outer ellipse filled with gray:
                      draw [black, fill=gray!50](0,0) circle (2.05cm and 0.55cm);
                      % inner ellipse, filled with white, a bit higher and smaller:
                      draw [black, fill=white](0,.04) circle (1.95cm and 0.45cm);

                      enter image description here

                      share|improve this answer


                        Here's a quick and dirty way to draw a thin ring (I used this for a ring of wire in a physics problem).

                        % outer ellipse filled with gray:
                        draw [black, fill=gray!50](0,0) circle (2.05cm and 0.55cm);
                        % inner ellipse, filled with white, a bit higher and smaller:
                        draw [black, fill=white](0,.04) circle (1.95cm and 0.45cm);

                        enter image description here

                        share|improve this answer




                          Here's a quick and dirty way to draw a thin ring (I used this for a ring of wire in a physics problem).

                          % outer ellipse filled with gray:
                          draw [black, fill=gray!50](0,0) circle (2.05cm and 0.55cm);
                          % inner ellipse, filled with white, a bit higher and smaller:
                          draw [black, fill=white](0,.04) circle (1.95cm and 0.45cm);

                          enter image description here

                          share|improve this answer

                          Here's a quick and dirty way to draw a thin ring (I used this for a ring of wire in a physics problem).

                          % outer ellipse filled with gray:
                          draw [black, fill=gray!50](0,0) circle (2.05cm and 0.55cm);
                          % inner ellipse, filled with white, a bit higher and smaller:
                          draw [black, fill=white](0,.04) circle (1.95cm and 0.45cm);

                          enter image description here

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          share|improve this answer

                          edited Oct 31 '17 at 18:44




                          answered Oct 31 '17 at 18:41

                          Richard H Downey



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