PDF not created after compilation
Suddenly when I compile the latex document a PDF file is not generated. I have no errors, and the only change from the last time when everything was OK is that my laptop restarted itself.
Is there any ideas what the problem can be ??
The log file contents:
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (MiKTeX 2.9.6930 64-bit) (preloaded format=latex 2019.1.17) 22 JAN 2019 22:05
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Chapter 1.
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Chapter 3.
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Underfull vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while output is active
Underfull vbox (badness 2343) has occurred while output is active
Underfull vbox (badness 7576) has occurred while output is active
[49] [50] [51])
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Chapter 4.
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OT1/lmr/m/n/12 elec-tric field. The fre-quency de-pen-dent $OML/lmm/m/it/12 n$OT1/lmr/m/n/12 -th or-der sus-cep-ti-bi
l-ity $OML/lmm/m/it/12 OT1/lmr/m/n/12 (OML/lmm/m/it/12 !OT1/lmr/m/n/12 ; OML/lmm/m/it/12 !; !; :::; !OT1/
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[59] [60] [61]
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) [65]
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[73] [74] [75] [76]
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[78] [79]
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Underfull vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while output is active
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[83] [84]
Chapter 5.
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] [86]
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[87]) [88]
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OT1/lmr/m/n/12 J Itatani et al. ``To-mo-graphic imag-ing of molec-u-lar or-bitals''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 Na-ture OT
1/lmr/m/n/12 432.7019
Overfull hbox (12.29187pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 Order Har-monic Gen-er-a-tion''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 Phys-i-cal re-view let-ters OT1/lmr/m/n/12 115.13
(2015), p. 133901.
Overfull hbox (1.45865pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 AC Kak and M Slaney. OT1/lmr/m/it/12 Prin-ci-ples of com-put-er-ized to-mo-graphic imag-ingOT1/lmr/m
/n/12 . SIAM,
[91] [92] [93]
Overfull hbox (3.77711pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 RN Bracewell. OT1/lmr/m/it/12 The Fourier trans-form and its ap-pli-ca-tionsOT1/lmr/m/n/12 . Vol. 31
999. McGraw-
Overfull hbox (2.10953pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 scope''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 Op-tica Acta: In-ter-na-tional Jour-nal of Op-tics OT1/lmr/m/n/12 24.10 (
1977), pp. 1051{
Overfull hbox (8.80801pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 YR Shen. ``The prin-ci-ples of non-lin-ear op-tics''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 New York, Wiley-Interscienc
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OT1/lmr/m/n/12 A. Mod-ena et al. ``Elec-tron ac-cel-er-a-tion from the break-ing of rel-a-tivis-tic plasma
[97] [98
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Package logreq Info: Writing requests to 'main.run.xml'.
openout1 = `main.run.xml'.
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
23432 strings out of 492947
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Output written on main.dvi (112 pages, 306844 bytes).
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Suddenly when I compile the latex document a PDF file is not generated. I have no errors, and the only change from the last time when everything was OK is that my laptop restarted itself.
Is there any ideas what the problem can be ??
The log file contents:
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[49] [50] [51])
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Chapter 4.
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OT1/lmr/m/n/12 elec-tric field. The fre-quency de-pen-dent $OML/lmm/m/it/12 n$OT1/lmr/m/n/12 -th or-der sus-cep-ti-bi
l-ity $OML/lmm/m/it/12 OT1/lmr/m/n/12 (OML/lmm/m/it/12 !OT1/lmr/m/n/12 ; OML/lmm/m/it/12 !; !; :::; !OT1/
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[73] [74] [75] [76]
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[83] [84]
Chapter 5.
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] [86]
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OT1/lmr/m/n/12 J Itatani et al. ``To-mo-graphic imag-ing of molec-u-lar or-bitals''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 Na-ture OT
1/lmr/m/n/12 432.7019
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(2015), p. 133901.
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/n/12 . SIAM,
[91] [92] [93]
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OT1/lmr/m/n/12 RN Bracewell. OT1/lmr/m/it/12 The Fourier trans-form and its ap-pli-ca-tionsOT1/lmr/m/n/12 . Vol. 31
999. McGraw-
Overfull hbox (2.10953pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 scope''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 Op-tica Acta: In-ter-na-tional Jour-nal of Op-tics OT1/lmr/m/n/12 24.10 (
1977), pp. 1051{
Overfull hbox (8.80801pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 YR Shen. ``The prin-ci-ples of non-lin-ear op-tics''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 New York, Wiley-Interscienc
Overfull hbox (0.40848pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 A. Mod-ena et al. ``Elec-tron ac-cel-er-a-tion from the break-ing of rel-a-tivis-tic plasma
[97] [98
] (main.aux)
Package logreq Info: Writing requests to 'main.run.xml'.
openout1 = `main.run.xml'.
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
23432 strings out of 492947
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27038 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+200000
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Output written on main.dvi (112 pages, 306844 bytes).
What does the log file say?
– Bernard
Jan 22 at 20:07
Show the log-file.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 20:07
It's a long file. I copied to the question the beginning of it. Does it tell something useful?
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:13
I copied most of the log file to the question window. I cannot copy all of it since it's too long. The lines I deleted from the log file are the ones with the '...' sign. I'm using TeXnicCenter editor.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:41
add a comment |
Suddenly when I compile the latex document a PDF file is not generated. I have no errors, and the only change from the last time when everything was OK is that my laptop restarted itself.
Is there any ideas what the problem can be ??
The log file contents:
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.19 (MiKTeX 2.9.6930 64-bit) (preloaded format=latex 2019.1.17) 22 JAN 2019 22:05
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Chapter 1.
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[49] [50] [51])
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Chapter 4.
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l-ity $OML/lmm/m/it/12 OT1/lmr/m/n/12 (OML/lmm/m/it/12 !OT1/lmr/m/n/12 ; OML/lmm/m/it/12 !; !; :::; !OT1/
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[73] [74] [75] [76]
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Chapter 5.
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] [86]
Underfull vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while output is active
[87]) [88]
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OT1/lmr/m/n/12 J Itatani et al. ``To-mo-graphic imag-ing of molec-u-lar or-bitals''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 Na-ture OT
1/lmr/m/n/12 432.7019
Overfull hbox (12.29187pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 Order Har-monic Gen-er-a-tion''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 Phys-i-cal re-view let-ters OT1/lmr/m/n/12 115.13
(2015), p. 133901.
Overfull hbox (1.45865pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 AC Kak and M Slaney. OT1/lmr/m/it/12 Prin-ci-ples of com-put-er-ized to-mo-graphic imag-ingOT1/lmr/m
/n/12 . SIAM,
[91] [92] [93]
Overfull hbox (3.77711pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 RN Bracewell. OT1/lmr/m/it/12 The Fourier trans-form and its ap-pli-ca-tionsOT1/lmr/m/n/12 . Vol. 31
999. McGraw-
Overfull hbox (2.10953pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 scope''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 Op-tica Acta: In-ter-na-tional Jour-nal of Op-tics OT1/lmr/m/n/12 24.10 (
1977), pp. 1051{
Overfull hbox (8.80801pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 YR Shen. ``The prin-ci-ples of non-lin-ear op-tics''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 New York, Wiley-Interscienc
Overfull hbox (0.40848pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 A. Mod-ena et al. ``Elec-tron ac-cel-er-a-tion from the break-ing of rel-a-tivis-tic plasma
[97] [98
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Output written on main.dvi (112 pages, 306844 bytes).
Suddenly when I compile the latex document a PDF file is not generated. I have no errors, and the only change from the last time when everything was OK is that my laptop restarted itself.
Is there any ideas what the problem can be ??
The log file contents:
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Chapter 1.
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[49] [50] [51])
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File: images/projection_of_jet_slice_of_0_9_mm_below_nozzle.eps Graphic file (type eps)
Underfull vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while output is active
LaTeX Warning: `h' float specifier changed to `ht'.
Underfull vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while output is active
[78] [79]
File: images/jet_slice.eps Graphic file (type eps)
Underfull vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while output is active
Underfull vbox (badness 1466) has occurred while output is active
Underfull vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while output is active
File: images/theoretical_density.eps Graphic file (type eps)
Overfull hbox (1.11208pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 810--812
Underfull vbox (badness 3260) has occurred while output is active
[83] [84]
Chapter 5.
Underfull vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while output is active
] [86]
Underfull vbox (badness 10000) has occurred while output is active
[87]) [88]
Overfull hbox (8.02007pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 J Itatani et al. ``To-mo-graphic imag-ing of molec-u-lar or-bitals''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 Na-ture OT
1/lmr/m/n/12 432.7019
Overfull hbox (12.29187pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 Order Har-monic Gen-er-a-tion''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 Phys-i-cal re-view let-ters OT1/lmr/m/n/12 115.13
(2015), p. 133901.
Overfull hbox (1.45865pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 AC Kak and M Slaney. OT1/lmr/m/it/12 Prin-ci-ples of com-put-er-ized to-mo-graphic imag-ingOT1/lmr/m
/n/12 . SIAM,
[91] [92] [93]
Overfull hbox (3.77711pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 RN Bracewell. OT1/lmr/m/it/12 The Fourier trans-form and its ap-pli-ca-tionsOT1/lmr/m/n/12 . Vol. 31
999. McGraw-
Overfull hbox (2.10953pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 scope''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 Op-tica Acta: In-ter-na-tional Jour-nal of Op-tics OT1/lmr/m/n/12 24.10 (
1977), pp. 1051{
Overfull hbox (8.80801pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 YR Shen. ``The prin-ci-ples of non-lin-ear op-tics''. In: OT1/lmr/m/it/12 New York, Wiley-Interscienc
Overfull hbox (0.40848pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 194--194
OT1/lmr/m/n/12 A. Mod-ena et al. ``Elec-tron ac-cel-er-a-tion from the break-ing of rel-a-tivis-tic plasma
[97] [98
] (main.aux)
Package logreq Info: Writing requests to 'main.run.xml'.
openout1 = `main.run.xml'.
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
23432 strings out of 492947
465938 string characters out of 3126292
837947 words of memory out of 3000000
27038 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+200000
595328 words of font info for 76 fonts, out of 3000000 for 9000
1141 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
40i,23n,77p,2755b,1533s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,50000s
Output written on main.dvi (112 pages, 306844 bytes).
edited Jan 22 at 21:32
asked Jan 22 at 20:06
What does the log file say?
– Bernard
Jan 22 at 20:07
Show the log-file.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 20:07
It's a long file. I copied to the question the beginning of it. Does it tell something useful?
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:13
I copied most of the log file to the question window. I cannot copy all of it since it's too long. The lines I deleted from the log file are the ones with the '...' sign. I'm using TeXnicCenter editor.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:41
add a comment |
What does the log file say?
– Bernard
Jan 22 at 20:07
Show the log-file.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 20:07
It's a long file. I copied to the question the beginning of it. Does it tell something useful?
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:13
I copied most of the log file to the question window. I cannot copy all of it since it's too long. The lines I deleted from the log file are the ones with the '...' sign. I'm using TeXnicCenter editor.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:41
What does the log file say?
– Bernard
Jan 22 at 20:07
What does the log file say?
– Bernard
Jan 22 at 20:07
Show the log-file.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 20:07
Show the log-file.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 20:07
It's a long file. I copied to the question the beginning of it. Does it tell something useful?
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:13
It's a long file. I copied to the question the beginning of it. Does it tell something useful?
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:13
I copied most of the log file to the question window. I cannot copy all of it since it's too long. The lines I deleted from the log file are the ones with the '...' sign. I'm using TeXnicCenter editor.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:41
I copied most of the log file to the question window. I cannot copy all of it since it's too long. The lines I deleted from the log file are the ones with the '...' sign. I'm using TeXnicCenter editor.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:41
add a comment |
1 Answer
The first line of the log says:
preloaded format=latex 2019.1.17
The last line says
Output written on main.dvi (112 pages, 306844 bytes).
This means you are creating a dvi, not a pdf. So you probably clicked on the wrong button in your editor (latex instead of pdflatex).
It doesn't seem so. The selected output profile is still: 'Latex->PS->PDF->nomencl' , just as was before the problem. To compile I only choose the build option.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:54
Why are you using the latex-ps-route instead of directly pdflatex? Debugging ps-pdf is more difficult as there are more steps.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 20:58
I think I had to choose this route becuse it was the only one that produced the eps images correctly on the document.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 21:00
pdflatex handles eps fine (it converts them on the fly), and even in case of problems it is easier to convert the eps manually once than to use the ps-pdf route. If you want to stick to ps-pdf you will have to call dvips and ps2pdf once on the command line to get sensible error messages.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 21:02
Via that route there are two paths A) DVIPS B) Ghostscript PS2PDF can you confirm which one you used in profile as it could help to look at potential failings
Jan 22 at 21:06
show 5 more comments
Your Answer
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1 Answer
1 Answer
The first line of the log says:
preloaded format=latex 2019.1.17
The last line says
Output written on main.dvi (112 pages, 306844 bytes).
This means you are creating a dvi, not a pdf. So you probably clicked on the wrong button in your editor (latex instead of pdflatex).
It doesn't seem so. The selected output profile is still: 'Latex->PS->PDF->nomencl' , just as was before the problem. To compile I only choose the build option.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:54
Why are you using the latex-ps-route instead of directly pdflatex? Debugging ps-pdf is more difficult as there are more steps.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 20:58
I think I had to choose this route becuse it was the only one that produced the eps images correctly on the document.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 21:00
pdflatex handles eps fine (it converts them on the fly), and even in case of problems it is easier to convert the eps manually once than to use the ps-pdf route. If you want to stick to ps-pdf you will have to call dvips and ps2pdf once on the command line to get sensible error messages.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 21:02
Via that route there are two paths A) DVIPS B) Ghostscript PS2PDF can you confirm which one you used in profile as it could help to look at potential failings
Jan 22 at 21:06
show 5 more comments
The first line of the log says:
preloaded format=latex 2019.1.17
The last line says
Output written on main.dvi (112 pages, 306844 bytes).
This means you are creating a dvi, not a pdf. So you probably clicked on the wrong button in your editor (latex instead of pdflatex).
It doesn't seem so. The selected output profile is still: 'Latex->PS->PDF->nomencl' , just as was before the problem. To compile I only choose the build option.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:54
Why are you using the latex-ps-route instead of directly pdflatex? Debugging ps-pdf is more difficult as there are more steps.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 20:58
I think I had to choose this route becuse it was the only one that produced the eps images correctly on the document.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 21:00
pdflatex handles eps fine (it converts them on the fly), and even in case of problems it is easier to convert the eps manually once than to use the ps-pdf route. If you want to stick to ps-pdf you will have to call dvips and ps2pdf once on the command line to get sensible error messages.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 21:02
Via that route there are two paths A) DVIPS B) Ghostscript PS2PDF can you confirm which one you used in profile as it could help to look at potential failings
Jan 22 at 21:06
show 5 more comments
The first line of the log says:
preloaded format=latex 2019.1.17
The last line says
Output written on main.dvi (112 pages, 306844 bytes).
This means you are creating a dvi, not a pdf. So you probably clicked on the wrong button in your editor (latex instead of pdflatex).
The first line of the log says:
preloaded format=latex 2019.1.17
The last line says
Output written on main.dvi (112 pages, 306844 bytes).
This means you are creating a dvi, not a pdf. So you probably clicked on the wrong button in your editor (latex instead of pdflatex).
answered Jan 22 at 20:47


Ulrike FischerUlrike Fischer
It doesn't seem so. The selected output profile is still: 'Latex->PS->PDF->nomencl' , just as was before the problem. To compile I only choose the build option.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:54
Why are you using the latex-ps-route instead of directly pdflatex? Debugging ps-pdf is more difficult as there are more steps.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 20:58
I think I had to choose this route becuse it was the only one that produced the eps images correctly on the document.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 21:00
pdflatex handles eps fine (it converts them on the fly), and even in case of problems it is easier to convert the eps manually once than to use the ps-pdf route. If you want to stick to ps-pdf you will have to call dvips and ps2pdf once on the command line to get sensible error messages.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 21:02
Via that route there are two paths A) DVIPS B) Ghostscript PS2PDF can you confirm which one you used in profile as it could help to look at potential failings
Jan 22 at 21:06
show 5 more comments
It doesn't seem so. The selected output profile is still: 'Latex->PS->PDF->nomencl' , just as was before the problem. To compile I only choose the build option.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:54
Why are you using the latex-ps-route instead of directly pdflatex? Debugging ps-pdf is more difficult as there are more steps.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 20:58
I think I had to choose this route becuse it was the only one that produced the eps images correctly on the document.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 21:00
pdflatex handles eps fine (it converts them on the fly), and even in case of problems it is easier to convert the eps manually once than to use the ps-pdf route. If you want to stick to ps-pdf you will have to call dvips and ps2pdf once on the command line to get sensible error messages.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 21:02
Via that route there are two paths A) DVIPS B) Ghostscript PS2PDF can you confirm which one you used in profile as it could help to look at potential failings
Jan 22 at 21:06
It doesn't seem so. The selected output profile is still: 'Latex->PS->PDF->nomencl' , just as was before the problem. To compile I only choose the build option.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:54
It doesn't seem so. The selected output profile is still: 'Latex->PS->PDF->nomencl' , just as was before the problem. To compile I only choose the build option.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:54
Why are you using the latex-ps-route instead of directly pdflatex? Debugging ps-pdf is more difficult as there are more steps.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 20:58
Why are you using the latex-ps-route instead of directly pdflatex? Debugging ps-pdf is more difficult as there are more steps.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 20:58
I think I had to choose this route becuse it was the only one that produced the eps images correctly on the document.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 21:00
I think I had to choose this route becuse it was the only one that produced the eps images correctly on the document.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 21:00
pdflatex handles eps fine (it converts them on the fly), and even in case of problems it is easier to convert the eps manually once than to use the ps-pdf route. If you want to stick to ps-pdf you will have to call dvips and ps2pdf once on the command line to get sensible error messages.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 21:02
pdflatex handles eps fine (it converts them on the fly), and even in case of problems it is easier to convert the eps manually once than to use the ps-pdf route. If you want to stick to ps-pdf you will have to call dvips and ps2pdf once on the command line to get sensible error messages.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 21:02
Via that route there are two paths A) DVIPS B) Ghostscript PS2PDF can you confirm which one you used in profile as it could help to look at potential failings
Jan 22 at 21:06
Via that route there are two paths A) DVIPS B) Ghostscript PS2PDF can you confirm which one you used in profile as it could help to look at potential failings
Jan 22 at 21:06
show 5 more comments
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What does the log file say?
– Bernard
Jan 22 at 20:07
Show the log-file.
– Ulrike Fischer
Jan 22 at 20:07
It's a long file. I copied to the question the beginning of it. Does it tell something useful?
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:13
I copied most of the log file to the question window. I cannot copy all of it since it's too long. The lines I deleted from the log file are the ones with the '...' sign. I'm using TeXnicCenter editor.
– user4861528
Jan 22 at 20:41