
Showing posts from November 29, 2018

Inverse fourier transform for function with three variables

up vote 0 down vote favorite I'm following a textbook in which they introduce $V_{p,q}(omega,tau,z)= frac{1}{2pi} int e^{-ih(tau-(p+q)z/c)}U_{p,q}(omega,h,z)dh$ where $p$ and $q$ are integers. How do I find an expression for $U_{p,q}$ ? fourier-transform share | cite | improve this question asked Nov 15 at 14:18 kroneckerdel69 8 5 add a comment  |  up vote 0

left rule affected if change courier font to other font

up vote 0 down vote favorite My code are follows: documentclass{book} usepackage{fontspec} defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX} usepackage{unicode-math}% setmonofont[Path = ./Fonts/ , UprightFont= Iosevka ,]{Iosevka} usepackage{textcomp,xcolor,MNsymbol} usepackage{listings} lstdefinestyle{mypyscriptstyle}{% upquote=true, language=Python, % Basic style basicstyle=ttfamilysmall, commentstyle=ttfootnotesize, %rmfamily stringstyle=ttfamilyslshapesmall,%amd remove slshape, add upquote=true % Line numbers %numbers=left, %numberstyle=footnotesize, %numbersep=1em, %stepnumber=3, % Margins and box framextopmargin=2em, framexbottommargin=2em, frame=l, backgroundcolor=color{black!10}, xleftmargin=1em, tabsize=4, % Show spaces showspaces=false, showtabs=false, showstringspaces=false, columns=fullflexible, b