Norm constrained least square minimization with an additional single linear equality constraint: A...



Given is the following QCQP problem:
&&min_{mathbf{x} in mathbb{C}^n} &|A mathbf{x} - mathbf{b}|^2,tag{1}label{1}\
text{ subject to:}&&&\
&&|mathbf{x}|^2 &leq alpha^2,tag{C1}label{C1}\
&&mathbf{c}^{dagger} mathbf{x} &= gamma,tag{C2}label{C2}


  • $A in mathbb{C}^{mtimes n}$, with $m, n in mathbb{N}: m geq n$: $ A^{dagger} A$ positive definite,

  • $mathbf{b} in mathbb{C}^m,mathbf{c} in mathbb{C}^n: 0< |mathbf{c}| < infty$,

  • $gamma in mathbb{C}: |gamma| < infty,, alpha in mathbb{R}: |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2 leq alpha^2 < infty$,

  • $|.|$ - $2$-norm,

  • ${}^dagger$ - Hermitian adjoint, the combined operation of complex conjugation and transposition.

Obviously, there exists no solution for $alpha^2 < |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$.
For the solution of the only norm constraint problem, i.e. without the constraint eqref{C2}, see here and here.

With the definitions $f(mathbf{x}):=|A mathbf{x} - mathbf{b}|^2$, $h(mathbf{x}):=mathbf{c}^{dagger}mathbf{x} - gamma$ and $g(mathbf{x}):=|mathbf{x}|^2 - alpha^2$, we can write the problem in the standard form:
&&min_{mathbf{x} in mathbb{C}^n} &f(mathbf{x}),tag{1}label{1a}\
text{ subject to:}&&&\
&&g(mathbf{x}) &leq 0,tag{C1}label{C2a}\
&&h(mathbf{x})& = 0.tag{C2}label{C1a}

The Lagrangian is given by
$$L(mathbf{x},mu, lambda) = f(mathbf{x}) + mu g(mathbf{x}) + lambda h(mathbf{x}),tag{2}label{2}$$
with $(mu, lambda)$ KKT-multipliers.
In the following we abbreviate $mathbf{y}:=A^{dagger}mathbf{b}$ and denote with $I$ the $ntimes n $ identity and with $mathbf{0}$ a length $n$ column vector with all zero entries.

Solving the linear matrix equation
A^{dagger}A + mu I & mathbf{c}\
mathbf{c}^{dagger} & 0

we obtain the $mu$-parametric solution
mathbf{x}(mu) =
I &mathbf{0}
A^{dagger}A + mu I & mathbf{c}\
mathbf{c}^{dagger} & 0

Using the formula for block matrix inversion,
G & mathbf{v}\
mathbf{v}^{dagger} &0
G^{-1} - frac{G^{-1}mathbf{v}mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}} & frac{G^{-1}mathbf{v}}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}}\
frac{mathbf{v}^{dagger} G^{-1}}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}} & -frac{1}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}}

an explicit expression for the $mu$-parametric solution can be written as
mathbf{x}(mu) = (A^{dagger}A + mu I)^{-1}left(mathbf{y} - w(mu)mathbf{c}right),tag{6}label{6}

w(mu):=frac{mathbf{c}^{dagger} (A^{dagger}A + mu I)^{-1} mathbf{y} - gamma}{mathbf{c}^{dagger} (A^{dagger}A + mu I)^{-1}mathbf{c}}.tag{7}label{7}

The solution of eqref{6} fulfills eqref{C2}. The remaining task is to find $mu^*$:
f(mathbf{x}(mu^*)) = min_{mu:, g(mathbf{x}(mu)) leq 0} f(mathbf{x}(mu)).tag{8}label{8}


(Q1) Is $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ monotonically decreasing with increasing $|mu|$?

(Q2) Is $mu^* geq 0$?

(Q3) Is $mu^* = inf, {mu geq 0 mid g(mathbf{x}(mu)) leq 0}$?

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    Given is the following QCQP problem:
    &&min_{mathbf{x} in mathbb{C}^n} &|A mathbf{x} - mathbf{b}|^2,tag{1}label{1}\
    text{ subject to:}&&&\
    &&|mathbf{x}|^2 &leq alpha^2,tag{C1}label{C1}\
    &&mathbf{c}^{dagger} mathbf{x} &= gamma,tag{C2}label{C2}


    • $A in mathbb{C}^{mtimes n}$, with $m, n in mathbb{N}: m geq n$: $ A^{dagger} A$ positive definite,

    • $mathbf{b} in mathbb{C}^m,mathbf{c} in mathbb{C}^n: 0< |mathbf{c}| < infty$,

    • $gamma in mathbb{C}: |gamma| < infty,, alpha in mathbb{R}: |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2 leq alpha^2 < infty$,

    • $|.|$ - $2$-norm,

    • ${}^dagger$ - Hermitian adjoint, the combined operation of complex conjugation and transposition.

    Obviously, there exists no solution for $alpha^2 < |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$.
    For the solution of the only norm constraint problem, i.e. without the constraint eqref{C2}, see here and here.

    With the definitions $f(mathbf{x}):=|A mathbf{x} - mathbf{b}|^2$, $h(mathbf{x}):=mathbf{c}^{dagger}mathbf{x} - gamma$ and $g(mathbf{x}):=|mathbf{x}|^2 - alpha^2$, we can write the problem in the standard form:
    &&min_{mathbf{x} in mathbb{C}^n} &f(mathbf{x}),tag{1}label{1a}\
    text{ subject to:}&&&\
    &&g(mathbf{x}) &leq 0,tag{C1}label{C2a}\
    &&h(mathbf{x})& = 0.tag{C2}label{C1a}

    The Lagrangian is given by
    $$L(mathbf{x},mu, lambda) = f(mathbf{x}) + mu g(mathbf{x}) + lambda h(mathbf{x}),tag{2}label{2}$$
    with $(mu, lambda)$ KKT-multipliers.
    In the following we abbreviate $mathbf{y}:=A^{dagger}mathbf{b}$ and denote with $I$ the $ntimes n $ identity and with $mathbf{0}$ a length $n$ column vector with all zero entries.

    Solving the linear matrix equation
    A^{dagger}A + mu I & mathbf{c}\
    mathbf{c}^{dagger} & 0

    we obtain the $mu$-parametric solution
    mathbf{x}(mu) =
    I &mathbf{0}
    A^{dagger}A + mu I & mathbf{c}\
    mathbf{c}^{dagger} & 0

    Using the formula for block matrix inversion,
    G & mathbf{v}\
    mathbf{v}^{dagger} &0
    G^{-1} - frac{G^{-1}mathbf{v}mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}} & frac{G^{-1}mathbf{v}}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}}\
    frac{mathbf{v}^{dagger} G^{-1}}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}} & -frac{1}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}}

    an explicit expression for the $mu$-parametric solution can be written as
    mathbf{x}(mu) = (A^{dagger}A + mu I)^{-1}left(mathbf{y} - w(mu)mathbf{c}right),tag{6}label{6}

    w(mu):=frac{mathbf{c}^{dagger} (A^{dagger}A + mu I)^{-1} mathbf{y} - gamma}{mathbf{c}^{dagger} (A^{dagger}A + mu I)^{-1}mathbf{c}}.tag{7}label{7}

    The solution of eqref{6} fulfills eqref{C2}. The remaining task is to find $mu^*$:
    f(mathbf{x}(mu^*)) = min_{mu:, g(mathbf{x}(mu)) leq 0} f(mathbf{x}(mu)).tag{8}label{8}


    (Q1) Is $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ monotonically decreasing with increasing $|mu|$?

    (Q2) Is $mu^* geq 0$?

    (Q3) Is $mu^* = inf, {mu geq 0 mid g(mathbf{x}(mu)) leq 0}$?

    share|cite|improve this question






      Given is the following QCQP problem:
      &&min_{mathbf{x} in mathbb{C}^n} &|A mathbf{x} - mathbf{b}|^2,tag{1}label{1}\
      text{ subject to:}&&&\
      &&|mathbf{x}|^2 &leq alpha^2,tag{C1}label{C1}\
      &&mathbf{c}^{dagger} mathbf{x} &= gamma,tag{C2}label{C2}


      • $A in mathbb{C}^{mtimes n}$, with $m, n in mathbb{N}: m geq n$: $ A^{dagger} A$ positive definite,

      • $mathbf{b} in mathbb{C}^m,mathbf{c} in mathbb{C}^n: 0< |mathbf{c}| < infty$,

      • $gamma in mathbb{C}: |gamma| < infty,, alpha in mathbb{R}: |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2 leq alpha^2 < infty$,

      • $|.|$ - $2$-norm,

      • ${}^dagger$ - Hermitian adjoint, the combined operation of complex conjugation and transposition.

      Obviously, there exists no solution for $alpha^2 < |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$.
      For the solution of the only norm constraint problem, i.e. without the constraint eqref{C2}, see here and here.

      With the definitions $f(mathbf{x}):=|A mathbf{x} - mathbf{b}|^2$, $h(mathbf{x}):=mathbf{c}^{dagger}mathbf{x} - gamma$ and $g(mathbf{x}):=|mathbf{x}|^2 - alpha^2$, we can write the problem in the standard form:
      &&min_{mathbf{x} in mathbb{C}^n} &f(mathbf{x}),tag{1}label{1a}\
      text{ subject to:}&&&\
      &&g(mathbf{x}) &leq 0,tag{C1}label{C2a}\
      &&h(mathbf{x})& = 0.tag{C2}label{C1a}

      The Lagrangian is given by
      $$L(mathbf{x},mu, lambda) = f(mathbf{x}) + mu g(mathbf{x}) + lambda h(mathbf{x}),tag{2}label{2}$$
      with $(mu, lambda)$ KKT-multipliers.
      In the following we abbreviate $mathbf{y}:=A^{dagger}mathbf{b}$ and denote with $I$ the $ntimes n $ identity and with $mathbf{0}$ a length $n$ column vector with all zero entries.

      Solving the linear matrix equation
      A^{dagger}A + mu I & mathbf{c}\
      mathbf{c}^{dagger} & 0

      we obtain the $mu$-parametric solution
      mathbf{x}(mu) =
      I &mathbf{0}
      A^{dagger}A + mu I & mathbf{c}\
      mathbf{c}^{dagger} & 0

      Using the formula for block matrix inversion,
      G & mathbf{v}\
      mathbf{v}^{dagger} &0
      G^{-1} - frac{G^{-1}mathbf{v}mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}} & frac{G^{-1}mathbf{v}}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}}\
      frac{mathbf{v}^{dagger} G^{-1}}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}} & -frac{1}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}}

      an explicit expression for the $mu$-parametric solution can be written as
      mathbf{x}(mu) = (A^{dagger}A + mu I)^{-1}left(mathbf{y} - w(mu)mathbf{c}right),tag{6}label{6}

      w(mu):=frac{mathbf{c}^{dagger} (A^{dagger}A + mu I)^{-1} mathbf{y} - gamma}{mathbf{c}^{dagger} (A^{dagger}A + mu I)^{-1}mathbf{c}}.tag{7}label{7}

      The solution of eqref{6} fulfills eqref{C2}. The remaining task is to find $mu^*$:
      f(mathbf{x}(mu^*)) = min_{mu:, g(mathbf{x}(mu)) leq 0} f(mathbf{x}(mu)).tag{8}label{8}


      (Q1) Is $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ monotonically decreasing with increasing $|mu|$?

      (Q2) Is $mu^* geq 0$?

      (Q3) Is $mu^* = inf, {mu geq 0 mid g(mathbf{x}(mu)) leq 0}$?

      share|cite|improve this question


      Given is the following QCQP problem:
      &&min_{mathbf{x} in mathbb{C}^n} &|A mathbf{x} - mathbf{b}|^2,tag{1}label{1}\
      text{ subject to:}&&&\
      &&|mathbf{x}|^2 &leq alpha^2,tag{C1}label{C1}\
      &&mathbf{c}^{dagger} mathbf{x} &= gamma,tag{C2}label{C2}


      • $A in mathbb{C}^{mtimes n}$, with $m, n in mathbb{N}: m geq n$: $ A^{dagger} A$ positive definite,

      • $mathbf{b} in mathbb{C}^m,mathbf{c} in mathbb{C}^n: 0< |mathbf{c}| < infty$,

      • $gamma in mathbb{C}: |gamma| < infty,, alpha in mathbb{R}: |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2 leq alpha^2 < infty$,

      • $|.|$ - $2$-norm,

      • ${}^dagger$ - Hermitian adjoint, the combined operation of complex conjugation and transposition.

      Obviously, there exists no solution for $alpha^2 < |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$.
      For the solution of the only norm constraint problem, i.e. without the constraint eqref{C2}, see here and here.

      With the definitions $f(mathbf{x}):=|A mathbf{x} - mathbf{b}|^2$, $h(mathbf{x}):=mathbf{c}^{dagger}mathbf{x} - gamma$ and $g(mathbf{x}):=|mathbf{x}|^2 - alpha^2$, we can write the problem in the standard form:
      &&min_{mathbf{x} in mathbb{C}^n} &f(mathbf{x}),tag{1}label{1a}\
      text{ subject to:}&&&\
      &&g(mathbf{x}) &leq 0,tag{C1}label{C2a}\
      &&h(mathbf{x})& = 0.tag{C2}label{C1a}

      The Lagrangian is given by
      $$L(mathbf{x},mu, lambda) = f(mathbf{x}) + mu g(mathbf{x}) + lambda h(mathbf{x}),tag{2}label{2}$$
      with $(mu, lambda)$ KKT-multipliers.
      In the following we abbreviate $mathbf{y}:=A^{dagger}mathbf{b}$ and denote with $I$ the $ntimes n $ identity and with $mathbf{0}$ a length $n$ column vector with all zero entries.

      Solving the linear matrix equation
      A^{dagger}A + mu I & mathbf{c}\
      mathbf{c}^{dagger} & 0

      we obtain the $mu$-parametric solution
      mathbf{x}(mu) =
      I &mathbf{0}
      A^{dagger}A + mu I & mathbf{c}\
      mathbf{c}^{dagger} & 0

      Using the formula for block matrix inversion,
      G & mathbf{v}\
      mathbf{v}^{dagger} &0
      G^{-1} - frac{G^{-1}mathbf{v}mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}} & frac{G^{-1}mathbf{v}}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}}\
      frac{mathbf{v}^{dagger} G^{-1}}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}} & -frac{1}{mathbf{v}^{dagger}G^{-1}mathbf{v}}

      an explicit expression for the $mu$-parametric solution can be written as
      mathbf{x}(mu) = (A^{dagger}A + mu I)^{-1}left(mathbf{y} - w(mu)mathbf{c}right),tag{6}label{6}

      w(mu):=frac{mathbf{c}^{dagger} (A^{dagger}A + mu I)^{-1} mathbf{y} - gamma}{mathbf{c}^{dagger} (A^{dagger}A + mu I)^{-1}mathbf{c}}.tag{7}label{7}

      The solution of eqref{6} fulfills eqref{C2}. The remaining task is to find $mu^*$:
      f(mathbf{x}(mu^*)) = min_{mu:, g(mathbf{x}(mu)) leq 0} f(mathbf{x}(mu)).tag{8}label{8}


      (Q1) Is $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ monotonically decreasing with increasing $|mu|$?

      (Q2) Is $mu^* geq 0$?

      (Q3) Is $mu^* = inf, {mu geq 0 mid g(mathbf{x}(mu)) leq 0}$?

      convex-optimization nonlinear-optimization least-squares constraints qcqp

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      edited Dec 18 '18 at 19:34

      Karsten Leonhardt

      asked Dec 6 '18 at 17:57

      Karsten LeonhardtKarsten Leonhardt



          1 Answer








          $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing without jump discontinuities for $mu geq 0$ with $lim_{mu to infty}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$. If for a fixed $mu: 0 leq mu < infty$ the solution is
          $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$, then this is the solution for all non-negative values of $mu$.
          For $mu <0$ monotonicity holds not on the whole domain of negative real numbers and jump discontinuities can appear.


          Yes, see below.


          Yes and the global optimal solution is given by $mathbf{x}^* = mathbf{x}(mu^*)$, with $mathbf{x}(mu)$ from (6). Although this solution also holds for the case $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, where the only allowed solution is the one for $mu to infty$, in practice no limit must be taken due to the fact that the solution is already determined to be $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$.

          Strategy for numerical solution

          For $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, no calculation is necessary since the only allowed solution is $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$.

          For $alpha^2 > |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, the numerical procedure to calculate the optimal solution simplifies with the help of the answers of (Q1) and (Q2) to calculate $mathbf{x}(mu)$ according to (6), starting with $mu=0$ and increase $mu$ until (C1) holds.

          No solution exists obviously for $alpha^2 < |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$.



          We first investigate the asymptotic solution for large $mu$.
          As a first step we divide the first row of (3) by $mu$:
          left(A^{dagger} A/mu + Iright) mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{c} lambda(mu)/mu = mathbf{y}/mu.tag{A1}label{A1}

          Multiplying eqref{A1} from the left with $mathbf{c}^{dagger}$ and using both, the constraint (C2) and the fact that we look for solutions with bounded norm only, we obtain the asymptotic expression
          lim_{mu to infty}lambda(mu)/mu = -gamma/|mathbf{c}|^2tag{A2}.label{A2}

          With eqref{A2} in the asymptotic limit of eqref{A1}, we find
          lim_{mu to infty} mathbf{x}(mu) = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2=:mathbf{x}_{infty},tag{A3}label{A3}

          and thus
          lim_{mu to infty} |mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2.tag{A4}label{A4}

          To investigate the monotonicity of $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ we start with differentiating (3) w.r.t. $mu$: The first row yields
          mathbf{x}(mu) + (A^{dagger}A + mu I) mathbf{x}'(mu) + mathbf{c}lambda'(mu) = 0,tag{A5}label{A5}
          and the second row the trivial condition $mathbf{c}^{dagger} mathbf{x}'(mu) = 0$. We use for the function derivative w.r.t. $mu$ the abbreviation $u'(mu) equiv rm{d}, u(mu)/rm{d}mu$.
          Multiplying eqref{A5} with $mathbf{c}^{dagger}$ from left we obtain
          gamma + mathbf{c}^{dagger} A^{dagger}Amathbf{x}'(mu) + |mathbf{c}|^2lambda'(mu) = 0,tag{A6}label{A6}

          which yields
          lambda'(mu) = -dfrac{
          gamma + mathbf{c}^{dagger}A^{dagger}A mathbf{x}'(mu)}{|mathbf{c}|^2}.tag{A7}label{A7}

          Using eqref{A7} in eqref{A5} we get a conditional equation for $mathbf{x}'(mu)$:
          left(left(I - dfrac{mathbf{c}mathbf{c}^{dagger}}{|mathbf{c}|^2}right)A^{dagger}A + mu Iright) mathbf{x}'(mu) = frac{gamma mathbf{c}}{|mathbf{c}|^2} - mathbf{x}(mu).tag{A8}label{A8}

          On the left hand side the orthogonal projector $P:=I - mathbf{c}mathbf{c}^{dagger}/|mathbf{c}|^2$ appears that maps elements of $mathbb{C}^n$ to $mathcal{U} = {mathbf{x} in mathbb{C}^n mid mathbf{c}^{dagger}mathbf{x} = 0}subset mathbb{C}^n$, the subspace orthogonal to the one-dimensional subspace along $mathbf{c}$. Multiplying eqref{A8} with $P$ from left we get:
          left(PA^{dagger}A + mu P right) mathbf{x}'(mu) = -Pmathbf{x}(mu).tag{A9}label{A9}

          Since $mathbf{c}^{dagger} mathbf{x}'(mu) = 0$, which is equivalent to $Pmathbf{x}'(mu) = mathbf{x}'(mu)$, we can further write
          left(PA^{dagger}AP + mu P right) mathbf{x}'(mu) = -Pmathbf{x}(mu),tag{A10}label{A10}

          which is a linear equation on $mathcal{U}$ only that completely determines $mathbf{x}'(mu)$. We expand eqref{A10} in an orthonormal basis of $mathcal{U}$ and use the following notation: $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)$, $mathbf{x}'_{mathcal{U}}(mu)$ for the representation of $Pmathbf{x}(mu)$, $mathbf{x}'(mu)$ in $mathcal{U}$, $I_{mathcal{U}}$ for the identity in $mathcal{U}$ and $S_{mathcal{U}}$ for the representation of $PA^{dagger}AP$ in $mathcal{U}$.
          We can write
          mathbf{x}'_{mathcal{U}} = -left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu),tag{A11}label{A11}
          and it follows
          frac{rm{d}}{rm{d}mu}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 & = mathbf{x}'(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{x}(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}'(mu)tag{A12}label{A12}\
          &=mathbf{x}'(mu)^{dagger}P P mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{x}(mu)^{dagger}PPmathbf{x}'(mu)\
          &=mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}'(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) + mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}'(mu)\
          &=-2mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)^{dagger}left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu).tag{A13}label{A13}

          It can be readily seen from its definition that $S_{mathcal{U}}$ is positive definite, hence $left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}$ is positive definite for $mu geq 0$. Since $A^{dagger}A$ is also positive definite we obtain from (6) together with (7) that $mathbf{x}(mu)$ is not diverging for $mugeq 0$. Therefore, from eqref{A13} we obtain $frac{rm{d}}{rm{d}mu}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 leq 0$ for $mu geq 0$, that is $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing without jump discontinuities for $mu geq 0$. However, the monotonicity is not strict because $rm{d}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2/rm{d}mu$ vanishes when $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) = 0$. The only solution compatible with both constraints (C1) and (C2) that yields $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) = 0$ is $mathbf{x}(mu) = gammamathbf{c}/|mathbf{c}|^2 = mathbf{x}_{infty}$. Since this is also the asymptotic solution from eqref{A3}, we have $lim_{mu to infty} rm{d}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2/rm{d}mu = 0$. Moreover, if (6) yields $mathbf{x}_{infty}$ for $mu < infty$, it must be the solution for all $mu$.

          For $mu < 0$, $left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}$ is not guaranteed to be positive definite and hence monotonicity is not given on the whole domain of negative real numbers. Moreover, jump discontinuities can appear where $mu$ matches eigenvalues of $A^{dagger}A$ or $S_{mathcal{U}}$.


          We have to distinguish two cases:

          • $alpha^2 > |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$:

            With the monotonicity of $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ for $mu geq 0$ and eqref{A4}, we find a $mu^star: g(mathbf{x}(mu^star)) < 0$. Therefore, Slater's condition holds which guarantees strong duality of the convex optimization problem and thus the existence of a KKT-point $(mathbf{x}^*,mu^*, lambda^*)$, where $mathbf{x}^*$ is a local optimum for the optimization problem and $(mu^*,lambda^*)$ for the corresponding dual problem. Due to the convexity and strong duality of the problem the following KKT-conditions are sufficient conditions for the global optimum:
            g(mathbf{x}^*) &leq 0,tag{A14}label{A14}\
            h(mathbf{x}^*) &= 0,tag{A15}label{A15}\
            mu^* &geq 0,tag{A16}label{A16}\
            mu^*g(mathbf{x}^*) &= 0.tag{A17}label{A17}

            eqref{A16} answers the question for this case.

          • $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$:
            Slater's condition does not hold, however, the only allowed solution is $mathbf{x} = mathbf{x}_{infty}$, the asymptotic solution. Therefore, we have $mu^* to infty$.

          For both cases we get $mu^*
          geq 0$


          For $mathbf{x}(mu)$ from (6), eqref{A15} holds. The remaining task is to find the optimal $mu^* geq 0$ such that the remaining KKT-conditions hold. To satisfy eqref{A17},
          we require $mu^* = 0$ if $g(mathbf{x}(mu^*=0)) < 0$ and $mu^* >0$ otherwise. For the latter case we require $|mathbf{x}(mu^*)|^2 = alpha^2$ such that (A14) holds. Due to the fact that $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing for $mu geq 0$, we find $mu^* = inf, {mu geq 0 mid g(mathbf{x}(mu)) leq 0}$ and the global optimal solution is given by $mathbf{x}^* = mathbf{x}(mu^*)$.

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            $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing without jump discontinuities for $mu geq 0$ with $lim_{mu to infty}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$. If for a fixed $mu: 0 leq mu < infty$ the solution is
            $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$, then this is the solution for all non-negative values of $mu$.
            For $mu <0$ monotonicity holds not on the whole domain of negative real numbers and jump discontinuities can appear.


            Yes, see below.


            Yes and the global optimal solution is given by $mathbf{x}^* = mathbf{x}(mu^*)$, with $mathbf{x}(mu)$ from (6). Although this solution also holds for the case $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, where the only allowed solution is the one for $mu to infty$, in practice no limit must be taken due to the fact that the solution is already determined to be $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$.

            Strategy for numerical solution

            For $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, no calculation is necessary since the only allowed solution is $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$.

            For $alpha^2 > |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, the numerical procedure to calculate the optimal solution simplifies with the help of the answers of (Q1) and (Q2) to calculate $mathbf{x}(mu)$ according to (6), starting with $mu=0$ and increase $mu$ until (C1) holds.

            No solution exists obviously for $alpha^2 < |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$.



            We first investigate the asymptotic solution for large $mu$.
            As a first step we divide the first row of (3) by $mu$:
            left(A^{dagger} A/mu + Iright) mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{c} lambda(mu)/mu = mathbf{y}/mu.tag{A1}label{A1}

            Multiplying eqref{A1} from the left with $mathbf{c}^{dagger}$ and using both, the constraint (C2) and the fact that we look for solutions with bounded norm only, we obtain the asymptotic expression
            lim_{mu to infty}lambda(mu)/mu = -gamma/|mathbf{c}|^2tag{A2}.label{A2}

            With eqref{A2} in the asymptotic limit of eqref{A1}, we find
            lim_{mu to infty} mathbf{x}(mu) = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2=:mathbf{x}_{infty},tag{A3}label{A3}

            and thus
            lim_{mu to infty} |mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2.tag{A4}label{A4}

            To investigate the monotonicity of $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ we start with differentiating (3) w.r.t. $mu$: The first row yields
            mathbf{x}(mu) + (A^{dagger}A + mu I) mathbf{x}'(mu) + mathbf{c}lambda'(mu) = 0,tag{A5}label{A5}
            and the second row the trivial condition $mathbf{c}^{dagger} mathbf{x}'(mu) = 0$. We use for the function derivative w.r.t. $mu$ the abbreviation $u'(mu) equiv rm{d}, u(mu)/rm{d}mu$.
            Multiplying eqref{A5} with $mathbf{c}^{dagger}$ from left we obtain
            gamma + mathbf{c}^{dagger} A^{dagger}Amathbf{x}'(mu) + |mathbf{c}|^2lambda'(mu) = 0,tag{A6}label{A6}

            which yields
            lambda'(mu) = -dfrac{
            gamma + mathbf{c}^{dagger}A^{dagger}A mathbf{x}'(mu)}{|mathbf{c}|^2}.tag{A7}label{A7}

            Using eqref{A7} in eqref{A5} we get a conditional equation for $mathbf{x}'(mu)$:
            left(left(I - dfrac{mathbf{c}mathbf{c}^{dagger}}{|mathbf{c}|^2}right)A^{dagger}A + mu Iright) mathbf{x}'(mu) = frac{gamma mathbf{c}}{|mathbf{c}|^2} - mathbf{x}(mu).tag{A8}label{A8}

            On the left hand side the orthogonal projector $P:=I - mathbf{c}mathbf{c}^{dagger}/|mathbf{c}|^2$ appears that maps elements of $mathbb{C}^n$ to $mathcal{U} = {mathbf{x} in mathbb{C}^n mid mathbf{c}^{dagger}mathbf{x} = 0}subset mathbb{C}^n$, the subspace orthogonal to the one-dimensional subspace along $mathbf{c}$. Multiplying eqref{A8} with $P$ from left we get:
            left(PA^{dagger}A + mu P right) mathbf{x}'(mu) = -Pmathbf{x}(mu).tag{A9}label{A9}

            Since $mathbf{c}^{dagger} mathbf{x}'(mu) = 0$, which is equivalent to $Pmathbf{x}'(mu) = mathbf{x}'(mu)$, we can further write
            left(PA^{dagger}AP + mu P right) mathbf{x}'(mu) = -Pmathbf{x}(mu),tag{A10}label{A10}

            which is a linear equation on $mathcal{U}$ only that completely determines $mathbf{x}'(mu)$. We expand eqref{A10} in an orthonormal basis of $mathcal{U}$ and use the following notation: $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)$, $mathbf{x}'_{mathcal{U}}(mu)$ for the representation of $Pmathbf{x}(mu)$, $mathbf{x}'(mu)$ in $mathcal{U}$, $I_{mathcal{U}}$ for the identity in $mathcal{U}$ and $S_{mathcal{U}}$ for the representation of $PA^{dagger}AP$ in $mathcal{U}$.
            We can write
            mathbf{x}'_{mathcal{U}} = -left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu),tag{A11}label{A11}
            and it follows
            frac{rm{d}}{rm{d}mu}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 & = mathbf{x}'(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{x}(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}'(mu)tag{A12}label{A12}\
            &=mathbf{x}'(mu)^{dagger}P P mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{x}(mu)^{dagger}PPmathbf{x}'(mu)\
            &=mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}'(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) + mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}'(mu)\
            &=-2mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)^{dagger}left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu).tag{A13}label{A13}

            It can be readily seen from its definition that $S_{mathcal{U}}$ is positive definite, hence $left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}$ is positive definite for $mu geq 0$. Since $A^{dagger}A$ is also positive definite we obtain from (6) together with (7) that $mathbf{x}(mu)$ is not diverging for $mugeq 0$. Therefore, from eqref{A13} we obtain $frac{rm{d}}{rm{d}mu}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 leq 0$ for $mu geq 0$, that is $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing without jump discontinuities for $mu geq 0$. However, the monotonicity is not strict because $rm{d}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2/rm{d}mu$ vanishes when $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) = 0$. The only solution compatible with both constraints (C1) and (C2) that yields $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) = 0$ is $mathbf{x}(mu) = gammamathbf{c}/|mathbf{c}|^2 = mathbf{x}_{infty}$. Since this is also the asymptotic solution from eqref{A3}, we have $lim_{mu to infty} rm{d}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2/rm{d}mu = 0$. Moreover, if (6) yields $mathbf{x}_{infty}$ for $mu < infty$, it must be the solution for all $mu$.

            For $mu < 0$, $left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}$ is not guaranteed to be positive definite and hence monotonicity is not given on the whole domain of negative real numbers. Moreover, jump discontinuities can appear where $mu$ matches eigenvalues of $A^{dagger}A$ or $S_{mathcal{U}}$.


            We have to distinguish two cases:

            • $alpha^2 > |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$:

              With the monotonicity of $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ for $mu geq 0$ and eqref{A4}, we find a $mu^star: g(mathbf{x}(mu^star)) < 0$. Therefore, Slater's condition holds which guarantees strong duality of the convex optimization problem and thus the existence of a KKT-point $(mathbf{x}^*,mu^*, lambda^*)$, where $mathbf{x}^*$ is a local optimum for the optimization problem and $(mu^*,lambda^*)$ for the corresponding dual problem. Due to the convexity and strong duality of the problem the following KKT-conditions are sufficient conditions for the global optimum:
              g(mathbf{x}^*) &leq 0,tag{A14}label{A14}\
              h(mathbf{x}^*) &= 0,tag{A15}label{A15}\
              mu^* &geq 0,tag{A16}label{A16}\
              mu^*g(mathbf{x}^*) &= 0.tag{A17}label{A17}

              eqref{A16} answers the question for this case.

            • $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$:
              Slater's condition does not hold, however, the only allowed solution is $mathbf{x} = mathbf{x}_{infty}$, the asymptotic solution. Therefore, we have $mu^* to infty$.

            For both cases we get $mu^*
            geq 0$


            For $mathbf{x}(mu)$ from (6), eqref{A15} holds. The remaining task is to find the optimal $mu^* geq 0$ such that the remaining KKT-conditions hold. To satisfy eqref{A17},
            we require $mu^* = 0$ if $g(mathbf{x}(mu^*=0)) < 0$ and $mu^* >0$ otherwise. For the latter case we require $|mathbf{x}(mu^*)|^2 = alpha^2$ such that (A14) holds. Due to the fact that $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing for $mu geq 0$, we find $mu^* = inf, {mu geq 0 mid g(mathbf{x}(mu)) leq 0}$ and the global optimal solution is given by $mathbf{x}^* = mathbf{x}(mu^*)$.

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              $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing without jump discontinuities for $mu geq 0$ with $lim_{mu to infty}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$. If for a fixed $mu: 0 leq mu < infty$ the solution is
              $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$, then this is the solution for all non-negative values of $mu$.
              For $mu <0$ monotonicity holds not on the whole domain of negative real numbers and jump discontinuities can appear.


              Yes, see below.


              Yes and the global optimal solution is given by $mathbf{x}^* = mathbf{x}(mu^*)$, with $mathbf{x}(mu)$ from (6). Although this solution also holds for the case $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, where the only allowed solution is the one for $mu to infty$, in practice no limit must be taken due to the fact that the solution is already determined to be $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$.

              Strategy for numerical solution

              For $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, no calculation is necessary since the only allowed solution is $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$.

              For $alpha^2 > |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, the numerical procedure to calculate the optimal solution simplifies with the help of the answers of (Q1) and (Q2) to calculate $mathbf{x}(mu)$ according to (6), starting with $mu=0$ and increase $mu$ until (C1) holds.

              No solution exists obviously for $alpha^2 < |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$.



              We first investigate the asymptotic solution for large $mu$.
              As a first step we divide the first row of (3) by $mu$:
              left(A^{dagger} A/mu + Iright) mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{c} lambda(mu)/mu = mathbf{y}/mu.tag{A1}label{A1}

              Multiplying eqref{A1} from the left with $mathbf{c}^{dagger}$ and using both, the constraint (C2) and the fact that we look for solutions with bounded norm only, we obtain the asymptotic expression
              lim_{mu to infty}lambda(mu)/mu = -gamma/|mathbf{c}|^2tag{A2}.label{A2}

              With eqref{A2} in the asymptotic limit of eqref{A1}, we find
              lim_{mu to infty} mathbf{x}(mu) = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2=:mathbf{x}_{infty},tag{A3}label{A3}

              and thus
              lim_{mu to infty} |mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2.tag{A4}label{A4}

              To investigate the monotonicity of $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ we start with differentiating (3) w.r.t. $mu$: The first row yields
              mathbf{x}(mu) + (A^{dagger}A + mu I) mathbf{x}'(mu) + mathbf{c}lambda'(mu) = 0,tag{A5}label{A5}
              and the second row the trivial condition $mathbf{c}^{dagger} mathbf{x}'(mu) = 0$. We use for the function derivative w.r.t. $mu$ the abbreviation $u'(mu) equiv rm{d}, u(mu)/rm{d}mu$.
              Multiplying eqref{A5} with $mathbf{c}^{dagger}$ from left we obtain
              gamma + mathbf{c}^{dagger} A^{dagger}Amathbf{x}'(mu) + |mathbf{c}|^2lambda'(mu) = 0,tag{A6}label{A6}

              which yields
              lambda'(mu) = -dfrac{
              gamma + mathbf{c}^{dagger}A^{dagger}A mathbf{x}'(mu)}{|mathbf{c}|^2}.tag{A7}label{A7}

              Using eqref{A7} in eqref{A5} we get a conditional equation for $mathbf{x}'(mu)$:
              left(left(I - dfrac{mathbf{c}mathbf{c}^{dagger}}{|mathbf{c}|^2}right)A^{dagger}A + mu Iright) mathbf{x}'(mu) = frac{gamma mathbf{c}}{|mathbf{c}|^2} - mathbf{x}(mu).tag{A8}label{A8}

              On the left hand side the orthogonal projector $P:=I - mathbf{c}mathbf{c}^{dagger}/|mathbf{c}|^2$ appears that maps elements of $mathbb{C}^n$ to $mathcal{U} = {mathbf{x} in mathbb{C}^n mid mathbf{c}^{dagger}mathbf{x} = 0}subset mathbb{C}^n$, the subspace orthogonal to the one-dimensional subspace along $mathbf{c}$. Multiplying eqref{A8} with $P$ from left we get:
              left(PA^{dagger}A + mu P right) mathbf{x}'(mu) = -Pmathbf{x}(mu).tag{A9}label{A9}

              Since $mathbf{c}^{dagger} mathbf{x}'(mu) = 0$, which is equivalent to $Pmathbf{x}'(mu) = mathbf{x}'(mu)$, we can further write
              left(PA^{dagger}AP + mu P right) mathbf{x}'(mu) = -Pmathbf{x}(mu),tag{A10}label{A10}

              which is a linear equation on $mathcal{U}$ only that completely determines $mathbf{x}'(mu)$. We expand eqref{A10} in an orthonormal basis of $mathcal{U}$ and use the following notation: $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)$, $mathbf{x}'_{mathcal{U}}(mu)$ for the representation of $Pmathbf{x}(mu)$, $mathbf{x}'(mu)$ in $mathcal{U}$, $I_{mathcal{U}}$ for the identity in $mathcal{U}$ and $S_{mathcal{U}}$ for the representation of $PA^{dagger}AP$ in $mathcal{U}$.
              We can write
              mathbf{x}'_{mathcal{U}} = -left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu),tag{A11}label{A11}
              and it follows
              frac{rm{d}}{rm{d}mu}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 & = mathbf{x}'(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{x}(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}'(mu)tag{A12}label{A12}\
              &=mathbf{x}'(mu)^{dagger}P P mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{x}(mu)^{dagger}PPmathbf{x}'(mu)\
              &=mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}'(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) + mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}'(mu)\
              &=-2mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)^{dagger}left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu).tag{A13}label{A13}

              It can be readily seen from its definition that $S_{mathcal{U}}$ is positive definite, hence $left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}$ is positive definite for $mu geq 0$. Since $A^{dagger}A$ is also positive definite we obtain from (6) together with (7) that $mathbf{x}(mu)$ is not diverging for $mugeq 0$. Therefore, from eqref{A13} we obtain $frac{rm{d}}{rm{d}mu}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 leq 0$ for $mu geq 0$, that is $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing without jump discontinuities for $mu geq 0$. However, the monotonicity is not strict because $rm{d}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2/rm{d}mu$ vanishes when $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) = 0$. The only solution compatible with both constraints (C1) and (C2) that yields $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) = 0$ is $mathbf{x}(mu) = gammamathbf{c}/|mathbf{c}|^2 = mathbf{x}_{infty}$. Since this is also the asymptotic solution from eqref{A3}, we have $lim_{mu to infty} rm{d}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2/rm{d}mu = 0$. Moreover, if (6) yields $mathbf{x}_{infty}$ for $mu < infty$, it must be the solution for all $mu$.

              For $mu < 0$, $left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}$ is not guaranteed to be positive definite and hence monotonicity is not given on the whole domain of negative real numbers. Moreover, jump discontinuities can appear where $mu$ matches eigenvalues of $A^{dagger}A$ or $S_{mathcal{U}}$.


              We have to distinguish two cases:

              • $alpha^2 > |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$:

                With the monotonicity of $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ for $mu geq 0$ and eqref{A4}, we find a $mu^star: g(mathbf{x}(mu^star)) < 0$. Therefore, Slater's condition holds which guarantees strong duality of the convex optimization problem and thus the existence of a KKT-point $(mathbf{x}^*,mu^*, lambda^*)$, where $mathbf{x}^*$ is a local optimum for the optimization problem and $(mu^*,lambda^*)$ for the corresponding dual problem. Due to the convexity and strong duality of the problem the following KKT-conditions are sufficient conditions for the global optimum:
                g(mathbf{x}^*) &leq 0,tag{A14}label{A14}\
                h(mathbf{x}^*) &= 0,tag{A15}label{A15}\
                mu^* &geq 0,tag{A16}label{A16}\
                mu^*g(mathbf{x}^*) &= 0.tag{A17}label{A17}

                eqref{A16} answers the question for this case.

              • $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$:
                Slater's condition does not hold, however, the only allowed solution is $mathbf{x} = mathbf{x}_{infty}$, the asymptotic solution. Therefore, we have $mu^* to infty$.

              For both cases we get $mu^*
              geq 0$


              For $mathbf{x}(mu)$ from (6), eqref{A15} holds. The remaining task is to find the optimal $mu^* geq 0$ such that the remaining KKT-conditions hold. To satisfy eqref{A17},
              we require $mu^* = 0$ if $g(mathbf{x}(mu^*=0)) < 0$ and $mu^* >0$ otherwise. For the latter case we require $|mathbf{x}(mu^*)|^2 = alpha^2$ such that (A14) holds. Due to the fact that $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing for $mu geq 0$, we find $mu^* = inf, {mu geq 0 mid g(mathbf{x}(mu)) leq 0}$ and the global optimal solution is given by $mathbf{x}^* = mathbf{x}(mu^*)$.

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                $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing without jump discontinuities for $mu geq 0$ with $lim_{mu to infty}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$. If for a fixed $mu: 0 leq mu < infty$ the solution is
                $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$, then this is the solution for all non-negative values of $mu$.
                For $mu <0$ monotonicity holds not on the whole domain of negative real numbers and jump discontinuities can appear.


                Yes, see below.


                Yes and the global optimal solution is given by $mathbf{x}^* = mathbf{x}(mu^*)$, with $mathbf{x}(mu)$ from (6). Although this solution also holds for the case $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, where the only allowed solution is the one for $mu to infty$, in practice no limit must be taken due to the fact that the solution is already determined to be $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$.

                Strategy for numerical solution

                For $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, no calculation is necessary since the only allowed solution is $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$.

                For $alpha^2 > |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, the numerical procedure to calculate the optimal solution simplifies with the help of the answers of (Q1) and (Q2) to calculate $mathbf{x}(mu)$ according to (6), starting with $mu=0$ and increase $mu$ until (C1) holds.

                No solution exists obviously for $alpha^2 < |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$.



                We first investigate the asymptotic solution for large $mu$.
                As a first step we divide the first row of (3) by $mu$:
                left(A^{dagger} A/mu + Iright) mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{c} lambda(mu)/mu = mathbf{y}/mu.tag{A1}label{A1}

                Multiplying eqref{A1} from the left with $mathbf{c}^{dagger}$ and using both, the constraint (C2) and the fact that we look for solutions with bounded norm only, we obtain the asymptotic expression
                lim_{mu to infty}lambda(mu)/mu = -gamma/|mathbf{c}|^2tag{A2}.label{A2}

                With eqref{A2} in the asymptotic limit of eqref{A1}, we find
                lim_{mu to infty} mathbf{x}(mu) = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2=:mathbf{x}_{infty},tag{A3}label{A3}

                and thus
                lim_{mu to infty} |mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2.tag{A4}label{A4}

                To investigate the monotonicity of $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ we start with differentiating (3) w.r.t. $mu$: The first row yields
                mathbf{x}(mu) + (A^{dagger}A + mu I) mathbf{x}'(mu) + mathbf{c}lambda'(mu) = 0,tag{A5}label{A5}
                and the second row the trivial condition $mathbf{c}^{dagger} mathbf{x}'(mu) = 0$. We use for the function derivative w.r.t. $mu$ the abbreviation $u'(mu) equiv rm{d}, u(mu)/rm{d}mu$.
                Multiplying eqref{A5} with $mathbf{c}^{dagger}$ from left we obtain
                gamma + mathbf{c}^{dagger} A^{dagger}Amathbf{x}'(mu) + |mathbf{c}|^2lambda'(mu) = 0,tag{A6}label{A6}

                which yields
                lambda'(mu) = -dfrac{
                gamma + mathbf{c}^{dagger}A^{dagger}A mathbf{x}'(mu)}{|mathbf{c}|^2}.tag{A7}label{A7}

                Using eqref{A7} in eqref{A5} we get a conditional equation for $mathbf{x}'(mu)$:
                left(left(I - dfrac{mathbf{c}mathbf{c}^{dagger}}{|mathbf{c}|^2}right)A^{dagger}A + mu Iright) mathbf{x}'(mu) = frac{gamma mathbf{c}}{|mathbf{c}|^2} - mathbf{x}(mu).tag{A8}label{A8}

                On the left hand side the orthogonal projector $P:=I - mathbf{c}mathbf{c}^{dagger}/|mathbf{c}|^2$ appears that maps elements of $mathbb{C}^n$ to $mathcal{U} = {mathbf{x} in mathbb{C}^n mid mathbf{c}^{dagger}mathbf{x} = 0}subset mathbb{C}^n$, the subspace orthogonal to the one-dimensional subspace along $mathbf{c}$. Multiplying eqref{A8} with $P$ from left we get:
                left(PA^{dagger}A + mu P right) mathbf{x}'(mu) = -Pmathbf{x}(mu).tag{A9}label{A9}

                Since $mathbf{c}^{dagger} mathbf{x}'(mu) = 0$, which is equivalent to $Pmathbf{x}'(mu) = mathbf{x}'(mu)$, we can further write
                left(PA^{dagger}AP + mu P right) mathbf{x}'(mu) = -Pmathbf{x}(mu),tag{A10}label{A10}

                which is a linear equation on $mathcal{U}$ only that completely determines $mathbf{x}'(mu)$. We expand eqref{A10} in an orthonormal basis of $mathcal{U}$ and use the following notation: $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)$, $mathbf{x}'_{mathcal{U}}(mu)$ for the representation of $Pmathbf{x}(mu)$, $mathbf{x}'(mu)$ in $mathcal{U}$, $I_{mathcal{U}}$ for the identity in $mathcal{U}$ and $S_{mathcal{U}}$ for the representation of $PA^{dagger}AP$ in $mathcal{U}$.
                We can write
                mathbf{x}'_{mathcal{U}} = -left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu),tag{A11}label{A11}
                and it follows
                frac{rm{d}}{rm{d}mu}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 & = mathbf{x}'(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{x}(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}'(mu)tag{A12}label{A12}\
                &=mathbf{x}'(mu)^{dagger}P P mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{x}(mu)^{dagger}PPmathbf{x}'(mu)\
                &=mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}'(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) + mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}'(mu)\
                &=-2mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)^{dagger}left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu).tag{A13}label{A13}

                It can be readily seen from its definition that $S_{mathcal{U}}$ is positive definite, hence $left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}$ is positive definite for $mu geq 0$. Since $A^{dagger}A$ is also positive definite we obtain from (6) together with (7) that $mathbf{x}(mu)$ is not diverging for $mugeq 0$. Therefore, from eqref{A13} we obtain $frac{rm{d}}{rm{d}mu}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 leq 0$ for $mu geq 0$, that is $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing without jump discontinuities for $mu geq 0$. However, the monotonicity is not strict because $rm{d}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2/rm{d}mu$ vanishes when $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) = 0$. The only solution compatible with both constraints (C1) and (C2) that yields $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) = 0$ is $mathbf{x}(mu) = gammamathbf{c}/|mathbf{c}|^2 = mathbf{x}_{infty}$. Since this is also the asymptotic solution from eqref{A3}, we have $lim_{mu to infty} rm{d}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2/rm{d}mu = 0$. Moreover, if (6) yields $mathbf{x}_{infty}$ for $mu < infty$, it must be the solution for all $mu$.

                For $mu < 0$, $left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}$ is not guaranteed to be positive definite and hence monotonicity is not given on the whole domain of negative real numbers. Moreover, jump discontinuities can appear where $mu$ matches eigenvalues of $A^{dagger}A$ or $S_{mathcal{U}}$.


                We have to distinguish two cases:

                • $alpha^2 > |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$:

                  With the monotonicity of $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ for $mu geq 0$ and eqref{A4}, we find a $mu^star: g(mathbf{x}(mu^star)) < 0$. Therefore, Slater's condition holds which guarantees strong duality of the convex optimization problem and thus the existence of a KKT-point $(mathbf{x}^*,mu^*, lambda^*)$, where $mathbf{x}^*$ is a local optimum for the optimization problem and $(mu^*,lambda^*)$ for the corresponding dual problem. Due to the convexity and strong duality of the problem the following KKT-conditions are sufficient conditions for the global optimum:
                  g(mathbf{x}^*) &leq 0,tag{A14}label{A14}\
                  h(mathbf{x}^*) &= 0,tag{A15}label{A15}\
                  mu^* &geq 0,tag{A16}label{A16}\
                  mu^*g(mathbf{x}^*) &= 0.tag{A17}label{A17}

                  eqref{A16} answers the question for this case.

                • $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$:
                  Slater's condition does not hold, however, the only allowed solution is $mathbf{x} = mathbf{x}_{infty}$, the asymptotic solution. Therefore, we have $mu^* to infty$.

                For both cases we get $mu^*
                geq 0$


                For $mathbf{x}(mu)$ from (6), eqref{A15} holds. The remaining task is to find the optimal $mu^* geq 0$ such that the remaining KKT-conditions hold. To satisfy eqref{A17},
                we require $mu^* = 0$ if $g(mathbf{x}(mu^*=0)) < 0$ and $mu^* >0$ otherwise. For the latter case we require $|mathbf{x}(mu^*)|^2 = alpha^2$ such that (A14) holds. Due to the fact that $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing for $mu geq 0$, we find $mu^* = inf, {mu geq 0 mid g(mathbf{x}(mu)) leq 0}$ and the global optimal solution is given by $mathbf{x}^* = mathbf{x}(mu^*)$.

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                $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing without jump discontinuities for $mu geq 0$ with $lim_{mu to infty}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$. If for a fixed $mu: 0 leq mu < infty$ the solution is
                $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$, then this is the solution for all non-negative values of $mu$.
                For $mu <0$ monotonicity holds not on the whole domain of negative real numbers and jump discontinuities can appear.


                Yes, see below.


                Yes and the global optimal solution is given by $mathbf{x}^* = mathbf{x}(mu^*)$, with $mathbf{x}(mu)$ from (6). Although this solution also holds for the case $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, where the only allowed solution is the one for $mu to infty$, in practice no limit must be taken due to the fact that the solution is already determined to be $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$.

                Strategy for numerical solution

                For $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, no calculation is necessary since the only allowed solution is $mathbf{x}^* = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2$.

                For $alpha^2 > |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$, the numerical procedure to calculate the optimal solution simplifies with the help of the answers of (Q1) and (Q2) to calculate $mathbf{x}(mu)$ according to (6), starting with $mu=0$ and increase $mu$ until (C1) holds.

                No solution exists obviously for $alpha^2 < |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$.



                We first investigate the asymptotic solution for large $mu$.
                As a first step we divide the first row of (3) by $mu$:
                left(A^{dagger} A/mu + Iright) mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{c} lambda(mu)/mu = mathbf{y}/mu.tag{A1}label{A1}

                Multiplying eqref{A1} from the left with $mathbf{c}^{dagger}$ and using both, the constraint (C2) and the fact that we look for solutions with bounded norm only, we obtain the asymptotic expression
                lim_{mu to infty}lambda(mu)/mu = -gamma/|mathbf{c}|^2tag{A2}.label{A2}

                With eqref{A2} in the asymptotic limit of eqref{A1}, we find
                lim_{mu to infty} mathbf{x}(mu) = gamma mathbf{c} /|mathbf{c}|^2=:mathbf{x}_{infty},tag{A3}label{A3}

                and thus
                lim_{mu to infty} |mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2.tag{A4}label{A4}

                To investigate the monotonicity of $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ we start with differentiating (3) w.r.t. $mu$: The first row yields
                mathbf{x}(mu) + (A^{dagger}A + mu I) mathbf{x}'(mu) + mathbf{c}lambda'(mu) = 0,tag{A5}label{A5}
                and the second row the trivial condition $mathbf{c}^{dagger} mathbf{x}'(mu) = 0$. We use for the function derivative w.r.t. $mu$ the abbreviation $u'(mu) equiv rm{d}, u(mu)/rm{d}mu$.
                Multiplying eqref{A5} with $mathbf{c}^{dagger}$ from left we obtain
                gamma + mathbf{c}^{dagger} A^{dagger}Amathbf{x}'(mu) + |mathbf{c}|^2lambda'(mu) = 0,tag{A6}label{A6}

                which yields
                lambda'(mu) = -dfrac{
                gamma + mathbf{c}^{dagger}A^{dagger}A mathbf{x}'(mu)}{|mathbf{c}|^2}.tag{A7}label{A7}

                Using eqref{A7} in eqref{A5} we get a conditional equation for $mathbf{x}'(mu)$:
                left(left(I - dfrac{mathbf{c}mathbf{c}^{dagger}}{|mathbf{c}|^2}right)A^{dagger}A + mu Iright) mathbf{x}'(mu) = frac{gamma mathbf{c}}{|mathbf{c}|^2} - mathbf{x}(mu).tag{A8}label{A8}

                On the left hand side the orthogonal projector $P:=I - mathbf{c}mathbf{c}^{dagger}/|mathbf{c}|^2$ appears that maps elements of $mathbb{C}^n$ to $mathcal{U} = {mathbf{x} in mathbb{C}^n mid mathbf{c}^{dagger}mathbf{x} = 0}subset mathbb{C}^n$, the subspace orthogonal to the one-dimensional subspace along $mathbf{c}$. Multiplying eqref{A8} with $P$ from left we get:
                left(PA^{dagger}A + mu P right) mathbf{x}'(mu) = -Pmathbf{x}(mu).tag{A9}label{A9}

                Since $mathbf{c}^{dagger} mathbf{x}'(mu) = 0$, which is equivalent to $Pmathbf{x}'(mu) = mathbf{x}'(mu)$, we can further write
                left(PA^{dagger}AP + mu P right) mathbf{x}'(mu) = -Pmathbf{x}(mu),tag{A10}label{A10}

                which is a linear equation on $mathcal{U}$ only that completely determines $mathbf{x}'(mu)$. We expand eqref{A10} in an orthonormal basis of $mathcal{U}$ and use the following notation: $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)$, $mathbf{x}'_{mathcal{U}}(mu)$ for the representation of $Pmathbf{x}(mu)$, $mathbf{x}'(mu)$ in $mathcal{U}$, $I_{mathcal{U}}$ for the identity in $mathcal{U}$ and $S_{mathcal{U}}$ for the representation of $PA^{dagger}AP$ in $mathcal{U}$.
                We can write
                mathbf{x}'_{mathcal{U}} = -left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu),tag{A11}label{A11}
                and it follows
                frac{rm{d}}{rm{d}mu}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 & = mathbf{x}'(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{x}(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}'(mu)tag{A12}label{A12}\
                &=mathbf{x}'(mu)^{dagger}P P mathbf{x}(mu) + mathbf{x}(mu)^{dagger}PPmathbf{x}'(mu)\
                &=mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}'(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) + mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)^{dagger}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}'(mu)\
                &=-2mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu)^{dagger}left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu).tag{A13}label{A13}

                It can be readily seen from its definition that $S_{mathcal{U}}$ is positive definite, hence $left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}$ is positive definite for $mu geq 0$. Since $A^{dagger}A$ is also positive definite we obtain from (6) together with (7) that $mathbf{x}(mu)$ is not diverging for $mugeq 0$. Therefore, from eqref{A13} we obtain $frac{rm{d}}{rm{d}mu}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2 leq 0$ for $mu geq 0$, that is $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing without jump discontinuities for $mu geq 0$. However, the monotonicity is not strict because $rm{d}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2/rm{d}mu$ vanishes when $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) = 0$. The only solution compatible with both constraints (C1) and (C2) that yields $mathbf{x}_{mathcal{U}}(mu) = 0$ is $mathbf{x}(mu) = gammamathbf{c}/|mathbf{c}|^2 = mathbf{x}_{infty}$. Since this is also the asymptotic solution from eqref{A3}, we have $lim_{mu to infty} rm{d}|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2/rm{d}mu = 0$. Moreover, if (6) yields $mathbf{x}_{infty}$ for $mu < infty$, it must be the solution for all $mu$.

                For $mu < 0$, $left(S_{mathcal{U}} + mu I_{mathcal{U}}right)^{-1}$ is not guaranteed to be positive definite and hence monotonicity is not given on the whole domain of negative real numbers. Moreover, jump discontinuities can appear where $mu$ matches eigenvalues of $A^{dagger}A$ or $S_{mathcal{U}}$.


                We have to distinguish two cases:

                • $alpha^2 > |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$:

                  With the monotonicity of $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ for $mu geq 0$ and eqref{A4}, we find a $mu^star: g(mathbf{x}(mu^star)) < 0$. Therefore, Slater's condition holds which guarantees strong duality of the convex optimization problem and thus the existence of a KKT-point $(mathbf{x}^*,mu^*, lambda^*)$, where $mathbf{x}^*$ is a local optimum for the optimization problem and $(mu^*,lambda^*)$ for the corresponding dual problem. Due to the convexity and strong duality of the problem the following KKT-conditions are sufficient conditions for the global optimum:
                  g(mathbf{x}^*) &leq 0,tag{A14}label{A14}\
                  h(mathbf{x}^*) &= 0,tag{A15}label{A15}\
                  mu^* &geq 0,tag{A16}label{A16}\
                  mu^*g(mathbf{x}^*) &= 0.tag{A17}label{A17}

                  eqref{A16} answers the question for this case.

                • $alpha^2 = |gamma|^2/|mathbf{c}|^2$:
                  Slater's condition does not hold, however, the only allowed solution is $mathbf{x} = mathbf{x}_{infty}$, the asymptotic solution. Therefore, we have $mu^* to infty$.

                For both cases we get $mu^*
                geq 0$


                For $mathbf{x}(mu)$ from (6), eqref{A15} holds. The remaining task is to find the optimal $mu^* geq 0$ such that the remaining KKT-conditions hold. To satisfy eqref{A17},
                we require $mu^* = 0$ if $g(mathbf{x}(mu^*=0)) < 0$ and $mu^* >0$ otherwise. For the latter case we require $|mathbf{x}(mu^*)|^2 = alpha^2$ such that (A14) holds. Due to the fact that $|mathbf{x}(mu)|^2$ is monotonically decreasing for $mu geq 0$, we find $mu^* = inf, {mu geq 0 mid g(mathbf{x}(mu)) leq 0}$ and the global optimal solution is given by $mathbf{x}^* = mathbf{x}(mu^*)$.

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                edited Dec 18 '18 at 19:30

                answered Dec 15 '18 at 18:09

                Karsten LeonhardtKarsten Leonhardt



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