I get this error when i run my app. Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an...

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty{ height:90px;width:728px;box-sizing:border-box;


Whenever I run my app, it always crashes anywhere it states currentUserID. Not sure why.
I printed the the currentUserID value and its nil.
How can I correct it so it runs my app well. I can share the rest of the code if needed.

import UIKit
import MapKit
import CoreLocation
import Firebase
//import FirebaseDatabase

enum AnnotationType {
case pickup
case destination
case driver

enum ButtonAction {
case requestRide
case getDirectionsToPassenger
case getDirectionToDestination
case startTrip
case endTrip

class HomeVC: UIViewController, Alertable {

@IBOutlet weak var mapView: MKMapView!
@IBOutlet weak var centerMapBtn: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var destinationTextField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var destinationCircle: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var cancelBtn: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var actionBtn: UIButton!

var delegate: CenterVCDelegate?

var manager: CLLocationManager?

let currentUserId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
// "IRD70YtgEyWRpaH8LkkjHZmjXPo1"

var ref: DatabaseReference!

var regionRadius: CLLocationDistance = 1000

var tableView = UITableView()

var matchingItems: [MKMapItem] = [MKMapItem]()

var route: MKRoute!

var selectedItemPlacemark: MKPlacemark? = nil

var actionForButton: ButtonAction = .requestRide

override func viewDidLoad() {

ref = Database.database().reference()
// print(ref.child("users").value(forKey: "users"))


// print(Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid)
// print(currentUserId)

manager = CLLocationManager()
manager?.delegate = self
manager?.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest


mapView.delegate = self
destinationTextField.delegate = self


DataService.instance.REF_DRIVERS.observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in

DataService.instance.passengerIsOnTrip(passengerKey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (isOnTrip, driverKey, tripKey) in
if isOnTrip == true {
self.zoom(toFitAnnotationsFromMapView: self.mapView, forActiveTripWithDriver: true, withKey: driverKey)

cancelBtn.alpha = 0.0
UpdateService.instance.observeTrips { (tripDict) in
if let tripDict = tripDict {
let pickupCoordinateArray = tripDict["pickupCoordinate"] as! NSArray
let tripKey = tripDict["passengerKey"] as! String
let acceptanceStatus = tripDict["tripIsAccepted"] as! Bool

if acceptanceStatus == false {
//Broadcast to all driver
DataService.instance.driverIsAvailable(key: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (available) in
//check for errors
if let available = available {
if available == true {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: Bundle.main)
let pickupVC = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "PickupVC") as? PickupVC
pickupVC?.initData(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: pickupCoordinateArray[0] as! CLLocationDegrees, longitude: pickupCoordinateArray[1] as! CLLocationDegrees), passengerKey: tripKey)
self.present(pickupVC!, animated: true, completion: nil)



override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
if self.currentUserId == nil {
DataService.instance.userIsDriver(userKey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (status) in
if status == true {
self.buttonsForDriver(areHidden: true)

DataService.instance.REF_TRIPS.observe(.childRemoved, with: { (removedTripSnapshot) in
let removedTripDict = removedTripSnapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject]
if removedTripDict?["driverKey"] != nil {
DataService.instance.REF_DRIVERS.child(removedTripDict?["driverKey"] as! String).updateChildValues(["driverIsOnTrip": false])
DataService.instance.userIsDriver(userKey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (isDriver) in
if isDriver == true {
// Remove Overlays and annotation and hide request ride and cancel button
self.removeOverlaysAndAnnotations(forDrivers: false, forPassengers: true)
} else {
self.cancelBtn.fadeTo(alphaValue: 0.0, withDuration: 0.2)
self.destinationTextField.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
self.destinationTextField.text = ""

// Remove all map annotation and overlays
self.removeOverlaysAndAnnotations(forDrivers: false, forPassengers: true)
DataService.instance.driverIsOnTrip(driverkey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (isOnTrip, driverKey, tripKey) in
if isOnTrip == true {
DataService.instance.REF_TRIPS.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (tripSnapshot) in
if let tripSnapshot = tripSnapshot.children.allObjects as? [DataSnapshot] {
for trip in tripSnapshot {
if trip.childSnapshot(forPath: "driverKey").value as? String == self.currentUserId! {
let pickupCoordinateArray = trip.childSnapshot(forPath: "pickupCoordinate").value as! NSArray
let pickupCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: pickupCoordinateArray[0] as! CLLocationDegrees, longitude: pickupCoordinateArray[1] as! CLLocationDegrees)
let pickupPlacemark = MKPlacemark(coordinate: pickupCoordinate)
self.dropPinFor(placemark: pickupPlacemark)
self.searchMapKitForResultsWithPolyline(forOriginMapItem: nil, withDestinationMapItem: MKMapItem(placemark: pickupPlacemark))
self.setCustomRegion(forAnnotationType: .pickup, withCoordinate: pickupCoordinate)

self.actionForButton = .getDirectionsToPassenger
self.actionBtn.setTitle("GET DIRECTION", for: .normal)

// Fade in the action button
self.buttonsForDriver(areHidden: false)


share|improve this question

  • for all the forced(!) variables you have something is nil. Review DatabaseReference for example.

    – Alex Bailey
    Nov 23 '18 at 4:39

  • If you place a breakpoint at the start of viewDidLoad, what is the value of "currentUserId"?

    – David Rees
    Nov 23 '18 at 4:52

  • when you call auth may be chances HomeVC is called before authentication and you got currentUserId nil

    – Jatin Kathrotiya
    Nov 23 '18 at 4:57

  • Use Exception Breakpoint and you will come to which variable getting nil value

    – Manish Mahajan
    Nov 23 '18 at 5:30

  • Possible duplicate of What does "fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value" mean?

    – Tamás Sengel
    Nov 23 '18 at 22:41


Whenever I run my app, it always crashes anywhere it states currentUserID. Not sure why.
I printed the the currentUserID value and its nil.
How can I correct it so it runs my app well. I can share the rest of the code if needed.

import UIKit
import MapKit
import CoreLocation
import Firebase
//import FirebaseDatabase

enum AnnotationType {
case pickup
case destination
case driver

enum ButtonAction {
case requestRide
case getDirectionsToPassenger
case getDirectionToDestination
case startTrip
case endTrip

class HomeVC: UIViewController, Alertable {

@IBOutlet weak var mapView: MKMapView!
@IBOutlet weak var centerMapBtn: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var destinationTextField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var destinationCircle: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var cancelBtn: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var actionBtn: UIButton!

var delegate: CenterVCDelegate?

var manager: CLLocationManager?

let currentUserId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
// "IRD70YtgEyWRpaH8LkkjHZmjXPo1"

var ref: DatabaseReference!

var regionRadius: CLLocationDistance = 1000

var tableView = UITableView()

var matchingItems: [MKMapItem] = [MKMapItem]()

var route: MKRoute!

var selectedItemPlacemark: MKPlacemark? = nil

var actionForButton: ButtonAction = .requestRide

override func viewDidLoad() {

ref = Database.database().reference()
// print(ref.child("users").value(forKey: "users"))


// print(Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid)
// print(currentUserId)

manager = CLLocationManager()
manager?.delegate = self
manager?.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest


mapView.delegate = self
destinationTextField.delegate = self


DataService.instance.REF_DRIVERS.observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in

DataService.instance.passengerIsOnTrip(passengerKey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (isOnTrip, driverKey, tripKey) in
if isOnTrip == true {
self.zoom(toFitAnnotationsFromMapView: self.mapView, forActiveTripWithDriver: true, withKey: driverKey)

cancelBtn.alpha = 0.0
UpdateService.instance.observeTrips { (tripDict) in
if let tripDict = tripDict {
let pickupCoordinateArray = tripDict["pickupCoordinate"] as! NSArray
let tripKey = tripDict["passengerKey"] as! String
let acceptanceStatus = tripDict["tripIsAccepted"] as! Bool

if acceptanceStatus == false {
//Broadcast to all driver
DataService.instance.driverIsAvailable(key: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (available) in
//check for errors
if let available = available {
if available == true {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: Bundle.main)
let pickupVC = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "PickupVC") as? PickupVC
pickupVC?.initData(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: pickupCoordinateArray[0] as! CLLocationDegrees, longitude: pickupCoordinateArray[1] as! CLLocationDegrees), passengerKey: tripKey)
self.present(pickupVC!, animated: true, completion: nil)



override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
if self.currentUserId == nil {
DataService.instance.userIsDriver(userKey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (status) in
if status == true {
self.buttonsForDriver(areHidden: true)

DataService.instance.REF_TRIPS.observe(.childRemoved, with: { (removedTripSnapshot) in
let removedTripDict = removedTripSnapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject]
if removedTripDict?["driverKey"] != nil {
DataService.instance.REF_DRIVERS.child(removedTripDict?["driverKey"] as! String).updateChildValues(["driverIsOnTrip": false])
DataService.instance.userIsDriver(userKey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (isDriver) in
if isDriver == true {
// Remove Overlays and annotation and hide request ride and cancel button
self.removeOverlaysAndAnnotations(forDrivers: false, forPassengers: true)
} else {
self.cancelBtn.fadeTo(alphaValue: 0.0, withDuration: 0.2)
self.destinationTextField.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
self.destinationTextField.text = ""

// Remove all map annotation and overlays
self.removeOverlaysAndAnnotations(forDrivers: false, forPassengers: true)
DataService.instance.driverIsOnTrip(driverkey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (isOnTrip, driverKey, tripKey) in
if isOnTrip == true {
DataService.instance.REF_TRIPS.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (tripSnapshot) in
if let tripSnapshot = tripSnapshot.children.allObjects as? [DataSnapshot] {
for trip in tripSnapshot {
if trip.childSnapshot(forPath: "driverKey").value as? String == self.currentUserId! {
let pickupCoordinateArray = trip.childSnapshot(forPath: "pickupCoordinate").value as! NSArray
let pickupCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: pickupCoordinateArray[0] as! CLLocationDegrees, longitude: pickupCoordinateArray[1] as! CLLocationDegrees)
let pickupPlacemark = MKPlacemark(coordinate: pickupCoordinate)
self.dropPinFor(placemark: pickupPlacemark)
self.searchMapKitForResultsWithPolyline(forOriginMapItem: nil, withDestinationMapItem: MKMapItem(placemark: pickupPlacemark))
self.setCustomRegion(forAnnotationType: .pickup, withCoordinate: pickupCoordinate)

self.actionForButton = .getDirectionsToPassenger
self.actionBtn.setTitle("GET DIRECTION", for: .normal)

// Fade in the action button
self.buttonsForDriver(areHidden: false)


share|improve this question

  • for all the forced(!) variables you have something is nil. Review DatabaseReference for example.

    – Alex Bailey
    Nov 23 '18 at 4:39

  • If you place a breakpoint at the start of viewDidLoad, what is the value of "currentUserId"?

    – David Rees
    Nov 23 '18 at 4:52

  • when you call auth may be chances HomeVC is called before authentication and you got currentUserId nil

    – Jatin Kathrotiya
    Nov 23 '18 at 4:57

  • Use Exception Breakpoint and you will come to which variable getting nil value

    – Manish Mahajan
    Nov 23 '18 at 5:30

  • Possible duplicate of What does "fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value" mean?

    – Tamás Sengel
    Nov 23 '18 at 22:41




Whenever I run my app, it always crashes anywhere it states currentUserID. Not sure why.
I printed the the currentUserID value and its nil.
How can I correct it so it runs my app well. I can share the rest of the code if needed.

import UIKit
import MapKit
import CoreLocation
import Firebase
//import FirebaseDatabase

enum AnnotationType {
case pickup
case destination
case driver

enum ButtonAction {
case requestRide
case getDirectionsToPassenger
case getDirectionToDestination
case startTrip
case endTrip

class HomeVC: UIViewController, Alertable {

@IBOutlet weak var mapView: MKMapView!
@IBOutlet weak var centerMapBtn: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var destinationTextField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var destinationCircle: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var cancelBtn: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var actionBtn: UIButton!

var delegate: CenterVCDelegate?

var manager: CLLocationManager?

let currentUserId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
// "IRD70YtgEyWRpaH8LkkjHZmjXPo1"

var ref: DatabaseReference!

var regionRadius: CLLocationDistance = 1000

var tableView = UITableView()

var matchingItems: [MKMapItem] = [MKMapItem]()

var route: MKRoute!

var selectedItemPlacemark: MKPlacemark? = nil

var actionForButton: ButtonAction = .requestRide

override func viewDidLoad() {

ref = Database.database().reference()
// print(ref.child("users").value(forKey: "users"))


// print(Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid)
// print(currentUserId)

manager = CLLocationManager()
manager?.delegate = self
manager?.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest


mapView.delegate = self
destinationTextField.delegate = self


DataService.instance.REF_DRIVERS.observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in

DataService.instance.passengerIsOnTrip(passengerKey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (isOnTrip, driverKey, tripKey) in
if isOnTrip == true {
self.zoom(toFitAnnotationsFromMapView: self.mapView, forActiveTripWithDriver: true, withKey: driverKey)

cancelBtn.alpha = 0.0
UpdateService.instance.observeTrips { (tripDict) in
if let tripDict = tripDict {
let pickupCoordinateArray = tripDict["pickupCoordinate"] as! NSArray
let tripKey = tripDict["passengerKey"] as! String
let acceptanceStatus = tripDict["tripIsAccepted"] as! Bool

if acceptanceStatus == false {
//Broadcast to all driver
DataService.instance.driverIsAvailable(key: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (available) in
//check for errors
if let available = available {
if available == true {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: Bundle.main)
let pickupVC = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "PickupVC") as? PickupVC
pickupVC?.initData(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: pickupCoordinateArray[0] as! CLLocationDegrees, longitude: pickupCoordinateArray[1] as! CLLocationDegrees), passengerKey: tripKey)
self.present(pickupVC!, animated: true, completion: nil)



override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
if self.currentUserId == nil {
DataService.instance.userIsDriver(userKey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (status) in
if status == true {
self.buttonsForDriver(areHidden: true)

DataService.instance.REF_TRIPS.observe(.childRemoved, with: { (removedTripSnapshot) in
let removedTripDict = removedTripSnapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject]
if removedTripDict?["driverKey"] != nil {
DataService.instance.REF_DRIVERS.child(removedTripDict?["driverKey"] as! String).updateChildValues(["driverIsOnTrip": false])
DataService.instance.userIsDriver(userKey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (isDriver) in
if isDriver == true {
// Remove Overlays and annotation and hide request ride and cancel button
self.removeOverlaysAndAnnotations(forDrivers: false, forPassengers: true)
} else {
self.cancelBtn.fadeTo(alphaValue: 0.0, withDuration: 0.2)
self.destinationTextField.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
self.destinationTextField.text = ""

// Remove all map annotation and overlays
self.removeOverlaysAndAnnotations(forDrivers: false, forPassengers: true)
DataService.instance.driverIsOnTrip(driverkey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (isOnTrip, driverKey, tripKey) in
if isOnTrip == true {
DataService.instance.REF_TRIPS.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (tripSnapshot) in
if let tripSnapshot = tripSnapshot.children.allObjects as? [DataSnapshot] {
for trip in tripSnapshot {
if trip.childSnapshot(forPath: "driverKey").value as? String == self.currentUserId! {
let pickupCoordinateArray = trip.childSnapshot(forPath: "pickupCoordinate").value as! NSArray
let pickupCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: pickupCoordinateArray[0] as! CLLocationDegrees, longitude: pickupCoordinateArray[1] as! CLLocationDegrees)
let pickupPlacemark = MKPlacemark(coordinate: pickupCoordinate)
self.dropPinFor(placemark: pickupPlacemark)
self.searchMapKitForResultsWithPolyline(forOriginMapItem: nil, withDestinationMapItem: MKMapItem(placemark: pickupPlacemark))
self.setCustomRegion(forAnnotationType: .pickup, withCoordinate: pickupCoordinate)

self.actionForButton = .getDirectionsToPassenger
self.actionBtn.setTitle("GET DIRECTION", for: .normal)

// Fade in the action button
self.buttonsForDriver(areHidden: false)


share|improve this question

Whenever I run my app, it always crashes anywhere it states currentUserID. Not sure why.
I printed the the currentUserID value and its nil.
How can I correct it so it runs my app well. I can share the rest of the code if needed.

import UIKit
import MapKit
import CoreLocation
import Firebase
//import FirebaseDatabase

enum AnnotationType {
case pickup
case destination
case driver

enum ButtonAction {
case requestRide
case getDirectionsToPassenger
case getDirectionToDestination
case startTrip
case endTrip

class HomeVC: UIViewController, Alertable {

@IBOutlet weak var mapView: MKMapView!
@IBOutlet weak var centerMapBtn: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var destinationTextField: UITextField!
@IBOutlet weak var destinationCircle: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var cancelBtn: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var actionBtn: UIButton!

var delegate: CenterVCDelegate?

var manager: CLLocationManager?

let currentUserId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
// "IRD70YtgEyWRpaH8LkkjHZmjXPo1"

var ref: DatabaseReference!

var regionRadius: CLLocationDistance = 1000

var tableView = UITableView()

var matchingItems: [MKMapItem] = [MKMapItem]()

var route: MKRoute!

var selectedItemPlacemark: MKPlacemark? = nil

var actionForButton: ButtonAction = .requestRide

override func viewDidLoad() {

ref = Database.database().reference()
// print(ref.child("users").value(forKey: "users"))


// print(Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid)
// print(currentUserId)

manager = CLLocationManager()
manager?.delegate = self
manager?.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest


mapView.delegate = self
destinationTextField.delegate = self


DataService.instance.REF_DRIVERS.observe(.value, with: { (snapshot) in

DataService.instance.passengerIsOnTrip(passengerKey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (isOnTrip, driverKey, tripKey) in
if isOnTrip == true {
self.zoom(toFitAnnotationsFromMapView: self.mapView, forActiveTripWithDriver: true, withKey: driverKey)

cancelBtn.alpha = 0.0
UpdateService.instance.observeTrips { (tripDict) in
if let tripDict = tripDict {
let pickupCoordinateArray = tripDict["pickupCoordinate"] as! NSArray
let tripKey = tripDict["passengerKey"] as! String
let acceptanceStatus = tripDict["tripIsAccepted"] as! Bool

if acceptanceStatus == false {
//Broadcast to all driver
DataService.instance.driverIsAvailable(key: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (available) in
//check for errors
if let available = available {
if available == true {
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: Bundle.main)
let pickupVC = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "PickupVC") as? PickupVC
pickupVC?.initData(coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: pickupCoordinateArray[0] as! CLLocationDegrees, longitude: pickupCoordinateArray[1] as! CLLocationDegrees), passengerKey: tripKey)
self.present(pickupVC!, animated: true, completion: nil)



override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
if self.currentUserId == nil {
DataService.instance.userIsDriver(userKey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (status) in
if status == true {
self.buttonsForDriver(areHidden: true)

DataService.instance.REF_TRIPS.observe(.childRemoved, with: { (removedTripSnapshot) in
let removedTripDict = removedTripSnapshot.value as? [String: AnyObject]
if removedTripDict?["driverKey"] != nil {
DataService.instance.REF_DRIVERS.child(removedTripDict?["driverKey"] as! String).updateChildValues(["driverIsOnTrip": false])
DataService.instance.userIsDriver(userKey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (isDriver) in
if isDriver == true {
// Remove Overlays and annotation and hide request ride and cancel button
self.removeOverlaysAndAnnotations(forDrivers: false, forPassengers: true)
} else {
self.cancelBtn.fadeTo(alphaValue: 0.0, withDuration: 0.2)
self.destinationTextField.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
self.destinationTextField.text = ""

// Remove all map annotation and overlays
self.removeOverlaysAndAnnotations(forDrivers: false, forPassengers: true)
DataService.instance.driverIsOnTrip(driverkey: self.currentUserId!, handler: { (isOnTrip, driverKey, tripKey) in
if isOnTrip == true {
DataService.instance.REF_TRIPS.observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: { (tripSnapshot) in
if let tripSnapshot = tripSnapshot.children.allObjects as? [DataSnapshot] {
for trip in tripSnapshot {
if trip.childSnapshot(forPath: "driverKey").value as? String == self.currentUserId! {
let pickupCoordinateArray = trip.childSnapshot(forPath: "pickupCoordinate").value as! NSArray
let pickupCoordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: pickupCoordinateArray[0] as! CLLocationDegrees, longitude: pickupCoordinateArray[1] as! CLLocationDegrees)
let pickupPlacemark = MKPlacemark(coordinate: pickupCoordinate)
self.dropPinFor(placemark: pickupPlacemark)
self.searchMapKitForResultsWithPolyline(forOriginMapItem: nil, withDestinationMapItem: MKMapItem(placemark: pickupPlacemark))
self.setCustomRegion(forAnnotationType: .pickup, withCoordinate: pickupCoordinate)

self.actionForButton = .getDirectionsToPassenger
self.actionBtn.setTitle("GET DIRECTION", for: .normal)

// Fade in the action button
self.buttonsForDriver(areHidden: false)


ios swift firebase mobile

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Nov 23 '18 at 5:34

Rajesh Pandya



asked Nov 23 '18 at 4:30

Wise OsagieWise Osagie



  • for all the forced(!) variables you have something is nil. Review DatabaseReference for example.

    – Alex Bailey
    Nov 23 '18 at 4:39

  • If you place a breakpoint at the start of viewDidLoad, what is the value of "currentUserId"?

    – David Rees
    Nov 23 '18 at 4:52

  • when you call auth may be chances HomeVC is called before authentication and you got currentUserId nil

    – Jatin Kathrotiya
    Nov 23 '18 at 4:57

  • Use Exception Breakpoint and you will come to which variable getting nil value

    – Manish Mahajan
    Nov 23 '18 at 5:30

  • Possible duplicate of What does "fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value" mean?

    – Tamás Sengel
    Nov 23 '18 at 22:41

  • for all the forced(!) variables you have something is nil. Review DatabaseReference for example.

    – Alex Bailey
    Nov 23 '18 at 4:39

  • If you place a breakpoint at the start of viewDidLoad, what is the value of "currentUserId"?

    – David Rees
    Nov 23 '18 at 4:52

  • when you call auth may be chances HomeVC is called before authentication and you got currentUserId nil

    – Jatin Kathrotiya
    Nov 23 '18 at 4:57

  • Use Exception Breakpoint and you will come to which variable getting nil value

    – Manish Mahajan
    Nov 23 '18 at 5:30

  • Possible duplicate of What does "fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value" mean?

    – Tamás Sengel
    Nov 23 '18 at 22:41

for all the forced(!) variables you have something is nil. Review DatabaseReference for example.

– Alex Bailey
Nov 23 '18 at 4:39

for all the forced(!) variables you have something is nil. Review DatabaseReference for example.

– Alex Bailey
Nov 23 '18 at 4:39

If you place a breakpoint at the start of viewDidLoad, what is the value of "currentUserId"?

– David Rees
Nov 23 '18 at 4:52

If you place a breakpoint at the start of viewDidLoad, what is the value of "currentUserId"?

– David Rees
Nov 23 '18 at 4:52

when you call auth may be chances HomeVC is called before authentication and you got currentUserId nil

– Jatin Kathrotiya
Nov 23 '18 at 4:57

when you call auth may be chances HomeVC is called before authentication and you got currentUserId nil

– Jatin Kathrotiya
Nov 23 '18 at 4:57

Use Exception Breakpoint and you will come to which variable getting nil value

– Manish Mahajan
Nov 23 '18 at 5:30

Use Exception Breakpoint and you will come to which variable getting nil value

– Manish Mahajan
Nov 23 '18 at 5:30

Possible duplicate of What does "fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value" mean?

– Tamás Sengel
Nov 23 '18 at 22:41

Possible duplicate of What does "fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value" mean?

– Tamás Sengel
Nov 23 '18 at 22:41

1 Answer





There are a few issues that should be addressed and then a core issue.

The first thing is that Auth.auth().currentUser? is an optional - meaning that it could have a value or could be nil. Doing this..

let currentUserId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid

is telling your code that no matter if its got a value or nil, attempt to assign the .uid to currentUserId.

Protect your code by safely unwrapping options

guard let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser else {return}
//now you can access currentUser as it won't be nil


if let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser {
print("user is authenticated and currentUser is not nil")
} else {
print("not authenticated")

Now the core of the issue is, as far as I can see, you're not authenticating the user at all and that needs to happen prior to accessing Auth.auth().currentUser

Here's a complete authentication function with error handling

func authUser(user: String, pw: String) {
Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: user, password: pw, completion: { (auth, error) in
if let x = error {
let err = x as NSError
switch err.code {
case AuthErrorCode.wrongPassword.rawValue:
print("wrong password")
case AuthErrorCode.invalidEmail.rawValue:
print("invalued email")
print("unknown error")
} else {
if let user = auth?.user { //note; safely unwrap optional
print("uid: (user.uid)")

share|improve this answer

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    There are a few issues that should be addressed and then a core issue.

    The first thing is that Auth.auth().currentUser? is an optional - meaning that it could have a value or could be nil. Doing this..

    let currentUserId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid

    is telling your code that no matter if its got a value or nil, attempt to assign the .uid to currentUserId.

    Protect your code by safely unwrapping options

    guard let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser else {return}
    //now you can access currentUser as it won't be nil


    if let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser {
    print("user is authenticated and currentUser is not nil")
    } else {
    print("not authenticated")

    Now the core of the issue is, as far as I can see, you're not authenticating the user at all and that needs to happen prior to accessing Auth.auth().currentUser

    Here's a complete authentication function with error handling

    func authUser(user: String, pw: String) {
    Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: user, password: pw, completion: { (auth, error) in
    if let x = error {
    let err = x as NSError
    switch err.code {
    case AuthErrorCode.wrongPassword.rawValue:
    print("wrong password")
    case AuthErrorCode.invalidEmail.rawValue:
    print("invalued email")
    print("unknown error")
    } else {
    if let user = auth?.user { //note; safely unwrap optional
    print("uid: (user.uid)")

    share|improve this answer


      There are a few issues that should be addressed and then a core issue.

      The first thing is that Auth.auth().currentUser? is an optional - meaning that it could have a value or could be nil. Doing this..

      let currentUserId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid

      is telling your code that no matter if its got a value or nil, attempt to assign the .uid to currentUserId.

      Protect your code by safely unwrapping options

      guard let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser else {return}
      //now you can access currentUser as it won't be nil


      if let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser {
      print("user is authenticated and currentUser is not nil")
      } else {
      print("not authenticated")

      Now the core of the issue is, as far as I can see, you're not authenticating the user at all and that needs to happen prior to accessing Auth.auth().currentUser

      Here's a complete authentication function with error handling

      func authUser(user: String, pw: String) {
      Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: user, password: pw, completion: { (auth, error) in
      if let x = error {
      let err = x as NSError
      switch err.code {
      case AuthErrorCode.wrongPassword.rawValue:
      print("wrong password")
      case AuthErrorCode.invalidEmail.rawValue:
      print("invalued email")
      print("unknown error")
      } else {
      if let user = auth?.user { //note; safely unwrap optional
      print("uid: (user.uid)")

      share|improve this answer




        There are a few issues that should be addressed and then a core issue.

        The first thing is that Auth.auth().currentUser? is an optional - meaning that it could have a value or could be nil. Doing this..

        let currentUserId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid

        is telling your code that no matter if its got a value or nil, attempt to assign the .uid to currentUserId.

        Protect your code by safely unwrapping options

        guard let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser else {return}
        //now you can access currentUser as it won't be nil


        if let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser {
        print("user is authenticated and currentUser is not nil")
        } else {
        print("not authenticated")

        Now the core of the issue is, as far as I can see, you're not authenticating the user at all and that needs to happen prior to accessing Auth.auth().currentUser

        Here's a complete authentication function with error handling

        func authUser(user: String, pw: String) {
        Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: user, password: pw, completion: { (auth, error) in
        if let x = error {
        let err = x as NSError
        switch err.code {
        case AuthErrorCode.wrongPassword.rawValue:
        print("wrong password")
        case AuthErrorCode.invalidEmail.rawValue:
        print("invalued email")
        print("unknown error")
        } else {
        if let user = auth?.user { //note; safely unwrap optional
        print("uid: (user.uid)")

        share|improve this answer

        There are a few issues that should be addressed and then a core issue.

        The first thing is that Auth.auth().currentUser? is an optional - meaning that it could have a value or could be nil. Doing this..

        let currentUserId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid

        is telling your code that no matter if its got a value or nil, attempt to assign the .uid to currentUserId.

        Protect your code by safely unwrapping options

        guard let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser else {return}
        //now you can access currentUser as it won't be nil


        if let currentUser = Auth.auth().currentUser {
        print("user is authenticated and currentUser is not nil")
        } else {
        print("not authenticated")

        Now the core of the issue is, as far as I can see, you're not authenticating the user at all and that needs to happen prior to accessing Auth.auth().currentUser

        Here's a complete authentication function with error handling

        func authUser(user: String, pw: String) {
        Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: user, password: pw, completion: { (auth, error) in
        if let x = error {
        let err = x as NSError
        switch err.code {
        case AuthErrorCode.wrongPassword.rawValue:
        print("wrong password")
        case AuthErrorCode.invalidEmail.rawValue:
        print("invalued email")
        print("unknown error")
        } else {
        if let user = auth?.user { //note; safely unwrap optional
        print("uid: (user.uid)")

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Nov 24 '18 at 14:03




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