“Forcing” satisfying $kappa^+$-chain condition



Lemma 15.4 of Jech: Let $kappa$ be a regular cardinal such that $2^{< kappa} = kappa$.
Let $S$ be an arbitrary set and let $|C| leq kappa$.
Let $P$ be the set of all functions $p$ whose domains are subsets of $S$ of size $< kappa$ with values in $C$.
Let $p < q$ iff $p supset q$.
Then $P$ satisfies the $kappa^+$-chain condition.

Proof: Let $W subset P$ be an antichain.
We construct sequences $A_0 subset A_1 subset ... subset A_{alpha} subset ... (alpha < kappa)$ of subsets of $S$ and $W_0 subset ... subset W_{alpha} subset ... (alpha < kappa)$ of subsets of $W$.
If $alpha$ is a limit ordinal, let $W_{alpha} = bigcup_{beta < alpha} W_{beta}$ and $A_{alpha} = bigcup_{beta < alpha} A_{beta}$.
Given $A_{alpha}$ and $W_{alpha}$, we choose for each $p in P$ with dom$(p) subset A_{alpha}$ some $q in W$ (if there is one) such that $p = q|_{A_{alpha}}$.
Then we let $W_{alpha+1} = W_{alpha} cup {text{the chosen $q$'s}}$ and $A_{alpha+1} = bigcup {text{dom}(q) : q in W_{alpha+1}}$.
Finally, $A = bigcup_{alpha < kappa} A_{alpha}$. (The proof continues)

My problem: Who is $A_0$? How do I guarantee that $A_1$ and $W_1$ are not empty?

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  • $begingroup$
    Does Jech consider $0$ to be a limit ordinal?
    – bof
    Nov 28 '18 at 8:08

  • $begingroup$
    Supposing it does, how can I prove my second question?
    – Bias of Priene
    Nov 28 '18 at 12:06

  • $begingroup$
    Why the quotes?
    – Andrés E. Caicedo
    Nov 28 '18 at 12:44

  • $begingroup$
    I'm using the result in Theorem 15.17, actually, and there I have a Forcing, but only after asking I realized that Jech doesn't mention $P$ as being a Forcing in the Lemma itself.
    – Bias of Priene
    Nov 28 '18 at 12:50

  • 1

    $A_0=cup _{b<0}A_b=emptyset.$ The empty function $p_0=emptyset$ belongs to $P$ and its domain is $A_0.$ Assuming $W$ has at least $2$ members, no $qin W$ is $p_0$ (else $W$ would not be an anti-chain because $p_0$ is compatible with all $pin P$). And any $qin W$ satisfies $p_0=q|_{A_0}$ so some $q in W$ belongs to $W_1$, and its domain is not the empty set so $A_1$ is not empty either.... I think you were concerned as to whether every $A_a$ might end up being empty.
    – DanielWainfleet
    Nov 28 '18 at 15:38



Lemma 15.4 of Jech: Let $kappa$ be a regular cardinal such that $2^{< kappa} = kappa$.
Let $S$ be an arbitrary set and let $|C| leq kappa$.
Let $P$ be the set of all functions $p$ whose domains are subsets of $S$ of size $< kappa$ with values in $C$.
Let $p < q$ iff $p supset q$.
Then $P$ satisfies the $kappa^+$-chain condition.

Proof: Let $W subset P$ be an antichain.
We construct sequences $A_0 subset A_1 subset ... subset A_{alpha} subset ... (alpha < kappa)$ of subsets of $S$ and $W_0 subset ... subset W_{alpha} subset ... (alpha < kappa)$ of subsets of $W$.
If $alpha$ is a limit ordinal, let $W_{alpha} = bigcup_{beta < alpha} W_{beta}$ and $A_{alpha} = bigcup_{beta < alpha} A_{beta}$.
Given $A_{alpha}$ and $W_{alpha}$, we choose for each $p in P$ with dom$(p) subset A_{alpha}$ some $q in W$ (if there is one) such that $p = q|_{A_{alpha}}$.
Then we let $W_{alpha+1} = W_{alpha} cup {text{the chosen $q$'s}}$ and $A_{alpha+1} = bigcup {text{dom}(q) : q in W_{alpha+1}}$.
Finally, $A = bigcup_{alpha < kappa} A_{alpha}$. (The proof continues)

My problem: Who is $A_0$? How do I guarantee that $A_1$ and $W_1$ are not empty?

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  • $begingroup$
    Does Jech consider $0$ to be a limit ordinal?
    – bof
    Nov 28 '18 at 8:08

  • $begingroup$
    Supposing it does, how can I prove my second question?
    – Bias of Priene
    Nov 28 '18 at 12:06

  • $begingroup$
    Why the quotes?
    – Andrés E. Caicedo
    Nov 28 '18 at 12:44

  • $begingroup$
    I'm using the result in Theorem 15.17, actually, and there I have a Forcing, but only after asking I realized that Jech doesn't mention $P$ as being a Forcing in the Lemma itself.
    – Bias of Priene
    Nov 28 '18 at 12:50

  • 1

    $A_0=cup _{b<0}A_b=emptyset.$ The empty function $p_0=emptyset$ belongs to $P$ and its domain is $A_0.$ Assuming $W$ has at least $2$ members, no $qin W$ is $p_0$ (else $W$ would not be an anti-chain because $p_0$ is compatible with all $pin P$). And any $qin W$ satisfies $p_0=q|_{A_0}$ so some $q in W$ belongs to $W_1$, and its domain is not the empty set so $A_1$ is not empty either.... I think you were concerned as to whether every $A_a$ might end up being empty.
    – DanielWainfleet
    Nov 28 '18 at 15:38





Lemma 15.4 of Jech: Let $kappa$ be a regular cardinal such that $2^{< kappa} = kappa$.
Let $S$ be an arbitrary set and let $|C| leq kappa$.
Let $P$ be the set of all functions $p$ whose domains are subsets of $S$ of size $< kappa$ with values in $C$.
Let $p < q$ iff $p supset q$.
Then $P$ satisfies the $kappa^+$-chain condition.

Proof: Let $W subset P$ be an antichain.
We construct sequences $A_0 subset A_1 subset ... subset A_{alpha} subset ... (alpha < kappa)$ of subsets of $S$ and $W_0 subset ... subset W_{alpha} subset ... (alpha < kappa)$ of subsets of $W$.
If $alpha$ is a limit ordinal, let $W_{alpha} = bigcup_{beta < alpha} W_{beta}$ and $A_{alpha} = bigcup_{beta < alpha} A_{beta}$.
Given $A_{alpha}$ and $W_{alpha}$, we choose for each $p in P$ with dom$(p) subset A_{alpha}$ some $q in W$ (if there is one) such that $p = q|_{A_{alpha}}$.
Then we let $W_{alpha+1} = W_{alpha} cup {text{the chosen $q$'s}}$ and $A_{alpha+1} = bigcup {text{dom}(q) : q in W_{alpha+1}}$.
Finally, $A = bigcup_{alpha < kappa} A_{alpha}$. (The proof continues)

My problem: Who is $A_0$? How do I guarantee that $A_1$ and $W_1$ are not empty?

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Lemma 15.4 of Jech: Let $kappa$ be a regular cardinal such that $2^{< kappa} = kappa$.
Let $S$ be an arbitrary set and let $|C| leq kappa$.
Let $P$ be the set of all functions $p$ whose domains are subsets of $S$ of size $< kappa$ with values in $C$.
Let $p < q$ iff $p supset q$.
Then $P$ satisfies the $kappa^+$-chain condition.

Proof: Let $W subset P$ be an antichain.
We construct sequences $A_0 subset A_1 subset ... subset A_{alpha} subset ... (alpha < kappa)$ of subsets of $S$ and $W_0 subset ... subset W_{alpha} subset ... (alpha < kappa)$ of subsets of $W$.
If $alpha$ is a limit ordinal, let $W_{alpha} = bigcup_{beta < alpha} W_{beta}$ and $A_{alpha} = bigcup_{beta < alpha} A_{beta}$.
Given $A_{alpha}$ and $W_{alpha}$, we choose for each $p in P$ with dom$(p) subset A_{alpha}$ some $q in W$ (if there is one) such that $p = q|_{A_{alpha}}$.
Then we let $W_{alpha+1} = W_{alpha} cup {text{the chosen $q$'s}}$ and $A_{alpha+1} = bigcup {text{dom}(q) : q in W_{alpha+1}}$.
Finally, $A = bigcup_{alpha < kappa} A_{alpha}$. (The proof continues)

My problem: Who is $A_0$? How do I guarantee that $A_1$ and $W_1$ are not empty?

set-theory proof-explanation

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edited Nov 28 '18 at 6:23

Bias of Priene

asked Nov 28 '18 at 6:13

Bias of PrieneBias of Priene



  • $begingroup$
    Does Jech consider $0$ to be a limit ordinal?
    – bof
    Nov 28 '18 at 8:08

  • $begingroup$
    Supposing it does, how can I prove my second question?
    – Bias of Priene
    Nov 28 '18 at 12:06

  • $begingroup$
    Why the quotes?
    – Andrés E. Caicedo
    Nov 28 '18 at 12:44

  • $begingroup$
    I'm using the result in Theorem 15.17, actually, and there I have a Forcing, but only after asking I realized that Jech doesn't mention $P$ as being a Forcing in the Lemma itself.
    – Bias of Priene
    Nov 28 '18 at 12:50

  • 1

    $A_0=cup _{b<0}A_b=emptyset.$ The empty function $p_0=emptyset$ belongs to $P$ and its domain is $A_0.$ Assuming $W$ has at least $2$ members, no $qin W$ is $p_0$ (else $W$ would not be an anti-chain because $p_0$ is compatible with all $pin P$). And any $qin W$ satisfies $p_0=q|_{A_0}$ so some $q in W$ belongs to $W_1$, and its domain is not the empty set so $A_1$ is not empty either.... I think you were concerned as to whether every $A_a$ might end up being empty.
    – DanielWainfleet
    Nov 28 '18 at 15:38

  • $begingroup$
    Does Jech consider $0$ to be a limit ordinal?
    – bof
    Nov 28 '18 at 8:08

  • $begingroup$
    Supposing it does, how can I prove my second question?
    – Bias of Priene
    Nov 28 '18 at 12:06

  • $begingroup$
    Why the quotes?
    – Andrés E. Caicedo
    Nov 28 '18 at 12:44

  • $begingroup$
    I'm using the result in Theorem 15.17, actually, and there I have a Forcing, but only after asking I realized that Jech doesn't mention $P$ as being a Forcing in the Lemma itself.
    – Bias of Priene
    Nov 28 '18 at 12:50

  • 1

    $A_0=cup _{b<0}A_b=emptyset.$ The empty function $p_0=emptyset$ belongs to $P$ and its domain is $A_0.$ Assuming $W$ has at least $2$ members, no $qin W$ is $p_0$ (else $W$ would not be an anti-chain because $p_0$ is compatible with all $pin P$). And any $qin W$ satisfies $p_0=q|_{A_0}$ so some $q in W$ belongs to $W_1$, and its domain is not the empty set so $A_1$ is not empty either.... I think you were concerned as to whether every $A_a$ might end up being empty.
    – DanielWainfleet
    Nov 28 '18 at 15:38

Does Jech consider $0$ to be a limit ordinal?
– bof
Nov 28 '18 at 8:08

Does Jech consider $0$ to be a limit ordinal?
– bof
Nov 28 '18 at 8:08

Supposing it does, how can I prove my second question?
– Bias of Priene
Nov 28 '18 at 12:06

Supposing it does, how can I prove my second question?
– Bias of Priene
Nov 28 '18 at 12:06

Why the quotes?
– Andrés E. Caicedo
Nov 28 '18 at 12:44

Why the quotes?
– Andrés E. Caicedo
Nov 28 '18 at 12:44

I'm using the result in Theorem 15.17, actually, and there I have a Forcing, but only after asking I realized that Jech doesn't mention $P$ as being a Forcing in the Lemma itself.
– Bias of Priene
Nov 28 '18 at 12:50

I'm using the result in Theorem 15.17, actually, and there I have a Forcing, but only after asking I realized that Jech doesn't mention $P$ as being a Forcing in the Lemma itself.
– Bias of Priene
Nov 28 '18 at 12:50



$A_0=cup _{b<0}A_b=emptyset.$ The empty function $p_0=emptyset$ belongs to $P$ and its domain is $A_0.$ Assuming $W$ has at least $2$ members, no $qin W$ is $p_0$ (else $W$ would not be an anti-chain because $p_0$ is compatible with all $pin P$). And any $qin W$ satisfies $p_0=q|_{A_0}$ so some $q in W$ belongs to $W_1$, and its domain is not the empty set so $A_1$ is not empty either.... I think you were concerned as to whether every $A_a$ might end up being empty.
– DanielWainfleet
Nov 28 '18 at 15:38

$A_0=cup _{b<0}A_b=emptyset.$ The empty function $p_0=emptyset$ belongs to $P$ and its domain is $A_0.$ Assuming $W$ has at least $2$ members, no $qin W$ is $p_0$ (else $W$ would not be an anti-chain because $p_0$ is compatible with all $pin P$). And any $qin W$ satisfies $p_0=q|_{A_0}$ so some $q in W$ belongs to $W_1$, and its domain is not the empty set so $A_1$ is not empty either.... I think you were concerned as to whether every $A_a$ might end up being empty.
– DanielWainfleet
Nov 28 '18 at 15:38





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