Remove space between chapter breaks in List of Figures and List of Tables


Am fightning for space in my thesis ;)

Have already been able to remove vertical space between chapter breaks in TOC, but trying to do the same thing with LoF and LoT

At present I am using the tocloft package. Using many of the custom spacings in that package I managed to play around with the TOC to my liking

However am not having the same success with the LoF and LoT. Found a bunch of solutions on this stack exchange that worked for other people but so far haven't worked for me.

Here's the preamble that I am using right now:
(note there are a couple things commented out, because I thought they did nothing when I had the commands)

documentclass[10pt, letterpaper, oneside]{book}


% ####################### PACKAGES TO USE
usepackage{amsmath} % for equation labelling
usepackage{amssymb} % for more fancy math symbols
usepackage[font=footnotesize, labelfont=bf]{caption} % make captions smaller text and make them BOLD
usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} % for colOUred text (stupid american spelling...)
usepackage{enumitem} % to control some lengths in itemized lists
usepackage{etoolbox} % various hacks, spacing stuff included
usepackage{fancyhdr} % for headers on each page (and customization of them)
usepackage[top=1 in, bottom=1 in, left=1 in, right=1 in]{geometry} % edit individual margins
usepackage{graphicx} % for figures in general
usepackage{hyperref} % for "clickable" links to figures/refs/(etc.)
usepackage{lastpage} % for page __ of __
usepackage{multicol} % for multiple column environments (in equations and tables)
usepackage{multirow} % for multiple row environments (in equations and tables)
usepackage{mdwlist} % tighter packed bulleted lists
usepackage[sort&compress,numbers]{natbib} % for getting rid of extra space in references section
usepackage{setspace} % for line spacing between lines and also for bibliography
usepackage{siunitx} % for scientific units (add [scientific-notation=true] for scientific notation always)
usepackage{tabularx} % to try and get variable-spacing columns
usepackage{tabu} % for some fancy table stuff (now with like thicker lines!!)
usepackage{titlesec} % for some heading customization (use [compact] option to get rid of white space after section headings)
usepackage{tocloft} % some TOC customization
usepackage{arydshln} % provides dashed lines in tables and arrays

titleformat{chapter}[display] {normalfonthugebfseries}{chaptertitlename thechapter}{10pt}{huge}

% TOC/LOF/LOT spacing changes (uses tocloft package)
setlength{cftbeforechapskip}{0.5 em} % space between chapters in TOC only
setlength{cftbeforetoctitleskip}{-1em} % space before the TOC title
setlength{cftaftertoctitleskip}{2em} % space after TOC title

%setlength{cftbeforefigskip}{0.5 em}
setlength{cftbeforeloftitleskip}{-1 em} % space before the LoF title
setlength{cftafterloftitleskip}{2 em} % space after the LoF title

setlength{cftbeforelottitleskip}{-1 em} % space before the LoT title
setlength{cftafterlottitleskip}{2 em} % space after the LoT title

% patchcmd{<cmd>}{<search>}{<replace>}{<succes>}{<failure>}
patchcmd{@chapter}{addtocontents{lof}{protectaddvspace{10p@}}}{}{}{}% LoF
%patchcmd{@chapter}{addtocontents{lot}{protectaddvspace{2p@}}}{}{}{}% LoT

setlength{parindent}{2.5em} % first line indent size

{./img/chapter3and4/} % chapters 3 and 4 were once one chapter

colorlinks = true,
citecolor = black,
linkcolor = blue, % link colour for figure, equation, + table refs
urlcolor = black, % link colour for websites (mainly in citations)

patchcmd{@chapter}{addtocontents{lof}{protectaddvspace{10p@}}}{}{}{}% LoF
if@fileswimmediatewritecsname #1endcsname{stringcitation{@citeb}}fi}%

renewcommandchaptermark[1]{markboth{textsc{Chapter thechapter: #1}}{}}
renewcommandheadrulewidth{0pt}% suppress the header rule

renewcommand{bibname}{References} % ("biblography" is kinda boring)
renewcommand{contentsname}{Table of Contents}

share|improve this question


    Am fightning for space in my thesis ;)

    Have already been able to remove vertical space between chapter breaks in TOC, but trying to do the same thing with LoF and LoT

    At present I am using the tocloft package. Using many of the custom spacings in that package I managed to play around with the TOC to my liking

    However am not having the same success with the LoF and LoT. Found a bunch of solutions on this stack exchange that worked for other people but so far haven't worked for me.

    Here's the preamble that I am using right now:
    (note there are a couple things commented out, because I thought they did nothing when I had the commands)

    documentclass[10pt, letterpaper, oneside]{book}


    % ####################### PACKAGES TO USE
    usepackage{amsmath} % for equation labelling
    usepackage{amssymb} % for more fancy math symbols
    usepackage[font=footnotesize, labelfont=bf]{caption} % make captions smaller text and make them BOLD
    usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} % for colOUred text (stupid american spelling...)
    usepackage{enumitem} % to control some lengths in itemized lists
    usepackage{etoolbox} % various hacks, spacing stuff included
    usepackage{fancyhdr} % for headers on each page (and customization of them)
    usepackage[top=1 in, bottom=1 in, left=1 in, right=1 in]{geometry} % edit individual margins
    usepackage{graphicx} % for figures in general
    usepackage{hyperref} % for "clickable" links to figures/refs/(etc.)
    usepackage{lastpage} % for page __ of __
    usepackage{multicol} % for multiple column environments (in equations and tables)
    usepackage{multirow} % for multiple row environments (in equations and tables)
    usepackage{mdwlist} % tighter packed bulleted lists
    usepackage[sort&compress,numbers]{natbib} % for getting rid of extra space in references section
    usepackage{setspace} % for line spacing between lines and also for bibliography
    usepackage{siunitx} % for scientific units (add [scientific-notation=true] for scientific notation always)
    usepackage{tabularx} % to try and get variable-spacing columns
    usepackage{tabu} % for some fancy table stuff (now with like thicker lines!!)
    usepackage{titlesec} % for some heading customization (use [compact] option to get rid of white space after section headings)
    usepackage{tocloft} % some TOC customization
    usepackage{arydshln} % provides dashed lines in tables and arrays

    titleformat{chapter}[display] {normalfonthugebfseries}{chaptertitlename thechapter}{10pt}{huge}

    % TOC/LOF/LOT spacing changes (uses tocloft package)
    setlength{cftbeforechapskip}{0.5 em} % space between chapters in TOC only
    setlength{cftbeforetoctitleskip}{-1em} % space before the TOC title
    setlength{cftaftertoctitleskip}{2em} % space after TOC title

    %setlength{cftbeforefigskip}{0.5 em}
    setlength{cftbeforeloftitleskip}{-1 em} % space before the LoF title
    setlength{cftafterloftitleskip}{2 em} % space after the LoF title

    setlength{cftbeforelottitleskip}{-1 em} % space before the LoT title
    setlength{cftafterlottitleskip}{2 em} % space after the LoT title

    % patchcmd{<cmd>}{<search>}{<replace>}{<succes>}{<failure>}
    patchcmd{@chapter}{addtocontents{lof}{protectaddvspace{10p@}}}{}{}{}% LoF
    %patchcmd{@chapter}{addtocontents{lot}{protectaddvspace{2p@}}}{}{}{}% LoT

    setlength{parindent}{2.5em} % first line indent size

    {./img/chapter3and4/} % chapters 3 and 4 were once one chapter

    colorlinks = true,
    citecolor = black,
    linkcolor = blue, % link colour for figure, equation, + table refs
    urlcolor = black, % link colour for websites (mainly in citations)

    patchcmd{@chapter}{addtocontents{lof}{protectaddvspace{10p@}}}{}{}{}% LoF
    if@fileswimmediatewritecsname #1endcsname{stringcitation{@citeb}}fi}%

    renewcommandchaptermark[1]{markboth{textsc{Chapter thechapter: #1}}{}}
    renewcommandheadrulewidth{0pt}% suppress the header rule

    renewcommand{bibname}{References} % ("biblography" is kinda boring)
    renewcommand{contentsname}{Table of Contents}

    share|improve this question




      Am fightning for space in my thesis ;)

      Have already been able to remove vertical space between chapter breaks in TOC, but trying to do the same thing with LoF and LoT

      At present I am using the tocloft package. Using many of the custom spacings in that package I managed to play around with the TOC to my liking

      However am not having the same success with the LoF and LoT. Found a bunch of solutions on this stack exchange that worked for other people but so far haven't worked for me.

      Here's the preamble that I am using right now:
      (note there are a couple things commented out, because I thought they did nothing when I had the commands)

      documentclass[10pt, letterpaper, oneside]{book}


      % ####################### PACKAGES TO USE
      usepackage{amsmath} % for equation labelling
      usepackage{amssymb} % for more fancy math symbols
      usepackage[font=footnotesize, labelfont=bf]{caption} % make captions smaller text and make them BOLD
      usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} % for colOUred text (stupid american spelling...)
      usepackage{enumitem} % to control some lengths in itemized lists
      usepackage{etoolbox} % various hacks, spacing stuff included
      usepackage{fancyhdr} % for headers on each page (and customization of them)
      usepackage[top=1 in, bottom=1 in, left=1 in, right=1 in]{geometry} % edit individual margins
      usepackage{graphicx} % for figures in general
      usepackage{hyperref} % for "clickable" links to figures/refs/(etc.)
      usepackage{lastpage} % for page __ of __
      usepackage{multicol} % for multiple column environments (in equations and tables)
      usepackage{multirow} % for multiple row environments (in equations and tables)
      usepackage{mdwlist} % tighter packed bulleted lists
      usepackage[sort&compress,numbers]{natbib} % for getting rid of extra space in references section
      usepackage{setspace} % for line spacing between lines and also for bibliography
      usepackage{siunitx} % for scientific units (add [scientific-notation=true] for scientific notation always)
      usepackage{tabularx} % to try and get variable-spacing columns
      usepackage{tabu} % for some fancy table stuff (now with like thicker lines!!)
      usepackage{titlesec} % for some heading customization (use [compact] option to get rid of white space after section headings)
      usepackage{tocloft} % some TOC customization
      usepackage{arydshln} % provides dashed lines in tables and arrays

      titleformat{chapter}[display] {normalfonthugebfseries}{chaptertitlename thechapter}{10pt}{huge}

      % TOC/LOF/LOT spacing changes (uses tocloft package)
      setlength{cftbeforechapskip}{0.5 em} % space between chapters in TOC only
      setlength{cftbeforetoctitleskip}{-1em} % space before the TOC title
      setlength{cftaftertoctitleskip}{2em} % space after TOC title

      %setlength{cftbeforefigskip}{0.5 em}
      setlength{cftbeforeloftitleskip}{-1 em} % space before the LoF title
      setlength{cftafterloftitleskip}{2 em} % space after the LoF title

      setlength{cftbeforelottitleskip}{-1 em} % space before the LoT title
      setlength{cftafterlottitleskip}{2 em} % space after the LoT title

      % patchcmd{<cmd>}{<search>}{<replace>}{<succes>}{<failure>}
      patchcmd{@chapter}{addtocontents{lof}{protectaddvspace{10p@}}}{}{}{}% LoF
      %patchcmd{@chapter}{addtocontents{lot}{protectaddvspace{2p@}}}{}{}{}% LoT

      setlength{parindent}{2.5em} % first line indent size

      {./img/chapter3and4/} % chapters 3 and 4 were once one chapter

      colorlinks = true,
      citecolor = black,
      linkcolor = blue, % link colour for figure, equation, + table refs
      urlcolor = black, % link colour for websites (mainly in citations)

      patchcmd{@chapter}{addtocontents{lof}{protectaddvspace{10p@}}}{}{}{}% LoF
      if@fileswimmediatewritecsname #1endcsname{stringcitation{@citeb}}fi}%

      renewcommandchaptermark[1]{markboth{textsc{Chapter thechapter: #1}}{}}
      renewcommandheadrulewidth{0pt}% suppress the header rule

      renewcommand{bibname}{References} % ("biblography" is kinda boring)
      renewcommand{contentsname}{Table of Contents}

      share|improve this question

      Am fightning for space in my thesis ;)

      Have already been able to remove vertical space between chapter breaks in TOC, but trying to do the same thing with LoF and LoT

      At present I am using the tocloft package. Using many of the custom spacings in that package I managed to play around with the TOC to my liking

      However am not having the same success with the LoF and LoT. Found a bunch of solutions on this stack exchange that worked for other people but so far haven't worked for me.

      Here's the preamble that I am using right now:
      (note there are a couple things commented out, because I thought they did nothing when I had the commands)

      documentclass[10pt, letterpaper, oneside]{book}


      % ####################### PACKAGES TO USE
      usepackage{amsmath} % for equation labelling
      usepackage{amssymb} % for more fancy math symbols
      usepackage[font=footnotesize, labelfont=bf]{caption} % make captions smaller text and make them BOLD
      usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} % for colOUred text (stupid american spelling...)
      usepackage{enumitem} % to control some lengths in itemized lists
      usepackage{etoolbox} % various hacks, spacing stuff included
      usepackage{fancyhdr} % for headers on each page (and customization of them)
      usepackage[top=1 in, bottom=1 in, left=1 in, right=1 in]{geometry} % edit individual margins
      usepackage{graphicx} % for figures in general
      usepackage{hyperref} % for "clickable" links to figures/refs/(etc.)
      usepackage{lastpage} % for page __ of __
      usepackage{multicol} % for multiple column environments (in equations and tables)
      usepackage{multirow} % for multiple row environments (in equations and tables)
      usepackage{mdwlist} % tighter packed bulleted lists
      usepackage[sort&compress,numbers]{natbib} % for getting rid of extra space in references section
      usepackage{setspace} % for line spacing between lines and also for bibliography
      usepackage{siunitx} % for scientific units (add [scientific-notation=true] for scientific notation always)
      usepackage{tabularx} % to try and get variable-spacing columns
      usepackage{tabu} % for some fancy table stuff (now with like thicker lines!!)
      usepackage{titlesec} % for some heading customization (use [compact] option to get rid of white space after section headings)
      usepackage{tocloft} % some TOC customization
      usepackage{arydshln} % provides dashed lines in tables and arrays

      titleformat{chapter}[display] {normalfonthugebfseries}{chaptertitlename thechapter}{10pt}{huge}

      % TOC/LOF/LOT spacing changes (uses tocloft package)
      setlength{cftbeforechapskip}{0.5 em} % space between chapters in TOC only
      setlength{cftbeforetoctitleskip}{-1em} % space before the TOC title
      setlength{cftaftertoctitleskip}{2em} % space after TOC title

      %setlength{cftbeforefigskip}{0.5 em}
      setlength{cftbeforeloftitleskip}{-1 em} % space before the LoF title
      setlength{cftafterloftitleskip}{2 em} % space after the LoF title

      setlength{cftbeforelottitleskip}{-1 em} % space before the LoT title
      setlength{cftafterlottitleskip}{2 em} % space after the LoT title

      % patchcmd{<cmd>}{<search>}{<replace>}{<succes>}{<failure>}
      patchcmd{@chapter}{addtocontents{lof}{protectaddvspace{10p@}}}{}{}{}% LoF
      %patchcmd{@chapter}{addtocontents{lot}{protectaddvspace{2p@}}}{}{}{}% LoT

      setlength{parindent}{2.5em} % first line indent size

      {./img/chapter3and4/} % chapters 3 and 4 were once one chapter

      colorlinks = true,
      citecolor = black,
      linkcolor = blue, % link colour for figure, equation, + table refs
      urlcolor = black, % link colour for websites (mainly in citations)

      patchcmd{@chapter}{addtocontents{lof}{protectaddvspace{10p@}}}{}{}{}% LoF
      if@fileswimmediatewritecsname #1endcsname{stringcitation{@citeb}}fi}%

      renewcommandchaptermark[1]{markboth{textsc{Chapter thechapter: #1}}{}}
      renewcommandheadrulewidth{0pt}% suppress the header rule

      renewcommand{bibname}{References} % ("biblography" is kinda boring)
      renewcommand{contentsname}{Table of Contents}

      spacing table-of-contents front-matter

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Oct 13 '18 at 17:34




          1 Answer





          If you would use the memoir (covers the book class) class instead of book then the answer is simple. In the preamble put:


          which revises the chapter macro to put no additional spaces into the LOF and ToC.

          In your MWE you have a line along the lines of


          Why do you have two copies of this?

          Perhaps if you changed this to ...addvspace{0p@}... like


          you would get what you want in the LoF.

          For the ToC a similar macro, replacing {lof} by {lot}.

          share|improve this answer

          • Hey! Sorry could you elaborate on that 2nd solution? Didn't get what you meant by that command.
            – bsquared
            Oct 13 '18 at 20:47

          • @bsquared I have edited my answer to make it clearer
            – Peter Wilson
            Oct 14 '18 at 17:35

          • Hmm I tried your suggestion and it didn't work out the way it was expected to. Also changing the thing to memoir brought about additional issues. I did manage to shave a couple pages off by reducing font size of the LoF/LoT sections. Maybe for next draft I'll play around with memoir class.
            – bsquared
            Oct 16 '18 at 15:43

          • @bsquared I suggest you revise/minimise your MWE. (I didn't understand what you were trying to achieve.) Remove all duplicate code, remove all commented code, remove all packages that are not relevant to setting the LoF and ToC. Add in example text (between begin{document} and end{document}. Then try again with another question perhaps.
            – Peter Wilson
            Oct 16 '18 at 18:19

          Your Answer

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer











          If you would use the memoir (covers the book class) class instead of book then the answer is simple. In the preamble put:


          which revises the chapter macro to put no additional spaces into the LOF and ToC.

          In your MWE you have a line along the lines of


          Why do you have two copies of this?

          Perhaps if you changed this to ...addvspace{0p@}... like


          you would get what you want in the LoF.

          For the ToC a similar macro, replacing {lof} by {lot}.

          share|improve this answer

          • Hey! Sorry could you elaborate on that 2nd solution? Didn't get what you meant by that command.
            – bsquared
            Oct 13 '18 at 20:47

          • @bsquared I have edited my answer to make it clearer
            – Peter Wilson
            Oct 14 '18 at 17:35

          • Hmm I tried your suggestion and it didn't work out the way it was expected to. Also changing the thing to memoir brought about additional issues. I did manage to shave a couple pages off by reducing font size of the LoF/LoT sections. Maybe for next draft I'll play around with memoir class.
            – bsquared
            Oct 16 '18 at 15:43

          • @bsquared I suggest you revise/minimise your MWE. (I didn't understand what you were trying to achieve.) Remove all duplicate code, remove all commented code, remove all packages that are not relevant to setting the LoF and ToC. Add in example text (between begin{document} and end{document}. Then try again with another question perhaps.
            – Peter Wilson
            Oct 16 '18 at 18:19


          If you would use the memoir (covers the book class) class instead of book then the answer is simple. In the preamble put:


          which revises the chapter macro to put no additional spaces into the LOF and ToC.

          In your MWE you have a line along the lines of


          Why do you have two copies of this?

          Perhaps if you changed this to ...addvspace{0p@}... like


          you would get what you want in the LoF.

          For the ToC a similar macro, replacing {lof} by {lot}.

          share|improve this answer

          • Hey! Sorry could you elaborate on that 2nd solution? Didn't get what you meant by that command.
            – bsquared
            Oct 13 '18 at 20:47

          • @bsquared I have edited my answer to make it clearer
            – Peter Wilson
            Oct 14 '18 at 17:35

          • Hmm I tried your suggestion and it didn't work out the way it was expected to. Also changing the thing to memoir brought about additional issues. I did manage to shave a couple pages off by reducing font size of the LoF/LoT sections. Maybe for next draft I'll play around with memoir class.
            – bsquared
            Oct 16 '18 at 15:43

          • @bsquared I suggest you revise/minimise your MWE. (I didn't understand what you were trying to achieve.) Remove all duplicate code, remove all commented code, remove all packages that are not relevant to setting the LoF and ToC. Add in example text (between begin{document} and end{document}. Then try again with another question perhaps.
            – Peter Wilson
            Oct 16 '18 at 18:19




          If you would use the memoir (covers the book class) class instead of book then the answer is simple. In the preamble put:


          which revises the chapter macro to put no additional spaces into the LOF and ToC.

          In your MWE you have a line along the lines of


          Why do you have two copies of this?

          Perhaps if you changed this to ...addvspace{0p@}... like


          you would get what you want in the LoF.

          For the ToC a similar macro, replacing {lof} by {lot}.

          share|improve this answer

          If you would use the memoir (covers the book class) class instead of book then the answer is simple. In the preamble put:


          which revises the chapter macro to put no additional spaces into the LOF and ToC.

          In your MWE you have a line along the lines of


          Why do you have two copies of this?

          Perhaps if you changed this to ...addvspace{0p@}... like


          you would get what you want in the LoF.

          For the ToC a similar macro, replacing {lof} by {lot}.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Oct 14 '18 at 17:44

          answered Oct 13 '18 at 19:40

          Peter Wilson



          • Hey! Sorry could you elaborate on that 2nd solution? Didn't get what you meant by that command.
            – bsquared
            Oct 13 '18 at 20:47

          • @bsquared I have edited my answer to make it clearer
            – Peter Wilson
            Oct 14 '18 at 17:35

          • Hmm I tried your suggestion and it didn't work out the way it was expected to. Also changing the thing to memoir brought about additional issues. I did manage to shave a couple pages off by reducing font size of the LoF/LoT sections. Maybe for next draft I'll play around with memoir class.
            – bsquared
            Oct 16 '18 at 15:43

          • @bsquared I suggest you revise/minimise your MWE. (I didn't understand what you were trying to achieve.) Remove all duplicate code, remove all commented code, remove all packages that are not relevant to setting the LoF and ToC. Add in example text (between begin{document} and end{document}. Then try again with another question perhaps.
            – Peter Wilson
            Oct 16 '18 at 18:19

          • Hey! Sorry could you elaborate on that 2nd solution? Didn't get what you meant by that command.
            – bsquared
            Oct 13 '18 at 20:47

          • @bsquared I have edited my answer to make it clearer
            – Peter Wilson
            Oct 14 '18 at 17:35

          • Hmm I tried your suggestion and it didn't work out the way it was expected to. Also changing the thing to memoir brought about additional issues. I did manage to shave a couple pages off by reducing font size of the LoF/LoT sections. Maybe for next draft I'll play around with memoir class.
            – bsquared
            Oct 16 '18 at 15:43

          • @bsquared I suggest you revise/minimise your MWE. (I didn't understand what you were trying to achieve.) Remove all duplicate code, remove all commented code, remove all packages that are not relevant to setting the LoF and ToC. Add in example text (between begin{document} and end{document}. Then try again with another question perhaps.
            – Peter Wilson
            Oct 16 '18 at 18:19

          Hey! Sorry could you elaborate on that 2nd solution? Didn't get what you meant by that command.
          – bsquared
          Oct 13 '18 at 20:47

          Hey! Sorry could you elaborate on that 2nd solution? Didn't get what you meant by that command.
          – bsquared
          Oct 13 '18 at 20:47

          @bsquared I have edited my answer to make it clearer
          – Peter Wilson
          Oct 14 '18 at 17:35

          @bsquared I have edited my answer to make it clearer
          – Peter Wilson
          Oct 14 '18 at 17:35

          Hmm I tried your suggestion and it didn't work out the way it was expected to. Also changing the thing to memoir brought about additional issues. I did manage to shave a couple pages off by reducing font size of the LoF/LoT sections. Maybe for next draft I'll play around with memoir class.
          – bsquared
          Oct 16 '18 at 15:43

          Hmm I tried your suggestion and it didn't work out the way it was expected to. Also changing the thing to memoir brought about additional issues. I did manage to shave a couple pages off by reducing font size of the LoF/LoT sections. Maybe for next draft I'll play around with memoir class.
          – bsquared
          Oct 16 '18 at 15:43

          @bsquared I suggest you revise/minimise your MWE. (I didn't understand what you were trying to achieve.) Remove all duplicate code, remove all commented code, remove all packages that are not relevant to setting the LoF and ToC. Add in example text (between begin{document} and end{document}. Then try again with another question perhaps.
          – Peter Wilson
          Oct 16 '18 at 18:19

          @bsquared I suggest you revise/minimise your MWE. (I didn't understand what you were trying to achieve.) Remove all duplicate code, remove all commented code, remove all packages that are not relevant to setting the LoF and ToC. Add in example text (between begin{document} and end{document}. Then try again with another question perhaps.
          – Peter Wilson
          Oct 16 '18 at 18:19

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          draft discarded

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