ARKit add 2D Video flipped by X

up vote
down vote


So I have following code to create custom wall

    let wall = SCNPlane(width: CGFloat(distance),
height: CGFloat(height))
wall.firstMaterial = wallMaterial()
let node = SCNNode(geometry: wall)

// always render before the beachballs
node.renderingOrder = -10

// get center point
node.position = SCNVector3(from.x + (to.x - from.x) * 0.5,
from.y + height * 0.5,
from.z + (to.z - from.z) * 0.5)
node.eulerAngles = SCNVector3(0,
-atan2(to.x - node.position.x, from.z - node.position.z) - Float.pi * 0.5,

And Now I am adding simple SCNPlane on hit test and add video (skscene to it)

          // first.node is hittest result 

let node = SCNNode(geometry: SCNPlane(width: CGFloat(width) , height: CGFloat(height))
node.geometry?.firstMaterial?.isDoubleSided = true
node.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = self.create2DVideoScene(xScale: first.node.eulerAngles.y < 0 ? -1 : nil)
node.position = nodesWithDistance.previous.node.mainNode.position

node.eulerAngles = first.node.eulerAngles

Here How I created 2d node

 /// Creates 2D video scene
private func create2DVideoScene (xScale:CGFloat?) -> SKScene {
var videoPlayer = AVPlayer()

if let validURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "video", withExtension: "mp4", subdirectory: "/art.scnassets") {
let item = AVPlayerItem(url: validURL)
videoPlayer = AVPlayer(playerItem: item)
let videoNode = SKVideoNode(avPlayer: videoPlayer)
videoNode.yScale *= -1

// While debug I observe that if first.node.rotation.y in - , then we need to change xScale to -1 (when wall draw from right -> left )

if let xScale = xScale {
videoNode.xScale *= xScale


let skScene = SKScene(size: self.sceneView.frame.size)
skScene.scaleMode = .aspectFill
skScene.backgroundColor = .green
videoNode.position = CGPoint(x: skScene.size.width/2, y: skScene.size.height/2)
videoNode.size = skScene.size
return skScene

Issue :: If I draw wall node from left to right means first point is on left side and other point on right side and draw wall between them. Then Video is flipped.

If I draw from right to left means first point is on right side and second point is on left side and draw line between them then video is perfectly fine.

To fix this I checked wall eulerAngles check the line self.create2DVideoScene but this is not working in every area of real world

I want video should not be start flipped in front of user


video is flipped because ofeulerAngles is different in both case while create a wall

Angle point1 to point2 --> (0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 3.735537)

Angle point2 to point1 -- > (0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.478615)

Issue video Click here to play video

Please please provide the suggestion or solution of this issue .

enter image description here

Video flipped


share|improve this question

  • Note that in recent versions of SceneKit using a SKScene and a SKVideoNode is not necessary. You can directly set the AVPlayer as the contents of a SCNMaterialProperty instance.
    – mnuages
    Nov 13 at 13:47

  • @mnuages Thanks for comment I have already tried this. I have already added video i.e AVplayer directly but issue is drawing wall from RIGHT -> LEFT working fine but drawing LEFT -> RIGHT show AVPlayer Flipped
    – Prashant Tukadiya
    Nov 13 at 13:52

  • Issue is with -atan2(to.x - node.position.x, from.z - node.position.z) - Float.pi * 0. but i am not able to figure it out
    – Prashant Tukadiya
    Nov 13 at 13:53

  • I don't understand what you mean by "draw from left to right" versus "draw from right to left"
    – mnuages
    Nov 13 at 14:35

  • @mnuages sorry for my bad English See the image where I written point 1 and point 2. If I draw point 1 ---> point 2 video is normal. But at same position if I draw from point 2 --> point 1 video is flipping as shown in image 2
    – Prashant Tukadiya
    Nov 13 at 14:45

up vote
down vote


So I have following code to create custom wall

    let wall = SCNPlane(width: CGFloat(distance),
height: CGFloat(height))
wall.firstMaterial = wallMaterial()
let node = SCNNode(geometry: wall)

// always render before the beachballs
node.renderingOrder = -10

// get center point
node.position = SCNVector3(from.x + (to.x - from.x) * 0.5,
from.y + height * 0.5,
from.z + (to.z - from.z) * 0.5)
node.eulerAngles = SCNVector3(0,
-atan2(to.x - node.position.x, from.z - node.position.z) - Float.pi * 0.5,

And Now I am adding simple SCNPlane on hit test and add video (skscene to it)

          // first.node is hittest result 

let node = SCNNode(geometry: SCNPlane(width: CGFloat(width) , height: CGFloat(height))
node.geometry?.firstMaterial?.isDoubleSided = true
node.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = self.create2DVideoScene(xScale: first.node.eulerAngles.y < 0 ? -1 : nil)
node.position = nodesWithDistance.previous.node.mainNode.position

node.eulerAngles = first.node.eulerAngles

Here How I created 2d node

 /// Creates 2D video scene
private func create2DVideoScene (xScale:CGFloat?) -> SKScene {
var videoPlayer = AVPlayer()

if let validURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "video", withExtension: "mp4", subdirectory: "/art.scnassets") {
let item = AVPlayerItem(url: validURL)
videoPlayer = AVPlayer(playerItem: item)
let videoNode = SKVideoNode(avPlayer: videoPlayer)
videoNode.yScale *= -1

// While debug I observe that if first.node.rotation.y in - , then we need to change xScale to -1 (when wall draw from right -> left )

if let xScale = xScale {
videoNode.xScale *= xScale


let skScene = SKScene(size: self.sceneView.frame.size)
skScene.scaleMode = .aspectFill
skScene.backgroundColor = .green
videoNode.position = CGPoint(x: skScene.size.width/2, y: skScene.size.height/2)
videoNode.size = skScene.size
return skScene

Issue :: If I draw wall node from left to right means first point is on left side and other point on right side and draw wall between them. Then Video is flipped.

If I draw from right to left means first point is on right side and second point is on left side and draw line between them then video is perfectly fine.

To fix this I checked wall eulerAngles check the line self.create2DVideoScene but this is not working in every area of real world

I want video should not be start flipped in front of user


video is flipped because ofeulerAngles is different in both case while create a wall

Angle point1 to point2 --> (0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 3.735537)

Angle point2 to point1 -- > (0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.478615)

Issue video Click here to play video

Please please provide the suggestion or solution of this issue .

enter image description here

Video flipped


share|improve this question

  • Note that in recent versions of SceneKit using a SKScene and a SKVideoNode is not necessary. You can directly set the AVPlayer as the contents of a SCNMaterialProperty instance.
    – mnuages
    Nov 13 at 13:47

  • @mnuages Thanks for comment I have already tried this. I have already added video i.e AVplayer directly but issue is drawing wall from RIGHT -> LEFT working fine but drawing LEFT -> RIGHT show AVPlayer Flipped
    – Prashant Tukadiya
    Nov 13 at 13:52

  • Issue is with -atan2(to.x - node.position.x, from.z - node.position.z) - Float.pi * 0. but i am not able to figure it out
    – Prashant Tukadiya
    Nov 13 at 13:53

  • I don't understand what you mean by "draw from left to right" versus "draw from right to left"
    – mnuages
    Nov 13 at 14:35

  • @mnuages sorry for my bad English See the image where I written point 1 and point 2. If I draw point 1 ---> point 2 video is normal. But at same position if I draw from point 2 --> point 1 video is flipping as shown in image 2
    – Prashant Tukadiya
    Nov 13 at 14:45

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


So I have following code to create custom wall

    let wall = SCNPlane(width: CGFloat(distance),
height: CGFloat(height))
wall.firstMaterial = wallMaterial()
let node = SCNNode(geometry: wall)

// always render before the beachballs
node.renderingOrder = -10

// get center point
node.position = SCNVector3(from.x + (to.x - from.x) * 0.5,
from.y + height * 0.5,
from.z + (to.z - from.z) * 0.5)
node.eulerAngles = SCNVector3(0,
-atan2(to.x - node.position.x, from.z - node.position.z) - Float.pi * 0.5,

And Now I am adding simple SCNPlane on hit test and add video (skscene to it)

          // first.node is hittest result 

let node = SCNNode(geometry: SCNPlane(width: CGFloat(width) , height: CGFloat(height))
node.geometry?.firstMaterial?.isDoubleSided = true
node.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = self.create2DVideoScene(xScale: first.node.eulerAngles.y < 0 ? -1 : nil)
node.position = nodesWithDistance.previous.node.mainNode.position

node.eulerAngles = first.node.eulerAngles

Here How I created 2d node

 /// Creates 2D video scene
private func create2DVideoScene (xScale:CGFloat?) -> SKScene {
var videoPlayer = AVPlayer()

if let validURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "video", withExtension: "mp4", subdirectory: "/art.scnassets") {
let item = AVPlayerItem(url: validURL)
videoPlayer = AVPlayer(playerItem: item)
let videoNode = SKVideoNode(avPlayer: videoPlayer)
videoNode.yScale *= -1

// While debug I observe that if first.node.rotation.y in - , then we need to change xScale to -1 (when wall draw from right -> left )

if let xScale = xScale {
videoNode.xScale *= xScale


let skScene = SKScene(size: self.sceneView.frame.size)
skScene.scaleMode = .aspectFill
skScene.backgroundColor = .green
videoNode.position = CGPoint(x: skScene.size.width/2, y: skScene.size.height/2)
videoNode.size = skScene.size
return skScene

Issue :: If I draw wall node from left to right means first point is on left side and other point on right side and draw wall between them. Then Video is flipped.

If I draw from right to left means first point is on right side and second point is on left side and draw line between them then video is perfectly fine.

To fix this I checked wall eulerAngles check the line self.create2DVideoScene but this is not working in every area of real world

I want video should not be start flipped in front of user


video is flipped because ofeulerAngles is different in both case while create a wall

Angle point1 to point2 --> (0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 3.735537)

Angle point2 to point1 -- > (0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.478615)

Issue video Click here to play video

Please please provide the suggestion or solution of this issue .

enter image description here

Video flipped


share|improve this question

So I have following code to create custom wall

    let wall = SCNPlane(width: CGFloat(distance),
height: CGFloat(height))
wall.firstMaterial = wallMaterial()
let node = SCNNode(geometry: wall)

// always render before the beachballs
node.renderingOrder = -10

// get center point
node.position = SCNVector3(from.x + (to.x - from.x) * 0.5,
from.y + height * 0.5,
from.z + (to.z - from.z) * 0.5)
node.eulerAngles = SCNVector3(0,
-atan2(to.x - node.position.x, from.z - node.position.z) - Float.pi * 0.5,

And Now I am adding simple SCNPlane on hit test and add video (skscene to it)

          // first.node is hittest result 

let node = SCNNode(geometry: SCNPlane(width: CGFloat(width) , height: CGFloat(height))
node.geometry?.firstMaterial?.isDoubleSided = true
node.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = self.create2DVideoScene(xScale: first.node.eulerAngles.y < 0 ? -1 : nil)
node.position = nodesWithDistance.previous.node.mainNode.position

node.eulerAngles = first.node.eulerAngles

Here How I created 2d node

 /// Creates 2D video scene
private func create2DVideoScene (xScale:CGFloat?) -> SKScene {
var videoPlayer = AVPlayer()

if let validURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "video", withExtension: "mp4", subdirectory: "/art.scnassets") {
let item = AVPlayerItem(url: validURL)
videoPlayer = AVPlayer(playerItem: item)
let videoNode = SKVideoNode(avPlayer: videoPlayer)
videoNode.yScale *= -1

// While debug I observe that if first.node.rotation.y in - , then we need to change xScale to -1 (when wall draw from right -> left )

if let xScale = xScale {
videoNode.xScale *= xScale


let skScene = SKScene(size: self.sceneView.frame.size)
skScene.scaleMode = .aspectFill
skScene.backgroundColor = .green
videoNode.position = CGPoint(x: skScene.size.width/2, y: skScene.size.height/2)
videoNode.size = skScene.size
return skScene

Issue :: If I draw wall node from left to right means first point is on left side and other point on right side and draw wall between them. Then Video is flipped.

If I draw from right to left means first point is on right side and second point is on left side and draw line between them then video is perfectly fine.

To fix this I checked wall eulerAngles check the line self.create2DVideoScene but this is not working in every area of real world

I want video should not be start flipped in front of user


video is flipped because ofeulerAngles is different in both case while create a wall

Angle point1 to point2 --> (0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 3.735537)

Angle point2 to point1 -- > (0.000000 -1.000000 0.000000 0.478615)

Issue video Click here to play video

Please please provide the suggestion or solution of this issue .

enter image description here

Video flipped


ios swift scenekit arkit

share|improve this question

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edited Nov 14 at 10:53

asked Nov 13 at 13:42

Prashant Tukadiya



  • Note that in recent versions of SceneKit using a SKScene and a SKVideoNode is not necessary. You can directly set the AVPlayer as the contents of a SCNMaterialProperty instance.
    – mnuages
    Nov 13 at 13:47

  • @mnuages Thanks for comment I have already tried this. I have already added video i.e AVplayer directly but issue is drawing wall from RIGHT -> LEFT working fine but drawing LEFT -> RIGHT show AVPlayer Flipped
    – Prashant Tukadiya
    Nov 13 at 13:52

  • Issue is with -atan2(to.x - node.position.x, from.z - node.position.z) - Float.pi * 0. but i am not able to figure it out
    – Prashant Tukadiya
    Nov 13 at 13:53

  • I don't understand what you mean by "draw from left to right" versus "draw from right to left"
    – mnuages
    Nov 13 at 14:35

  • @mnuages sorry for my bad English See the image where I written point 1 and point 2. If I draw point 1 ---> point 2 video is normal. But at same position if I draw from point 2 --> point 1 video is flipping as shown in image 2
    – Prashant Tukadiya
    Nov 13 at 14:45

  • Note that in recent versions of SceneKit using a SKScene and a SKVideoNode is not necessary. You can directly set the AVPlayer as the contents of a SCNMaterialProperty instance.
    – mnuages
    Nov 13 at 13:47

  • @mnuages Thanks for comment I have already tried this. I have already added video i.e AVplayer directly but issue is drawing wall from RIGHT -> LEFT working fine but drawing LEFT -> RIGHT show AVPlayer Flipped
    – Prashant Tukadiya
    Nov 13 at 13:52

  • Issue is with -atan2(to.x - node.position.x, from.z - node.position.z) - Float.pi * 0. but i am not able to figure it out
    – Prashant Tukadiya
    Nov 13 at 13:53

  • I don't understand what you mean by "draw from left to right" versus "draw from right to left"
    – mnuages
    Nov 13 at 14:35

  • @mnuages sorry for my bad English See the image where I written point 1 and point 2. If I draw point 1 ---> point 2 video is normal. But at same position if I draw from point 2 --> point 1 video is flipping as shown in image 2
    – Prashant Tukadiya
    Nov 13 at 14:45

Note that in recent versions of SceneKit using a SKScene and a SKVideoNode is not necessary. You can directly set the AVPlayer as the contents of a SCNMaterialProperty instance.
– mnuages
Nov 13 at 13:47

Note that in recent versions of SceneKit using a SKScene and a SKVideoNode is not necessary. You can directly set the AVPlayer as the contents of a SCNMaterialProperty instance.
– mnuages
Nov 13 at 13:47

@mnuages Thanks for comment I have already tried this. I have already added video i.e AVplayer directly but issue is drawing wall from RIGHT -> LEFT working fine but drawing LEFT -> RIGHT show AVPlayer Flipped
– Prashant Tukadiya
Nov 13 at 13:52

@mnuages Thanks for comment I have already tried this. I have already added video i.e AVplayer directly but issue is drawing wall from RIGHT -> LEFT working fine but drawing LEFT -> RIGHT show AVPlayer Flipped
– Prashant Tukadiya
Nov 13 at 13:52

Issue is with -atan2(to.x - node.position.x, from.z - node.position.z) - Float.pi * 0. but i am not able to figure it out
– Prashant Tukadiya
Nov 13 at 13:53

Issue is with -atan2(to.x - node.position.x, from.z - node.position.z) - Float.pi * 0. but i am not able to figure it out
– Prashant Tukadiya
Nov 13 at 13:53

I don't understand what you mean by "draw from left to right" versus "draw from right to left"
– mnuages
Nov 13 at 14:35

I don't understand what you mean by "draw from left to right" versus "draw from right to left"
– mnuages
Nov 13 at 14:35

@mnuages sorry for my bad English See the image where I written point 1 and point 2. If I draw point 1 ---> point 2 video is normal. But at same position if I draw from point 2 --> point 1 video is flipping as shown in image 2
– Prashant Tukadiya
Nov 13 at 14:45

@mnuages sorry for my bad English See the image where I written point 1 and point 2. If I draw point 1 ---> point 2 video is normal. But at same position if I draw from point 2 --> point 1 video is flipping as shown in image 2
– Prashant Tukadiya
Nov 13 at 14:45

1 Answer




up vote
down vote

I have fixed issue with temporary solution still looking for a better one

Issue is of wall. wall is flipped other side of camera when draw from right to left direction. I have figure it out by setting isDoubleSided = false and by applying a image as diffuse contents which has text and I can see that image is flipped itself.

I have tried many things but this one helps me

  1. Normalize vector

  2. Find the cross between to SCNVectors

  3. If y > 0 I just swapped from and to Value


    let normalizedTO = to.normalized()
let normalizedFrom = from.normalized()
let angleBetweenTwoVectors = normalizedTO.cross(normalizedFrom)

var from = from
var to = to
if angleBetweenTwoVectors.y > 0 {
let temp = from
from = to
to = temp

// Inside extension of SCNVector3
func normalized() -> SCNVector3 {
if self.length() == 0 {
return self

return self / self.length()

func cross(_ vec: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 {
return SCNVector3(self.y * vec.z - self.z * vec.y, self.z * vec.x - self.x * vec.z, self.x * vec.y - self.y * vec.x)

Hope it is helpful. If anyone know better solution please answer it.

share|improve this answer

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    1 Answer




    1 Answer










    up vote
    down vote

    I have fixed issue with temporary solution still looking for a better one

    Issue is of wall. wall is flipped other side of camera when draw from right to left direction. I have figure it out by setting isDoubleSided = false and by applying a image as diffuse contents which has text and I can see that image is flipped itself.

    I have tried many things but this one helps me

    1. Normalize vector

    2. Find the cross between to SCNVectors

    3. If y > 0 I just swapped from and to Value


        let normalizedTO = to.normalized()
    let normalizedFrom = from.normalized()
    let angleBetweenTwoVectors = normalizedTO.cross(normalizedFrom)

    var from = from
    var to = to
    if angleBetweenTwoVectors.y > 0 {
    let temp = from
    from = to
    to = temp

    // Inside extension of SCNVector3
    func normalized() -> SCNVector3 {
    if self.length() == 0 {
    return self

    return self / self.length()

    func cross(_ vec: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 {
    return SCNVector3(self.y * vec.z - self.z * vec.y, self.z * vec.x - self.x * vec.z, self.x * vec.y - self.y * vec.x)

    Hope it is helpful. If anyone know better solution please answer it.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      I have fixed issue with temporary solution still looking for a better one

      Issue is of wall. wall is flipped other side of camera when draw from right to left direction. I have figure it out by setting isDoubleSided = false and by applying a image as diffuse contents which has text and I can see that image is flipped itself.

      I have tried many things but this one helps me

      1. Normalize vector

      2. Find the cross between to SCNVectors

      3. If y > 0 I just swapped from and to Value


          let normalizedTO = to.normalized()
      let normalizedFrom = from.normalized()
      let angleBetweenTwoVectors = normalizedTO.cross(normalizedFrom)

      var from = from
      var to = to
      if angleBetweenTwoVectors.y > 0 {
      let temp = from
      from = to
      to = temp

      // Inside extension of SCNVector3
      func normalized() -> SCNVector3 {
      if self.length() == 0 {
      return self

      return self / self.length()

      func cross(_ vec: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 {
      return SCNVector3(self.y * vec.z - self.z * vec.y, self.z * vec.x - self.x * vec.z, self.x * vec.y - self.y * vec.x)

      Hope it is helpful. If anyone know better solution please answer it.

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        I have fixed issue with temporary solution still looking for a better one

        Issue is of wall. wall is flipped other side of camera when draw from right to left direction. I have figure it out by setting isDoubleSided = false and by applying a image as diffuse contents which has text and I can see that image is flipped itself.

        I have tried many things but this one helps me

        1. Normalize vector

        2. Find the cross between to SCNVectors

        3. If y > 0 I just swapped from and to Value


            let normalizedTO = to.normalized()
        let normalizedFrom = from.normalized()
        let angleBetweenTwoVectors = normalizedTO.cross(normalizedFrom)

        var from = from
        var to = to
        if angleBetweenTwoVectors.y > 0 {
        let temp = from
        from = to
        to = temp

        // Inside extension of SCNVector3
        func normalized() -> SCNVector3 {
        if self.length() == 0 {
        return self

        return self / self.length()

        func cross(_ vec: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 {
        return SCNVector3(self.y * vec.z - self.z * vec.y, self.z * vec.x - self.x * vec.z, self.x * vec.y - self.y * vec.x)

        Hope it is helpful. If anyone know better solution please answer it.

        share|improve this answer

        I have fixed issue with temporary solution still looking for a better one

        Issue is of wall. wall is flipped other side of camera when draw from right to left direction. I have figure it out by setting isDoubleSided = false and by applying a image as diffuse contents which has text and I can see that image is flipped itself.

        I have tried many things but this one helps me

        1. Normalize vector

        2. Find the cross between to SCNVectors

        3. If y > 0 I just swapped from and to Value


            let normalizedTO = to.normalized()
        let normalizedFrom = from.normalized()
        let angleBetweenTwoVectors = normalizedTO.cross(normalizedFrom)

        var from = from
        var to = to
        if angleBetweenTwoVectors.y > 0 {
        let temp = from
        from = to
        to = temp

        // Inside extension of SCNVector3
        func normalized() -> SCNVector3 {
        if self.length() == 0 {
        return self

        return self / self.length()

        func cross(_ vec: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 {
        return SCNVector3(self.y * vec.z - self.z * vec.y, self.z * vec.x - self.x * vec.z, self.x * vec.y - self.y * vec.x)

        Hope it is helpful. If anyone know better solution please answer it.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Nov 15 at 6:19

        Prashant Tukadiya



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